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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


I m sorry English is not my first language did I say something stupid?:D

Nope, totally get where you've coming from. Thought U2 was boring and linear mainly because of what another member said, hide behind cover for 10 min. This game however gave you controlled freedom, better setpieces, and more adventure... y'know, because it's an adventure and not mainly shooter.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I've had about enough of the defence force cries of 'hyperbole' in regards to discussing this games flaws (and any other games flaws i guess, its become the de facto call to arms), or accusations of 'selective memory', so you're going to get the brunt of it for mixing them into a cocktail of postage.

The controls were 'broken' because I literally couldn't aim at a 45 degree's angle when pressing that same direction on the pad. If you couldnt jump diagonally forward in a 2d platformer, you'd call that shit broken, same scenario here. Now they are fixed, although their actual design decisions for slower and stickier reticule movement remain for better or worse. Anyone saying they wanted to aim at a 15 degree angle when they pressed to 45 is spouting bullshit plain and simple.

And yeah, combat design in this game is a fall from U2's grace. Enemys don't react to bullets until they die, wide fairly featureless rooms are filled with mooks perhaps hoping for emergent gameplay on how you tackle them while U2's level design often carefully guided you to opportunities to tackle stuff. Having to find specific weapons on the map before you can progress at various points is clumsily done unlike in U2 where if you needed something you were given very vocal instructions on where to find it, not engage in a "where the fuck IS the rpg then" hunt. Theyve put more focus on their kinda clumsy melee system so often the game is suggesting you fuck off guns altogether and play the same tired melee routines to off enemies faster. Bullet sponges dont react to grenades going off at their fucking feet, and loads of stuff in that area of design.

Game just isn't as well designed as 2 was. I've yet to finish, so maybe the game will wow me with a fucking spectacularly solid sequence like the Tank versus Village in U2, but I've already seen the games take on 2 previous U2 sequences to sloppier results (
Sandstorm versus Snowstorm, Truck chasing traversal to Horse chasing trucks

If they are indeed making U4, they need to go for one hell of a fresh approach or a real return to form.


And another thing, why all the hate with the story? I always thought story wasn't the uncharted series' strong point anyway, U1 having the best story wise. U2 had this love triangle for the whole game, it wasn't even about the antagonist, which btw was the most bland character I could remember in recent history. This love triangle that everyone eats up was extremely forced and no real need for it in the game imo. I thought the tone in U3 was welcome.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
The story is definitely better in U3. Thats definitely one area of improvement I can agree upon, as well as the stunning improvements in the lighting engine.


UC2's enemies also barely react to bullets. UC1 is the one where it was awesome. But of course, since that the was the age when everyone shat on everything regarding the PS3, people complained about it, cuz "it made me harder to hit them thar enemies" and/or "they animated and move too much!"or some such BS.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
maybe it just isn't switched on like diagonal aiming and motion blur weren't! who knows, I'd love dearly for someone to hack into the game and pull out some hard data of stuff thats missing/gone wrong in development what with reports of that streaming bug 3 days before going gold and ganking out all the cheats because they also screwed everything up. And thats stuff you can admit to publically, but something like "we had to turn off enemy bullet reaction"? Don't think that'd go down well.
I've yet to finish, so maybe the game will wow me with a fucking spectacularly solid sequence like the Tank versus Village in U2, but I've already seen the games take on 2 previous U2 sequences to sloppier results (
Sandstorm versus Snowstorm, Truck chasing traversal to Horse chasing trucks

truck chase traversal
in UC2 felt a lot more more confined and straightforward. At least the
horse chasing trucks sequence
gave you more control over your actions.


Wow, Chapters 12-14 are clearly the low point in the whole Uncharted series. What a terrible segment of the game, location, and general enemy bullshit. I'm really finding this game hard for me to complete once, let alone come back and platinum. It's highly likely I'll shelve this should I ever complete the game, and never look back.

Hopefully ND is looking to a new IP for PS4.

You're out of your mind. There is very little BS, some of it is trial and error yea but those sections are amazingly varied from a gameplay perspective and offer multiple avenues of approach.
UC2's enemies also barely react to bullets. UC1 is the one where it was awesome. But of course, since that the was the age when everyone shat on everything regarding the PS3, people complained about it, cuz "it made me harder to hit them thar enemies" and/or "they animated and move too much!"or some such BS.

In UC2 the regular fodder only took 2, maybe 3 well placed bullets to the chest to get a reaction. In U3, they often will persist on their roadie run to cover despite getting hit by 4-5 bullets unless it's a headshot. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it makes a huge difference. Couple that with their love of throwing multiple armored guys, and RPG/Hammer guys out at the same time and ughhhhh it's just so bleh.

And I actually had no problem with
the horseback chase
in U3. I literally just played that section not even 5 minutes ago, and I still thought it was great. Didn't think it was sloppier to its Uncharted 2 equivalent at all. It's almost the same thing really. It's the section right after it I hate.

Enemies react to bullets in U3, it's just really subtle. Instead of wildly animating, they flinch.

That's the problem, mang. You don't FLINCH to BULLETS, you REACT. That's one of the key differences between good gunplay and the opposite. Shooting guys in U2 felt way better.
I thought the enemies reacted well sometimes and were indifferent some others. It's more of a mixed bug of sorts.

The aiming feels a lot better now though and that's what's most important to me.

Personally I am pleased with the changes.


Enemies react to bullets in U3, it's just really subtle. Instead of wildly animating, they flinch.

I just watched lots of youtube videos from some chrushing playthroughs. And yes they do react.. but only very very very very very subtle.. it´s so subtle that it is VERY hard to notice.. if you shoot them in the back the react a little, and when you kill them they react.
Chapter 12 to 14 is probably my favorite part of the game, I can't believe people dislike that part, it wasn't even that difficult, I just kept moving, plus the visuals were stunning.

Only part of the game that was ridiculous was the ballroom, you cornered in one part of the room with a ton of enemies closing in on you And because none of the armored enemies even flinch when you shoot at them and the grunts keep charging you to melee it's extremely frustrating, took me 10 retries.


In UC2 the regular fodder only took 2, maybe 3 well placed bullets to the chest to get a reaction. In U3, they often will persist on their roadie run to cover despite getting hit by 4-5 bullets unless it's a headshot. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it makes a huge difference. Couple that with their love of throwing multiple armored guys, and RPG/Hammer guys out at the same time and ughhhhh it's just so bleh.

And I actually had no problem with
the horseback chase
in U3. I literally just played that section not even 5 minutes ago, and I still thought it was great. Didn't think it was sloppier at all. It's almost the same thing really. It's the section right after it I hate.

That's the problem, mang. You don't FLINCH to BULLETS, you REACT. That's one of the key differences between good gunplay and the opposite. Shooting guys in U2 felt way better.

Enemies take less bullets in 3 than 2, people complained about it before.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Chapter 12 to 14 is probably my favorite part of the game, I can't believe people dislike that part, it wasn't even that difficult, I just kept moving, plus the visuals were stunning.

Only part of the game that was ridiculous was the ballroom, you cornered in one part of the room with a ton of enemies closing in on you And because none of the armored enemies even flinch when you shoot at them and the grunts keep charging you to melee it's extremely frustrating, took me 10 retries.

Protip . Whenever you deal with armored guys, look for power weapons. There are 2 tau snipers in the ballroom. 3 shots from the tau sniper will take down tthe aarmored guys. Makes them just about as tough as regular dudes really.
Enemies take less bullets in 3 than 2, people complained about it before.

Seriously? lol, it's worse than I thought then cause I had no issue with most of the enemies in U2. Meh. Anyway, I'll move on. Aiming patch made getting headshots way easier, but didn't really do anything that will make me want to replay the campaign right now.

Moral of the story is: Euphoria hit reactions for Uncharted 4, and no more bullet sponge armor guys. Thanks.

EDIT: And just so I'm being clear, THESE (1:00 in) are bullet hit reactions. I don't know what ND was thinking with the human Locusts in Uncharted 3, but if the enemies really reacted to getting hit, and the guns felt deadly, I'd have much less of an issue.
whereas Uncharted 3 is a return to the open plan areas I like so much. Although I definitely agree that the
sandstorm fight
is the worst battle in the game.
Enemies can see you when you can't see them, and forcing you to find the two RPGs hidden in the level to take out the mounted turrets (that now fire continuously instead of breaking every few seconds so you can move) sucked. The snowstorm fight in U2 was a similar concept but done much better.

i totally agree the idea of the sand storm both in single player and multiplayer are great but the fact that they can see you just fine is annoying i can't see them but they can see me ? I dislike this part ... Now that i know where to go to kill them it's better but it's definitly a low point in the game.

Same for co-op arena ..how the heck do i get shoot from across the playing field ?


bish gets all the credit :)
The sticky aim really makes it impossible to track enemies. When guys start running around/behind you and you can't aim fast enough due to the camera slowing down over them, it's a problem. The new controls are great, save that.


Chapter 12 to 14 is probably my favorite part of the game, I can't believe people dislike that part, it wasn't even that difficult, I just kept moving, plus the visuals were stunning.Only part of the game that was ridiculous was the ballroom, you cornered in one part of the room with a ton of enemies closing in on you And because none of the armored enemies even flinch when you shoot at them and the grunts keep charging you to melee it's extremely frustrating, took me 10 retries.

precisely. and i'm playing on hard first playthrough.


Seriously? lol, it's worse than I thought then cause I had no issue with most of the enemies in U2. Meh. Anyway, I'll move on. Aiming patch made getting headshots way easier, but didn't really do anything that will make me want to replay the campaign right now.

Moral of the story is: Euphoria hit reactions for Uncharted 4, and no more bullet sponge armor guys. Thanks.

EDIT: And just so I'm being clear, THESE (1:00 in) are bullet hit reactions. I don't know what ND was thinking with the human Locusts in Uncharted 3, but if the enemies really reacted to getting hit, and the guns felt deadly, I'd have much less of an issue.

All of those hits were fatal shots. The final bullet that kills an enemy. U3 has that as well, infact, enemies react before they die.


Although I definitely agree that the
sandstorm fight
is the worst battle in the game.
Enemies can see you when you can't see them, and forcing you to find the two RPGs hidden in the level to take out the mounted turrets (that now fire continuously instead of breaking every few seconds so you can move) sucked. The snowstorm fight in U2 was a similar concept but done much better.
that part was so disappointing. when it first started I got excited because of the potential, but than I have 30 laser sights tracking me from 200 yards away with perfect accuracy and it totally ruined it for me, not to mention the trucks


Chapter 12 to 14 is probably my favorite part of the game, I can't believe people dislike that part, it wasn't even that difficult, I just kept moving, plus the visuals were stunning.

Only part of the game that was ridiculous was the ballroom, you cornered in one part of the room with a ton of enemies closing in on you And because none of the armored enemies even flinch when you shoot at them and the grunts keep charging you to melee it's extremely frustrating, took me 10 retries.

I can see people disliking it, but I will not understand those that say that part is awful and the gameplay in it is BS. It's so well designed.

To each their own I guess.


Did anyone else have an issue where there was no redeem code printed on their instruction manual for online play? This is kind of frustrating...

jax (old)

The only person who I read as disliking chapter 12-14 is djmesietr or whatever his name is... but he's cray cray.

wasn't that difficult. mad awesome to play.

Did anyone else have an issue where there was no redeem code printed on their instruction manual for online play? This is kind of frustrating...

someoe else in the thread had that.


The glitchiest ND game i've played. Had to restart my console several times because thisand some climbing bug which both prevented me from continuing the game. That said, I still love the game. Gorgeous locations and finally more background information on the characters.


All games should just copy Killzone 2/3's hit detection and reaction animations. So damn impressive. Still hasn't been matched by anything imo.


I was wondering where is the "store" in the game. I want to buy some gun for my next playtrough.

I loved the game. Just WOW, I made the mistake of not knowing about U2 until last year despite having played the first in 07 ( I dont follow games that much) Not this time.

This game made cheer, cry, whatever. Amazing ride. Only thing I didn't like was how Cloe just dissapears later in the game. And how Nathan just touched EVERYTHING. Otherwise, game of the year.

jax (old)

The glitchiest ND game i've played. Had to restart my console several times because thisand some climbing bug which both prevented me from continuing the game. That said, I still love the game. Gorgeous locations and finally more background information on the characters.


actually looking at that; I suddenly wish they'd done an unlockable gallery with marquettes of all the players in this game that unlocked as you picked up treasures. much like resident evils collectable 3D figurines. It would have been amazing. For the next game please.



well have to say, this game was and is an absolute gem and my personal GOTY period!

I played normal and straight away started my rerun on crushing, it was that gripping. Nothing could touch it i was just so in awe at the game, graphically, gameplay and story wise.

So yes i got my plat before the patch. So this gave me the urge to try and plat U2. Had already completed a normal run through. Started about a week ago (didnt realise on U2 you couldnt go from normal to crushing so was forced (and the thought of it) to do 2 more play throughs.

Boy completed hard and now on chapter 8 on crushing, its defo a nudge up from U3, would even say hard on U2 is harder than crushing on U3 but still enjoyable.

But i gott say for me personally, i cant believe i had forgotten how good U2 was/is. Such a gorgeous game, at times was still jaw dropped and thats like 2 years later. the
, that
train chapter, just in awe
, the
first time you see shambala
. It feels very different not that i had a problem with the controls.

I think U2 just pips 3 overall, its just the naughty dogs ;)

So cant wait to finish, then gonna see how good U1 holds up :D


Although I definitely agree that the
sandstorm fight
is the worst battle in the game.
Enemies can see you when you can't see them, and forcing you to find the two RPGs hidden in the level to take out the mounted turrets (that now fire continuously instead of breaking every few seconds so you can move) sucked. The snowstorm fight in U2 was a similar concept but done much better.
What I really didn't like about these parts in UC2 and UC3 was
that Drake just seconds before the fight was still stumbling around and seemed like seconds away from death,, but as soon as the fight starts he's back to normal and has no problem doing the wildest jumps, punches etc..


What I really didn't like about these parts in UC2 and UC3 was
that Drake just seconds before the fight was still stumbling around and seemed like seconds away from death,, but as soon as the fight starts he's back to normal and has no problem doing the wildest jumps, punches etc..

That's what the 5 hour Energy drink can do to you.


What I really didn't like about these parts in UC2 and UC3 was
that Drake just seconds before the fight was still stumbling around and seemed like seconds away from death,, but as soon as the fight starts he's back to normal and has no problem doing the wildest jumps, punches etc..

This seemed more off in UC3 just because of the emphasis ND put on that (the long desert section). Yeah, I think adrenaline buys you a lot but this was a bit silly.


Maybe "set piece" is the wrong term, but it seems painfully obvious to me that between water physics, sand animation, the entire plane set piece, and whatever other technically impossible feats they made possible that they completely neglected making the core combat as well designed it was in Uncharted 2. You commented on the aiming being fixed, but that was far from the only issue I had, and that patch alone can't save the game in my eyes. There would have to a be a total shift in how enemies react to bullets, how enemies are thrown at the player, and how combat scenarios are presented to the player for this to get any higher than a 7 out of 10 from me (strictly talking about the campaign score).

The shootouts are the same from the last game and the first. Only this time you cant stay behind cover. Im not saying that you are wrong or anything but what would you have them do different? I appreciate the way they give us different ways to approach a shootout. Whether it be rocking back and forth on a ship, or swimming and being unseen were all unique, different and fit perfectly into the game imo.
Uncharted 4 needs a difficulty that makes the action/combat stupid easy but cranks the puzzle difficulty up to Silent Hill 3 mode. Like a real ball busting logic on every puzzle in the game.

Hell, separate the difficulties like Silent Hill 3 did. I don't come to Uncharted SP for the combat though, so I could be biased.
So loving the game so far, graphically it's one of the best looking games I've ever played.
the bit where drakes plane crashs into the desert, that entire section
is fantastic and a nice break up from the platforming/action/puzzle/cutscene forumla.
I have noticed the imporved aiming using the new control syheme.. less of a dead zone. The blurring isnt something I noticed.

What bothers me is Drakes superhuman strength/ability's.. I can look by his amazing athleic abaility for the sake of gameplay but later on in the game
when drake washs up onshore after the boat, okay lucky i guess. just stroll back to Elinas.. have a chat/nap/cup of tea and get ready for the the next big fight. nevermind you almost drowned and are probably about to collapse.
Also whats with the story? I dont know what is anybody's end game, who is Marlo and why does the game essentially play like one big flashback (I'm sure it explains some of it later in the game).. it feels like the game is too busy to explain what's going on and I'm just going through the motions.

Uncharted 2 had a similar problem where the story just feels like its ham-stringed to fit all these massive set-peices. Personally I feel if your a little more invested into the characters and if the set-pecies make sense (aka are not just epic for the sake of being epic) then you have a much more immersive experience. It's kind of a shame because the voice acting and cinematic's are really top notch.

This is easily the buggest/unpolished Uncharted, without mentioning the aiming patch. One example was on the tanker level, I was killed but just before I died I triggered the cutscene, the cutscene played through and then I resurfaced completely fine!. And what's with the bad guys shooting at you in exploding tankers and planes? some commitment these guys have! even Drakes mentions it!

Still though after playing this its easily my goty, but I gotta be honest nothing this year has really stood out to me really but Uncharted is always a safe bet.

Now Imagine Uncharted 4 on ps4.. Launch day title maaaybe?
UC2's enemies also barely react to bullets. UC1 is the one where it was awesome. But of course, since that the was the age when everyone shat on everything regarding the PS3, people complained about it, cuz "it made me harder to hit them thar enemies" and/or "they animated and move too much!"or some such BS.

Yup, the enemies also reacted to missed bullets that passed close to them, get scared, and move around and people complained about this making it hard to hit people.
Yep, Drake's Fortune enemies had the most character. The bullet sponge thing sucked but that was for a completely different reason than people realized. If they could have fixed it instead of scaling it down, the shooting in UC2/3 would be much more interesting because the encounters are much better designed.
near the end of the game and to be honest i really havent enjoyed any of it.

The graphics and music are amazing....but the game just isnt fun. to me its just rinse and repeat - cut scene --> shooting sequence ---> terrible melee scene with big guy at the end who can take 1000 bullets if you try and shoot him ---> boring puzzle which totally stops the gameplay ---> cut scene.

I really enjoyed UC2 but somehow they managed to drain all the fun out of this one. If you remove the veneer of the AAA title with great production values all you have is a boring 3rd person shooter with some staged running sequences, QTEs and lackluster puzzles.

Really wished they tried to do something a little different but its more like UC2.5

was expecting a lot more from this game but its just a solid 6/7 out of 10 for me.
Big uncharted fan. Played through uncharted 1, 4 times. Played through uncharted 2 to get my platinum but my 60 gig died at the end. Couldnt handle shambala I guess.

The patch came out right when I was at the end, but it did seem to make it much easier for me to aim.

Game looks pretty damn amazing throughout, but I just didn't get the sense this game was as polished as 2.

The story was just sort of eh....started off cool in the beginning but a very slow pace. Middle part with the oceanliner was siiiiiiick even though a few battles seemed unfair.

The ending I thought was very abrubt. It truly felt like a long journey to get to Shambala in the 2nd game. This you just sort of stumble on the last mysterious area and there isnt much time spent there either. I always liked the supernatural aspect going on in the games and this one just sort of half assed it, and it only lasted for a little bit of time. The villians were rather boring? I didn't even really understand their motives either.....

The set pieces were amazing and the graphics......wow. PS3 really showed its cell power with this game. Not sure what can top this game in the graphics department.

Its an amazing game, but I think more time for polish would have helped.

They absolutely nailed the multiplayer. Like NAILED it. I can't stop playing, so much incentives to do other things like grab treasure sets and play co op with buddies. Love, Love it!!!

I think naughty dog should take a bit more time with the next game...


done it before ( before any patches )..cutter always stay crouched ..and only move when you're spotted .. so he can't allert ennemies ( because they never go near the area where he is ).
Yes it's very satisfying ( less considering the time he takes to climb up to continue afterwards )

Most satisfying, followed by sections where you walk forward five meters and then there's another cutscene >_<
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