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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Not pure anymore!
And another thing, why all the hate with the story? I always thought story wasn't the uncharted series' strong point anyway, U1 having the best story wise. U2 had this love triangle for the whole game, it wasn't even about the antagonist, which btw was the most bland character I could remember in recent history. This love triangle that everyone eats up was extremely forced and no real need for it in the game imo. I thought the tone in U3 was welcome.

Seriously? I didn't think there was a heavy emphasis on the love triangle, it was a sidestory at best which basically they had to do to introduce Chloe, her relationship with Drake.
I think almost all the puzzles in UC trilogy stink, and all they do is hamper the replayablity of the game. Luckily, UC2 "puzzles" are mostly platforming orineted(like getting through the temple section with Chloe or the Ice Cavern Temple place with Tenzin) that are still fun to tranverse even on repeated playthroughs. The ones in UC3 are simple and boring, with the answers always right there in the book, and the cast doesn't shut up and shout out the answers even with hints off.

The first running section is cool, because you're being chased, and there's an intensity to it and not fucking up. The second one loses all of that because he'll slow down whenever you get behind, so there's no real tension.

Some of the set pieces are really cool, others not so much. I think that's one of the main flaws of UC3, is that it tries so hard to be even more cinematic then the last game, it forgets about being a fun video game first and foremost, so you get ten minutes of walking forward in a desert or repetitive melee brawls with brutes on an airplane. Far and away the best parts of the game are Chapter 12-14; minimal cutscenes/dialog sections with the cast allowing the player to, ya know, actually play the fucking game(because this entire section of the game does jack-all for story progression), no boring puzzles that weren't even that fun or clever in the first place, lots of well-designed combat scenarios that show off the versatility of the system, and some amazing visuals. The rest of the game has you doing the following:

-slowly walking around. Its like they figured, "Well they sure loved the village in UC2, lets do that like tenfold this time around"
-mashing square in half-assed QTE melee sequences
-wondering what the hell happen to Chloe's face/ass/characterization from the last game
-doing trial-and-error stealth sequences until you, oh I don't know, brush up against the wrong wall or something, alert the one guard still alive, then a DOZEN FUCKING GUARDS WITH ARMOR AND HAMMERS AND TAU SNIPERS show up from literally nowhere rendering all your stealth progress damn near meaningless

So yeah, puzzles/melee/stealth stink in UC3. The best part of the actual gameplay was the shooting parts, and that only just became good a few days ago. Such a large part of the make-up of the game is the story, but I think this one was worse then Uncharted 2 in that regard as well.

-Too many easy coincidences and "yeah right" moments for the sake of stringing the set pieces together.
Drake just so happens to wash up on the town that Elena is in and just so happens to stumble upon her room. Drake just so happens to stumble upon the well he was looking for in this big ass city. Drake just so happens to be able to fight off a small army after walking God knows how long through the desert without food or any drinkable water.
-Again, what the fuck happen to Chloe? Not only does she look worse, but what to her character? Almost all her humor is gone, her off the cuff remarks aren't there anymore, her attitude is gone, then she just fucking disappears halfway through the game! Change a couple lines around, she could've been any other character.
-I felt like Marlowe was undercooked as a head antagonist. She has a lot of spark and promise in the first half of the game, then she just disappears for awhile until finally
dying in quicksand out of nowhere
. She has neither the pure physical menace of Lazarevic, or the personal rivalry and connection to the protagonist of Eddy Raja. She's built up a bit and then...nothing for half the game. Except that one weird narration part in the desert, wtf was that about.
-And what was up with Talbot? You'd think he has some mythical power, what with him
surviving shots to the chest, magically putting tarot cards in Cutter's jacket, disappearing behind corners
, but nothing gets explained or even implied.
-The most interesting thing the game brings up is "why does Drake keep doing what he's doing", and the best answer we get is, "uh, because its what I do?" For teh amount of time we spend with Nathan Drake, we still know remarkly little about him, and the game never picks up on the opportunities to flesh our their main character. Very disappointing.

I'm so disappointed with this fucking game. I can't see how anyone puts this above UC2 with all the flaws in this thing, unless they just didn't like UC2 and wanted more boring puzzles.


Neo Member
when i first pld the game. the opening bar bit really put me off. reminded me alot of the awful pitfighter game.

tried again last night and still the openiong bit is rather meh but it gets better much better. not as good as uc2 as some have already said tho


bish gets all the credit :)
So, at the end of the
horse chase, right after Sully throws the guy out of the truck, why not just stay in the truck, seeing as he would have control over it?


So, at the end of the
horse chase, right after Sully throws the guy out of the truck, why not just stay in the truck, seeing as he would have control over it?


I wondered the same thing, but the Uncharted fan in me thought: "Shit will get exciting now with Sully jumping on that truck".


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So, at the end of the
horse chase, right after Sully throws the guy out of the truck, why not just stay in the truck, seeing as he would have control over it?

I'm also wondering why
when Sully gets grabbed by the brute, Nate will REFUSE to shoot if you hold the gun over him, forcing you to jump on and fistfight him, even though that risks sully's life by waiting until you jump to him.


Where did people get the "kill four enemies with one explosion" trophy. I'm surprised to say after a few playthroughs for me this hasn't happened. I was even trying for it tonight at a few places, but no dice.


Can't believe how good the multiplayer. It is balanced so well and the maps are so well-designed.

I really don't understand how reviews pass over this fact. Most of them mention that it adds replay value and is fun but it doesn't seem to get the praise it deserves at all.


Not as deep as he thinks
I don't think the maps are well designed. You want well designed maps? Look at Uncharted 2's default multiplayer maps. Those maps were all very well designed because literally every part of the map was used. Trainwreck? Everywhere. Village? Everywhere. Plaza? Everywhere. The Lost City? You name it. You could find people and gun fights anywhere around the maps. With the ones in Uncharted 3, there's a lot of wasted space where no people even go and fight. those aren't well designed maps to me. They're still fun maps, however, despite this particular flaw.
I don't think the maps are well designed. You want well designed maps? Look at Uncharted 2's default multiplayer maps. Those maps were all very well designed because literally every part of the map was used. Trainwreck? Everywhere. Village? Everywhere. Plaza? Everywhere. The Lost City? You name it. You could find people and gun fights anywhere around the maps. With the ones in Uncharted 3, there's a lot of wasted space where no people even go and fight. those aren't well designed maps to me. They're still fun maps, however, despite this particular flaw.

Chateau is a well designed map.Fights everywhere even if there Hot points.Not all U3 maps are like this (Syria) being the worst offender.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
ViewtifulJC said:
The ones in UC3 are simple and boring, with the answers always right there in the book
They are neither simple or boring, compared to first two games, and for almost none of them you *need* to look in the book. This was what the big problem with puzzles in the first game in the first place. You needed to look in the book to solve anything, here you can solve almost everything just by looking around the environments, or using some knowledge from real life. Yes they give you hints (never solutions though) by talking, but they usually give you the time to figure things out on your on first. I don't think there was a puzzle in the game where I didn't know what to do already (or was on the right path anyway) before they'd start talking.

The biggest success of this game IMO is that they've added a lot more 'adventure' to action/adventure than there was in the first two games.

Mikey Jr.

Chateau is a well designed map.Fights everywhere even if there Hot points.Not all U3 maps are like this (Syria) being the worst offender.

What? Syria has fights everywhere.

Now, city of brass is a bad map. All the action happens in the centre where the fountain is, or the staircases connected to it. Everywhere else is pretty much barren.
What? Syria has fights everywhere.

Now, city of brass is a bad map. All the action happens in the centre where the fountain is, or the staircases connected to it. Everywhere else is pretty much barren.
Syria suffers from a set of bad spawn points on certains modes . It becomes a bad map in my mind ...This makes a lot of fights in the same areas ..


They are neither simple or boring, compared to first two games, and for almost none of them you *need* to look in the book. This was what the big problem with puzzles in the first game in the first place. You needed to look in the book to solve anything, here you can solve almost everything just by looking around the environments, or using some knowledge from real life. Yes they give you hints (never solutions though) by talking, but they usually give you the time to figure things out on your on first. I don't think there was a puzzle in the game where I didn't know what to do already (or was on the right path anyway) before they'd start talking.

The biggest success of this game IMO is that they've added a lot more 'adventure' to action/adventure than there was in the first two games.

Don't tell me you liked that horse/mule/eagle/dragon puzzle. Even looking back I have no idea what it meant in the book or the environment.

I agree a lot with ViewtufulJC about Chloe...but the face is a good change, especially in the eyes department---she looked like the Illusive Man


I really liked the puzzles in Uncharted 3. I thought they were a big improvement over the previous games. I would have loved a platforming section as cool as the Heart of Ice level from 2 though. I don't think there was anything quite like that. Though I did really love one of the chases.
I don't think the maps are well designed. You want well designed maps? Look at Uncharted 2's default multiplayer maps. Those maps were all very well designed because literally every part of the map was used. Trainwreck? Everywhere. Village? Everywhere. Plaza? Everywhere. The Lost City? You name it. You could find people and gun fights anywhere around the maps. With the ones in Uncharted 3, there's a lot of wasted space where no people even go and fight. those aren't well designed maps to me. They're still fun maps, however, despite this particular flaw.

This. U2 maps were the best. The worst map is Syria, especially for Plunder. If your treasure is on the open side of the map you're screwed.
The SP is just really boring in this game. Looks really good, but it's just boring. And the puzzles are too frequent and too annoying. I'm not sure what changed because in UC2 I just wanted to keep playing. Maybe once you play this kind of game once it's not as fun the second time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chapters 12-15 were damn bananas. That entire
ship graveyard
was just a sight to behold. It doesn't have the natural beauty of some of the other areas, but just the sheer vastness and complexity of it was amazing.
Just started my Crushing run with the patch. Wow, the game looks better and plays infinitely better. Too bad my first experience was ruined. At least my friends who got it on Black Friday will be able to enjoy it the way it should have been.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Just started my Crushing run with the patch. Wow, the game looks better and plays infinitely better. Too bad my first experience was ruined. At least my friends who got it on Black Friday will be able to enjoy it the way it should have been.

I am glad that I didn't take it that seriously.
Someone explain to me the storyline of this fantastic game. So much I didn't get, all the mysticism and magic for a start.

Also, the ships graveyard battle was amazing. Died more there than in any other fight and it's cool because it forced me to rethink my tactics each time. I like how they gave you lots of options by placing powerful guns in different places, lots of places to hide but still essentially one large battlefield.

Oh, FOR FUCKS SAKEE I WISH I PLAYED IT WITH MOTION BLUR. It looks absolutely insane now. The whole time through I couldn't help but think I'd been more impressed with Uncharted 2, and I think motion blur was absolutely critical in that. This is seriously the equivalent (to me) of having the game in 60fps vs 30fps, that's how much of a difference motion blur makes with my particular tv.

EDIT: I was one of the people who was angry about it receiving an 8/10 review from Eurogamer and was quoted in that website which covered the furore. My personal opinion, having played it, is that it is a 9/10 game. Uncharted 2 is better because it was 'all new' and felt perfect. This game was merely great, it never hit the stratosphere the way UC2 did for me. It's not really a 'worse' game, it's just all already been done before. I'll say this much: Uncharted 4 on the PS4 is going to be insane and if Eurogamer give it anything less than a 10 they're probably just being contrary for the sake of it.


Replaying the game on Crushing with the new patch just highlights the need for a new console generation as soon as possible. The game performs pretty poorly at parts, especially when a lot of dynamic lights are at play. I can't recall all these framedrops from my first playthrough; maybe I was just completely enamored by the game itself the first time around. I also can't remember Uncharted 2 ever dropping; wasn't it pretty much rock-solid throughout?


Got the game today and played up to chapter 5, only had to shoot a couple people in chapter 4 and that's it so far. I really like this change of less combat, more running around appreciating the game's strengths. It's been really really great in the 35 minutes I've put in up to this point.

And jesus christ at the graphics in chapter 2 I think it was. PS3 just keeps amazing me when I keep thinking we've reached the peak for this gen.


Not as deep as he thinks
Chateau is a well designed map.Fights everywhere even if there Hot points

Zipline room/Inside the chateau. That's it. Everyone goes there.

You'll only see people going everywhere when you play Team Objective and that's only because the capture points force people to go into those rejected areas.


benevolent sexism
They are neither simple or boring, compared to first two games, and for almost none of them you *need* to look in the book. This was what the big problem with puzzles in the first game in the first place. You needed to look in the book to solve anything, here you can solve almost everything just by looking around the environments, or using some knowledge from real life. Yes they give you hints (never solutions though) by talking, but they usually give you the time to figure things out on your on first. I don't think there was a puzzle in the game where I didn't know what to do already (or was on the right path anyway) before they'd start talking.

The biggest success of this game IMO is that they've added a lot more 'adventure' to action/adventure than there was in the first two games.

I agree that the puzzles in this game are the best... the first time you play it.

The second time, they're the worst because of how long they take even when you know the answer already. Sometimes characters have to wander around and talk a bunch before you get the prompt you need to continue. The lack of fast motion option really hurts.

I wonder if the inclusion of such a well-developed multiplayer led ND to undervalue how their SP campaign works on repeated plays. There's so much bullshit between the combat scenarios (which are inarguably the most interactive and well-developed aspects of the gameplay) that it's hard to enjoy even though after the aiming patch I'm having a ton more fun with the gunfights.
Which ones? I only remember the chateau with Sully where you can't progress until Sully asks Nate to help him knock down that piece of furniture.

None, not even the hand in holes one takes long.
Unless he wanted Ratchet e Clank 'skip this puzzle' option, they are fast enough on first playthrough, and even faster on a second occasion. I mean, 1 min tops fast.


I wonder if the inclusion of such a well-developed multiplayer led ND to undervalue how their SP campaign works on repeated plays. There's so much bullshit between the combat scenarios (which are inarguably the most interactive and well-developed aspects of the gameplay) that it's hard to enjoy even though after the aiming patch I'm having a ton more fun with the gunfights.


"Replayability" was kinda murdered in this game due to stuff like that.

Which ones? I only remember the chateau with Sully where you can't progress until Sully asks Nate to help him knock down that piece of furniture.

Down the well is another one. You have to wait for a couple of stuff so you can open the damn door.


benevolent sexism
None, not even the hand in holes one takes long.
Unless he wanted Ratchet e Clank 'skip this puzzle' option, they are fast enough on first playthrough, and even faster on a second occasion. I mean, 1 min tops fast.

The hands in the holes is exactly what I was thinking of. You have to wait until the conversation plays out before you can look at the text on the wall, which is required before you can hold the map up in the right place.

The 3 pillars in Syria involves a bunch of standing around before you can go trigger a cutscene, which allows you to progress. I guess that's like 10% puzzle and 90% exposition, but it's still a hold-up.

The 4 Knights in the Chateau is the only mechanical puzzle I can recall (in the first half of the game, anyway) that takes exactly as long as it takes you to physically dial in the solution. No bullshit, no waiting.


I have no idea why people are citing Chapters 12-14 as the best. Chapters 15+ was pure gaming bliss, and the best moments I've had all generation. The Sink or Swim and Caravan chapters sent me over the edge. However brief they were, the quality... so fucking good. I really can't see why people are hyping up the shipyard levels. Then again I never saw why people were hyping up Nepal or the train level in UC2 when there was Mountaineering, Heart of Ice, and Shambhala. The Atlantis of the Sands was the single most beautiful level I've ever seen in gaming. Period. Absolutely loved it. <3


The game is shockingly gorgeous. As in, I can't believe this is on a current gen console kind of gorgeous.

I honestly can't believe people who say the graphical leap isn't as impressive as UC1 to UC2. The graphics floored me more this iteration than the last.
The villians were horrible? they had no motives to me really. None of that murderous/scariness lazaravich had. An old lady? And maybe I missed something but the other dude was her son? or just henchmen cuz he seemed like a prissy rich schoolboy through the whole game.


The villians were horrible? they had no motives to me really. None of that murderous/scariness lazaravich had. An old lady? And maybe I missed something but the other dude was her son? or just henchmen cuz he seemed like a prissy rich schoolboy through the whole game.

eh? Lazarevic was a typical crazy meat-head war villain. Don't get me wrong, he was a great villain with a bit of a nuanced sociopathic ideology, but Katherine was a much better choice. She had history, and provided more than enough drama for Drake and Sully. Talbot was not her son, but she was like a mother of sorts to him. Much like how Sully is a father of sorts to Nate. I'm sure this was the parallel Hennig was trying to get at with the quicksand and that last bit. They had more reasons to fear Marlowe and her men then Lazarevic who refused to pull the fucking trigger.


The Bitch Slap

yeah, that alone made her a better villain than Lazarevic and Roman. Though Navarro was perhaps better in some aspects because of how he manipulated everyone else and his desire to sell the secret of El Dorado to the highest bidder.



Definitely the best graphics you'll find on current consoles. <3

I think the "Elena looks terrible" people are basing it off the first time you see her in the game.
She looks fine here. :3

Definitely the best graphics you'll find on current consoles. <3

I think the "Elena looks terrible" people are basing it off the first time you see her in the game.
She looks fine here. :3


Exactly. Elena looked so good in this game. And nice for picking that screen - it was actually the first cutscene I watched post-patch in the viewer. Despite the wonderful acting, I laughed at her holding a Blackberry Bold - mostly due to how detailed the game really is.
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