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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


he's Virgin Tight™
I find it strange people didn't like this part, it's uncharted design at it's finest. The level is usually completely open as to how you win the encounters.

I wanted to tackle it stealthly and always got caught. At the end I just did it my way and hey... it is fun... but kinda disjointed or something. Annoyed me when I got to it, maybe in a further replay I'll like it.


The whole shipyard segment had strange enemy placements in my opinion. I seriously rolled my eyes when a group of snipers suddenly emerged as I was climbing up the ladder on the boat. Why would they throw enemies like that at you in your most vulnerable position? Just plain poor design right there.
They move around alot they don't just stay in one spot.

This is not like UC1 or UC2.


benevolent sexism
When I first played the ship graveyard part I was a bit overwhelmed and didn't care much for it. But now after replaying it a few times, I really appreciate the many ways you could approach that fight. I like it a lot now.

The last time I played it I discovered a totally different way to approach it that was actually quite easy. From the mid-fight checkpoint starting spot, just head towards the RPG right next to you on the platform, take out the gunner, then proceed along the right-side wall. Shoot everyone from there. Staying off the boats themselves made it a breeze.


I'm gonna give this another go now post-patch. I gotta say I also enjoyed the ship graveyard/cruise segment the most.

I think Uncharted 3 has the highest amount of "charted" locales
Airports, marketplaces, pubs, museums, ships, etc.
out of the whole trilogy. Maybe that's why it lacked something special for some of us.


When I first played the ship graveyard part I was a bit overwhelmed and didn't care much for it. But now after replaying it a few times, I really appreciate the many ways you could approach that fight. I like it a lot now.

Yep. That section is especially rewarding on Crushing. It approaches Demon's Souls levels of difficulty in that if you make a mistake, you're almost instantly killed. If you're patient, practice and really devise a good strategy, you can do it. The satisfaction you get after is there too.


They move around alot they don't just stay in one spot.

This is not like UC1 or UC2.

No they literally spawned as I was climbing up the ladder. You can't really justify that in any way. I died multiple times in that spot and it played out the same way every time.

Btw I enjoyed the game, but I found that there were alot of cheap shots in regards to enemy spawns, especially when they would carry rockets and snipers.
Started my crushing run now that the patch is out.

I didn't really have a big problem with the aiming pre-patch, but now the shooting gameplay just feels beautiful.

Second Impressions: I have to say that the way the gun battles are designed is easily the best in the series. It gives you a nice big playground to run around, climb and figure out different ways to approach situations and tackle enemies (run and gun, blindfire + melee). It reminds me a lot of how the multiplayer plays. With that said, I do see how people who like to just camp behind cover and pop up to play whack-a-mole would hate this game.


On chapter 10 and I'm kind of enjoying it, but it feels less polished than U2 (which is so far my game of the generation). Right now I'd be happy if it just ended, whereas with U2 I couldn't wait to see what was next.

/hoping it gets better

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Can we please stop with the "YOU MUST BE A NOOB" retorts to anyone who complains about this game? Seriously, is it crazy to believe that someone doesn't like a game that you liked? It's called an opinion. I'm making my way through U3 Crushing just fine - doesn't mean I enjoyed the campaign. I'm also really good at multiplayer, generally pulling 2 to 3 K/Ds in my matches - doesn't mean I enjoy it as much as U2.

Actually regarding that last point, I went back and played some U2 multiplayer today, and it is SO MUCH MORE fun for me. I think the main two issues are the lack of sprint and the aiming. The slower pace of the game makes it a little more tactical - it's all about positioning and cover. The aiming system is a lot more forgiving as far as recoil and accuracy, which makes gunfights more attractive than running and gunning. I played some U3 multi right afterwards, and while it's definitely fun it feels more arcade-y than U2 ever did.

It's safe to say I haven't played my last game of U2 multiplayer just yet. If anyone wants to play any U2/U3 multi in the future just add me - ilnadmy. So far I've only come across one Gaffer.
I like the concept of the shipyard level, but in practice, I basically screwed up stealthing it like 2-3 kills in, and then ended up hiding in a corner with a grenade launcher I found the rest of the time. :(

I actually think this game is a ton tougher than UC1 and UC2. I got wrecked quite a bit, and had to cheese certain sections (like above).
So I played through the game already and thought the first half was pretty dull until the second half kicked in. I'm doing a second play through on my new 3D LG 55LW6500. I have a new found respect for naughty dog after playing through again in 3D. It is absolutely mind boggling. The attention to detail and the depth you get really just put this game in a whole different level for me.

When I first played though the burning chateau it was cool and all but really didn't wow me like I thought it would. Playing in 3d this time seeing the wallpaper peeling of the walls burning and the ash floating in the air really blew me away. I can go on and on about each other level but I will just say congrats to Naughty dog, y'all did a amazing job on this.
I love how having complaints about some dumb design decisions mean you are a bad gamer. Fanboyishm at its best.

Stealth doesn't work. Get spotted once... you are fucked. I tackled the Shipyard with stealth, and it was fun, but one mistake and there was an army killing your ass with barely a checkpoint in sight. Wrecked what was otherwise a fun and free part that I liked.

The DUMB enemy AI also kills it. The constant grenade spam reminds me of COD2 and 4 days. Such a dumb choice. YEs, it keeps you moving, but when you have 3 grenades around you... heh.

The game is also barely obvious when it comes to what to do next. There's no clear choice always and it affects the game. Jumping from a spot after judging a safe distance from what you've done before and dying is just... Stupid. Game should make some of these things clearer.

i disagree strongly ... let me tell you why .
First get off your mind that people here are fanboys.

Second , stealth works... unless when you can't ..there are similar pieces in U2 where the characters think they can stealth but can't "just because" .. syria with cutter is doable in stealth .. and various parts of the game too .. i don't get why you're angry that if you're spotted the game launch ennemies at you ...this is uncharted , not metal gear ... there is no cooldown where ennemies go back to their paths ...
Shipyard is indeed launching ennemies at you but the fault lies within your play not the game ....if you really wanted to do this part in stealth , all you had to do was to restart your checkpoint once spotted... this particular part offers at least 7 different way to do this depending on how carefull or crazy you are ..i really dunno where is the problem .

Ai is not dumb, it's actually flexible ..this is no way near the awefull spamming of : COD waw for example ... not only you can throw them back, but the brute never launch more than 2 ( except in MP co-op ).. throw one back and roll back .. it's something only to not stay all the time at the same place.

Finnally the game always tell you what to do next ... See the hint ( press Up ? ) Never i had a problem on where to go , there is always a hint , or one of your friends telling you that you should push this, or giving you a hint to solve a puzzle ..
The game is telling where to go if you spent more than 30 seconds in the same area ...i'm baffled that you could make such a complain.


I like the concept of the shipyard level, but in practice, I basically screwed up stealthing it like 2-3 kills in, and then ended up hiding in a corner with a grenade launcher I found the rest of the time. :(

I actually think this game is a ton tougher than UC1 and UC2. I got wrecked quite a bit, and had to cheese certain sections (like above).

One of my biggest specific beefs with the game was that stealth was more or less useless. For me, anyway...played on Hard.

I would be able to snag a few dudes before ultimately getting noticed and butt swarmed every time. I kinda remember stealthing whole sections in U2 on Hard.


Jeebus. I need to start playing with gaffers.



this is the most ridiculous scoreboard I've ever been in. :lol
Jeebus. I need to start playing with gaffers.

Any team of decent players destroys randoms. You can have one uber high rank skilled player on team A get bodied against team B just because team B travels and defends areas togather. That uber player isn't so uber when he's got three players on his tail instead of the one or two wandering moving targets just looking around.


One of my biggest specific beefs with the game was that stealth was more or less useless. For me, anyway...played on Hard.

I would be able to snag a few dudes before ultimately getting noticed and butt swarmed every time. I kinda remember stealthing whole sections in U2 on Hard.

I went all stealth in Syria, and almost went undetectable in The Chateau. I had fun in the shipyard even when I got spotted because I used stealth on enough to attain easy enough cover that worked to shield me from both sides. : \


Just finished U3 and sorry if this has been previously discussed (I couldn't find anything on it) but did they take out the option to unlock skins and "cheats" for the single player campaign? I LOVED it in U2, it was my main incentive to replay the game as doughnut drake. It also gave trophies an actual sense of worth as you gained money along side them. Surely ND wouldn't remove a feature as big/awesome as this?


Just finished U3 and sorry if this has been previously discussed (I couldn't find anything on it) but did they take out the option to unlock skins and "cheats" for the single player campaign? I LOVED it in U2, it was my main incentive to replay the game as doughnut drake. It also gave trophies an actual sense of worth as you gained money along side them. Surely ND wouldn't remove a feature as big/awesome as this?

It broke the game.
Haven't seen much discussion on melee, but I'm sorta curious what you guys think of it, especially since it received a fairly large makeover in UC3.

Personally, I found it a lot more engaging, but it did feel out of place at times. My biggest gripe is that I'd run into a random guy around a corner and enter the melee animation, only to have snipers pick me off because I can't cancel the melee sequence. I also wish "O" wasn't a grab/throw command either, since it gets me into trouble when I'm trying to roll away instead. It's a pretty interesting addition to the franchise, but I hope they polish it some more if there's a UC4.


The new additions to combat were very welcome, like pressing square to drop down on a guy below (even if its really finicky sometimes and doesn't work on some big guys). But I agree that its a royal pain in the butt when you become locked in an melee animation sequence while getting shot to shit.

I also like what they tried to do with grabs but I just couldnt work out how they really worked, was the idea just you quickly push them away in a direction or to keep hold of them while dealing out some damage? Also never really mastered the attacks that involved using random objects (like bottles, spanners and fish).

But all in all a nice step up. Btw does anyone know how you pull off that move where you knock the guy out with your gun, using it like a baseball bat.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Haven't seen much discussion on melee, but I'm sorta curious what you guys think of it, especially since it received a fairly large makeover in UC3.

Personally, I found it a lot more engaging, but it did feel out of place at times. My biggest gripe is that I'd run into a random guy around a corner and enter the melee animation, only to have snipers pick me off because I can't cancel the melee sequence. I also wish "O" wasn't a grab/throw command either, since it gets me into trouble when I'm trying to roll away instead. It's a pretty interesting addition to the franchise, but I hope they polish it some more if there's a UC4.

Loved it. IMO they can improve it further by tightening the window for counters and adding more grab types.
I like all the new melee animations Drake can do, but I found it more bothersome then helpful on my playthroughs. Whoever decided the roll button should be the same as the grab button needs to be demoted, away from important gameplay design decisions. The all-out brawls are fun, but they're also really easy, just mashing square constantly with the huuuuuuge window to press triangle makes them a lot less engaging then they should be. The big brute fight got old after the second one, but they keep appearing again and again and again and again.

I wouldn't mind an improved version in the sequel, but in the current state, I prefer the quick and simple melee in U2
I heard this on some giantbombcast, but eh does anyone know what section of Uncharted 1 Naughty Dog was referring to when they said there was one 30 second section that everyone loved, which lead to that kind of gameplay being the focus of UC2?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I heard this on some giantbombcast, but eh does anyone know what section of Uncharted 1 Naughty Dog was referring to when they said there was one 30 second section that everyone loved, which lead to that kind of gameplay being the focus of UC2?

Yeah, it was the section where you're hanging off a ledge near a waterfall, and there is a dude standing next to a jeep shooting at you. You shoot an explosive canister, and the dude and the jeep fly towards you in slow motion.
Yeah, it was the section where you're hanging off a ledge near a waterfall, and there is a dude standing next to a jeep shooting at you. You shoot an explosive canister, and the dude and the jeep fly towards you in slow motion.

Alright, I wouldn't have remembered that myself. Trying to incorporate that in a piece I'm writing on UC3, so thanks!


Haven't seen much discussion on melee, but I'm sorta curious what you guys think of it, especially since it received a fairly large makeover in UC3.

Personally, I found it a lot more engaging, but it did feel out of place at times. My biggest gripe is that I'd run into a random guy around a corner and enter the melee animation, only to have snipers pick me off because I can't cancel the melee sequence. I also wish "O" wasn't a grab/throw command either, since it gets me into trouble when I'm trying to roll away instead. It's a pretty interesting addition to the franchise, but I hope they polish it some more if there's a UC4.

it may have worked better if they allowed drake to knock out weak enemies in one hit sometimes or some jackie chan stuff to make them fall on their face. would also make it a little less repetitive as every fight vs each enemy type seems to play out the same way. i dont know how many times I kicked that heavy dude with the vest in the balls. the animations for drake look great btw, it's just how it plays out. maybe make counters more effective and allow him to do counters as the enemies rush in swinging

jax (old)

The only part of the game that was truly hard to play is the
first time you run into the marlowe's guys after the desert
- area with the well. No weapon. A shit load of enemies. On hard/crushing - this area was the place I kept dying on.

People who hate on chapter 12-14... are.. well as I've already said "crazy". They're amazing. Not even hard too. The latter half of the game is amazing.

jax (old)

Haven't seen much discussion on melee, but I'm sorta curious what you guys think of it, especially since it received a fairly large makeover in UC3.

Personally, I found it a lot more engaging, but it did feel out of place at times. My biggest gripe is that I'd run into a random guy around a corner and enter the melee animation, only to have snipers pick me off because I can't cancel the melee sequence. I also wish "O" wasn't a grab/throw command either, since it gets me into trouble when I'm trying to roll away instead. It's a pretty interesting addition to the franchise, but I hope they polish it some more if there's a UC4.

Melee was pretty dreadful on the hard + below modes where the icons popped up. Not fun. QTEsque.

On crushing; I'm actually liking it a lot more although it took me a while to remember to mash some buttons. It plays better with no prompts. That said; on crushing I tended not to melee unless I think I can survive the bullets hailing on me while I punched.


What is this latest update (1.02) I believe it was supposed to do? My game played fine until I had to update it now it takes ages to even boot up?

And it's not my PS3. Everything else works fine, other games, bluray player etc... and Uncharted 3 worked perfectly until this update.


I'm on my second playthrough, this time on Crushing and post-patch. I'm having several problems. First, certain cutscenes stutter like mad, like a dirty DVD would. Data streaming issue? BR drive dying?

Secondly, and possible related, certain sections fail to load properly. Upon coming out of the well into the stealth area in the courtyard outside the chateau, there were no enemies loaded, and Drake stopped animating, sliding around the level in a single default position. Also, the horse scene later in the game never concluded leading to an unending chase. Reloading of course fixed both of these problems.

I've noticed the game seems to make the PS3 grind more than others. Great game, just wondering these issues are software or hardware based. The previous two never gave me a single issue and no other game or Bluray does.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Yeah I was able to take out about 3 guys through the awkward stealth but after that I was bombarded with

-normal enemies
-heavy armor shotgun assholes
-grenade/rocket launcher bros
-a couple of turret dudes

and all I had was a shitty pistol, a pea shooter of a rifle, and my body that could take about 5 shots on normal before dying. It was brutal, and that was just the very first "open" part.

The concept behind the Ship Graveyard was a good idea, but they threw so much shit at you (turrets, snipers, grenade launcher guys, regular guys, heavy armour guys etc.) that it just ended up being more of a hassle than fun, at least to me. Sure, I'll gladly admit to plowing through the Uncharted games on easy since I'm prety terrible at cover-based third person shooters anyway, but generally the games aren't all that hard. But the ship graveyard just wasn't particularly entertaining to me, although it did have some OK platforming segments. Overall I liked the cruise ship level more.
The concept behind the Ship Graveyard was a good idea, but they threw so much shit at you (turrets, snipers, grenade launcher guys, regular guys, heavy armour guys etc.) that it just ended up being more of a hassle than fun, at least to me. Sure, I'll gladly admit to plowing through the Uncharted games on easy since I'm prety terrible at cover-based third person shooters anyway, but generally the games aren't all that hard. But the ship graveyard just wasn't particularly entertaining to me, although it did have some OK platforming segments. Overall I liked the cruise ship level more.

Your enjoyment of this section of the game hinges on what difficulty you were playing on. I played on Easy and it was one of the most fun sections in a game I've played in some time. The bigger issue in this game is the difficulty spikes-- that goes for the entire game, however.
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