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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Naughty Dog knows how many times a player left a game. That's just a stat as well. They could easily just reset the stats of people who left more than X% of their games started.


I personally don't care either, hell I voted yes on that poll.

But I can understand some people, like Rewrite, being mad that they'll reset his 'legit' stats.

So just reset the stats of leavers. Stat-quitters are the whole reason they're thinking about it anyway. Not a general problem with stats.


I personally don't care either, hell I voted yes on that poll.

But I can understand some people, like Rewrite, being mad that they'll reset his 'legit' stats.

So just reset the stats of leavers. Stat-quitters are the whole reason they're thinking about it anyway. Not a general problem with stats.

I don't understand why even give a shit about quitters leaving in the first place. Jebus. What happened to playing for fun.


Not as deep as he thinks
Well, this ND makes a good point

I bet they'll put it at the bottom of the message of the day. Most people don't even know that you can scroll down...

which is why there's still people that I've come across with that insist on kill farming in Plunder...

Mikey Jr.

It should be in the message of the day to prevent you from accepting it in the future.

Also, have they put up a new lab yet? The fuck is going on?


Not as deep as he thinks
Oh man Pistols Only Plunder. <3 <3 <3

Best lab in UC2 by far. I'd be cool with it since I like the Para 9.

ND should troll everyone by making it TAU only pistol Plunder.


> person has Fleet Foot on with the M9
> blindfires 90% of the match

Wtf is the point.

Everyone with a M9 blindfires 90% of the match. Fleet Foot or no Fleet Foot. M9 + ROF blindfire then melee is just so good, why would you try to aim.


Why do people give a fuck about quitters? Let them quit, who fucking cares. Let ME quit if I fucking want to. People can join in mid-match now, it doesn't fucking matter anymore. Last time I played UC2 I was getting buttfucked by a team of XXX tryhards, I was the only left on my side. So I quit. What does the game do? Fucking penalizes me by making me waiting 90 seconds. Fuck you, game. Fuck you right in your digital asscrack.

Fuck, let people quit, why give a shit in the first place.


Not as deep as he thinks
The new lab is...wait for it...DUN DUN DUNNNN:

RPG's only.

No kickbacks, no boosters. Power Plays are still in effect.


New Message of the Day announcing the new lab along with warning of the stat reset bug and how you can prevent it.


Not as deep as he thinks
Cannot remove K/D from the Lab without patching it. It's under consideration for the next release.


There shouldn't be any consideration. Stats should count on labs, period.

"bu bu bu but I can't play the lab because stats count and it interferes with my enjoyment of it!!"

GTFO with that shit. Sometimes the ND forum people piss me the fuck off. And what's more hilarious is that these same people ask for stat resets. derp.

Don't even consider it. Keep it the way it is, ND. Make stats count just like they did in UC2.

BTW, the RPGs only lab fucking ROCKS! So much chaos, so much explosions, so much team kills...I LOVE it.

Honestly, arne/evan/Robert...this game REALLY needs an All Competitive Modes like UC2 did. It will bring so much variety to this game that it's crazy just thinking about it. It was probably the best playlist in UC2 because of it.
I don't mind stats keeping track in the lab, but I DO mind how easy it is to get certain medals. They should remove some of the kill streaks medals and consecutive kill medals. Whoop de fricken do I got a Five Not Alive on RPGs only. It really cheapens the specialness of getting said medals and it's harder to tell who gets them legitimately or abusing the lab.


I don't mind stats keeping track in the lab, but I DO mind how easy it is to get certain medals. They should remove some of the kill streaks medals and consecutive kill medals. Whoop de fricken do I got a Five Not Alive on RPGs only. It really cheapens the specialness of getting said medals and it's harder to tell who gets them legitimately or abusing the lab.

wha the fuck is this bullshit :lol What is it to you what medals other people get.


Subete no aware
I know it's all MP in here, but after taking a 6 month break from the game (mostly from being annoyed at the aiming and the relatively lacklustre encounter design), I finally beat it. It really does open up after chapter 13... although, I hate their new version of the
magical meat shield
enemies near the end.

Don't think I can put myself through the game again to play it on Crushing though. But at least I can finally put it to bed.


I don't mind stats keeping track in the lab, but I DO mind how easy it is to get certain medals. They should remove some of the kill streaks medals and consecutive kill medals. Whoop de fricken do I got a Five Not Alive on RPGs only. It really cheapens the specialness of getting said medals and it's harder to tell who gets them legitimately or abusing the lab.

I got Power Killer for the first time in the lab, after 100+ hours of playing the game. Same with Afterlife, though that is because I never play TDM.

But I agree with jett on this, why does it matter what medals other people get. Especially now that kickbacks are disabled in the lab, so it has no effect on getting them.


Not as deep as he thinks
I don't mind stats keeping track in the lab, but I DO mind how easy it is to get certain medals. They should remove some of the kill streaks medals and consecutive kill medals. Whoop de fricken do I got a Five Not Alive on RPGs only. It really cheapens the specialness of getting said medals and it's harder to tell who gets them legitimately or abusing the lab.
The only way to see what other medals people have is if you log into the multiplayer component of UC3 on ND's site, which I might add, takes FOREVER to log in and even then, you'd have to type the PSN ID of the person you want to find. It's a tedious process and the site is slow. And if you got a five not alive with the RPGs, that's a cool accomplishment mainly because it's so easy to get killed or team killed that you deserve that medal for getting it.

This isn't really an issue, IMO. The whole "consideration" of removing stats for lab is just ridiculous, though.

I know it's all MP in here, but after taking a 6 month break from the game (mostly from being annoyed at the aiming and the relatively lacklustre encounter design), I finally beat it. It really does open up after chapter 13... although, I hate their new version of the
magical meat shield
enemies near the end.

Don't think I can put myself through the game again to play it on Crushing though. But at least I can finally put it to bed.
Don't worry, I've only replayed UC3 two times. One in Hard and the other in Crushing. It just doesn't have the replay factor that UC2 did.


Don't worry, I've only replayed UC3 two times. One in Hard and the other in Crushing. It just doesn't have the replay factor that UC2 did.

I agree. I want the platinum so I have to replay it on crushing, but right now I feel like playing the U2 campaign again instead. That campaign is truly something else.


Subete no aware
Don't worry, I've only replayed UC3 two times. One in Hard and the other in Crushing. It just doesn't have the replay factor that UC2 did.

I agree. I want the platinum so I have to replay it on crushing, but right now I feel like playing the U2 campaign again instead. That campaign is truly something else.

Yeah, for whatever reason, UC3's encounter designs/level designs just didn't work for me. I still have fond memories of the train in UC2, but I can't remember anything particularly special about the cruise ship level in UC3 (which seems like their version of the "show piece").

And man, the way they just got rid of Chloe and Cutter was pretty strange too. Maybe they'll get a spinoff game. lol


Incredibly Naive
Has the community taken a hit at all from the patch? I know I haven't played since they took out stat tracking for plunder. This seems to happen with UC games...they have something good and they drastically change it all of a sudden.


Has the community taken a hit at all from the patch? I know I haven't played since they took out stat tracking for plunder. This seems to happen with UC games...they have something good and they drastically change it all of a sudden.

They only took out K/D tracking, which is a good thing if you ask me. Keeps all the players wanting to play TDM out of Plunder, leaving only the people who actually want to play Plunder. Same with Team Objective.


The Everyman
what a fine ass sexy awesome game.

the whole scene chandelier hanging in the boat was a fine example of artistic mastery


Not as deep as he thinks
Has the community taken a hit at all from the patch? I know I haven't played since they took out stat tracking for plunder. This seems to happen with UC games...they have something good and they drastically change it all of a sudden.
Nope. I still find people in Plunder/Team Objective right away. This "drastic" change was long overdue as people were using this mode to just kill farm instead of actually doing the objective. There are still idiots who kill farm for some strange reason, but now they won't have anything to show for it so really, it's a big waste of time.


Not as deep as he thinks
OK, it's time to give Team Objective improvements.

Multi-Marked Man:
  • Multi Marked Man glitch needs to be fixed. I won't go into too much detail as I've already explained it to death in this thread. In short, if the marked man leaves, no new marked man gets appointed.
  • When marked, you should be able to get points for the time you spend surviving in addition to getting a "Hard Target" medal if you manage to survive the whole multi marked man round. Why? Well, because multi marked man lasts like 3 minutes in Team Objective while in TDM, it only lasts like 40 seconds. Why this medal wasn't included makes no sense to me. If you're getting points for the time you survive, this will also provide people with incentives to stay alive as much as they can to get the most points instead of going out in the open and getting killed.
  • The person who is in third place will always get marked first no matter what. That's fine with me, BUT for the love of god, PLEASE make the rotation of who is marked next fair. Sometimes the same low level player will get marked THREE or more times in a row. That shouldn't happen. It should at least rotate once to every member of the team or something. Nothing frustrates me more than the same person getting marked over and over again especially when I hardly EVER get marked myself.
  • You only get 1 point if you kill the marked man. I think the reward should be more points. Maybe 10 to 20 points to start things out. I'll explain why later.*

Chain Reaction:

  • You should be able to get points for every territory you capture. As it is right now, you get NO points for capturing the territories. You can get an Expansionist medal, but as far as objective points go, nada. I don't know how many points should be rewarded, but it's better than nothing. Again, I'll explain why later. *


  • It needs to be removed. It serves no purpose. Kills/Death no longer count in Team Objective and it seems silly to still have it included.
  • If it's not removed, then increase the timer so that it's not a pathetic 30 seconds or whatever it is in addition to increasing the amount of points per kill AND assists. 1 point per kill doesn't cut it. I'll explain why later.*

Treasure Hunter:

  • As it is right now, only the person who is holding the idol gets points. It's not really fair for the rest of the team since they get nothing out of it because only the idol carrier benefits. What this has done that I've personally seen is that other members of the team will purposefully kill the idol carrier so that they can get the idol and receive points. To remedy this, I think that a "siege" zone should appear near the idol carrier and if you're within the siege zone, you'll get points for every kill/assists you get while protecting the idol carrier in addition in receiving protectorate medals. That way, the whole team benefits from this round and not only the idol carrier because let's face it, without proper defense, you won't win this round whatsoever. The person who is holding the idol is important AS WELL as your team defending you.
  • When the host leaves the match, the idol will respawn to another location. This happens in Plunder as well. It shouldn't happen.

King of the Hill:

  • On certain maps, the hills favors one team. For example, on The Museum, the hills favors the heroes because it's right next to where they spawn. The hill should always be at the center of the map. In The Facility, all the heroes need to do is just run up the stairs and the hill is there while the villains have to climb their way up there through other means. It's usually fine for most of the maps, but on maps like those, it needs to be at the center of the map every single time KOTH starts as the FIRST round so that it's fair for both teams.
  • Power weapon placement is a BIG problem too. In the Chateau, villains have immediate access to an RPG while the heroes have no access to any power weapon whatsoever. On The Museum, heroes have instant access to the Hammer since they literally spawn below it. Villains on the other hand only have access to the T-Bolt, and even then, the Heroes have access to their T-Bolt in the area where the hill is, making it even more beneficial to them. Power weapons make a huge difference in determining who takes the round/hill/turf war spot/chain reaction hill. Power weapon placement isn't only beneficial to KOTH, it's beneficial to the team at the start of the match. Either move around the power weapons towards the center of the map/remove them/or make it evenly balanced by adding a power weapon so that both teams have access to one at the start of a match.

Turf War:

  • Give an incentive to capture/recapture the other zones by giving the person a shitload of points. People just camp in one zone just to get points while neglecting the other turfs that need to be recaptured. It doesn't matter how long one person stays "defending" one turf when the other team has two of them captured because you'll still LOSE. The players who go to the other turfs, clears them, and recaptures them aren't awarded enough for their hard work and really, it's the only way to win the round in addition to 'defending' them. People that just "camp" in one zone just to get points piss me off because they aren't doing anything. Yes, they are "defending" the turf, but most of the time they just do it to get points.

* OK, it's time to touch upon this. Sometimes, you'll get Team Objective matches where the modes are: Chain Reaction, Multi Marked Man, and Deathmatch in this exact order. These matches tend to be short and you tend to not get much points whatsoever, making it kind of pointless. If they were to increase the points, then they will still be short rounds, but you'll have made at least some decent amount of points instead of coming up with something like 8 points in total at the end of the match.

- At first, I figured that adding an objective leaderboard would be a good idea, but now I wouldn't want one. It would basically make people camp in one turf, team kill a person to get the idol, and do other shit that would make my favorite mode intolerable. So I'm against the idea now.

- MAKE THE OBJECTIVES RANDOM. It's always the same order in every match and Deathmatch is 99.9% the third one. Making them random would be fucking AWESOME. COME on, ND.

These are improvements that I can see working with the system we have right now without having to gradually change Team Objective for the time being. It's my favorite mode and I wish ND would give it some long deserved love.


Not as deep as he thinks
ND's community Q&A #2 is up:

Q: When are you going to give FBMP more weight, as currently no one plays with the DLC toggle on?

A: The focus is still on the latest DLC map, but the weight on how often the Flashback Map Pack 2 appears has increased. We&#8217;ll be tweaking the weight on the different map packs as necessary based on future planned events and community feedback.

Q: What will it take to integrate separate hitboxes?

A: We&#8217;ve addressed this on several different occasions and our stance hasn&#8217;t changed. If implemented Uncharted 3 multiplayer would not be the multiplayer game we designed. The hitboxes will remain how they are currently set up.

Q: Can we have more customization for the main characters? (Drake, Elena, Chloe, Talbot...)

A: We will be submitting patch 1.13 for approval at the end of June. This patch contains new taunts and character customizations. It&#8217;s epic. We&#8217;ll have more news on it once it&#8217;s approved.

Q: Any chance there could be cinema files for Co-Op Arena games that you play?

A: Sorry, no. We don&#8217;t record all the actions of a co-op game like we do for a competitive game. This means we can&#8217;t have cinema files. There are other restrictions that we cannot account for but the biggie is that we simply don&#8217;t record the actions.

Q: Are you going to IMPROVE MASSIVELY the already released DLC by adding trophies to them?

A: Yes! Trophies are coming in the next patch.

Q: When are you adding Rika Raja to the multiplayer?

A: Rika isn&#8217;t slated to be added to multiplayer. She was a unique character in the Eye of Indra downloadable comics and a special skin tied to that. She fit into the Uncharted 2 world more appropriately than she does Uncharted 3. Sorry!

Q: Dear ND, why did you remove those little clips that every level had on the July Beta (Intros and Endings)? It really added a Story to the game and made it feel better. Was it because of the bigger amount of levels?

A: After experimenting with them in the multiplayer for a while we realized they just weren&#8217;t that rewarding. In order to get the quality level and thrill we strive for we felt we would have to design, animate, and mo-cap unique scenes for each win/loss scenario. Those extra animations would have gotten pretty resource intensive.

Q: Can you please increase the rare treasure drop ratio in Co-op Arena and Co-op Hunter?

A: If you still are having trouble getting that much sought after treasure we&#8217;re implementing a feature in patch 1.13 that will allow you to get those special weapons and clothing items very fast. More on that once the patch is ready.

Q: What are your future plans for the Lab? How often do you plan to update it, and are there any future plans to enable custom game support of the mode?

A: We will be rolling out new Labs on a bi-weekly basis and we will keep you up to date as they become available either through Message of the Day or the Naughty Dog blog. Supporting custom game options in The Lab isn&#8217;t something we&#8217;ll be doing because it would split up the community between matchmaking and custom games and kinda defeats our intentions with The Lab. However, after each lab mode finishes, we&#8217;ll update the custom game variations to include that mode if we can.

Q: How tall is cog?

A: He&#8217;s a giant among men. Ok, not really. Maybe 6&#8217; 4&#8221; or so?

Q: Will we be seeing some missing UC2 skins like Pinkerton and Dutch?

A: No. U3 is its own unique MP and those skins were tied to promotional activites and side stories that centered around U2.

Q: Are we going to get a new Legacy, and a new level cap? What will be the rewards?

A:We are adding 2 new legacy levels. The other details we don't have fully locked down but there will be new rewards.

1.13 is looking to be a HUGE patch. God, more customization!? Something speed things up for co-op unlocks? FUCK YES.
ND's community Q&A #2 is up:

1.13 is looking to be a HUGE patch. God, more customization!? Something speed things up for co-op unlocks? FUCK YES.

Not looking forward to seeing multiplayer trophies, but I'm excited to see how customization will work out once 1.13 is deployed.

And I thought you hated Co-Op? Or is it because of the treasure system?

Mikey Jr.

Something speed things up for co-op unlocks? FUCK YES.

I guarantee you it is a purchase option. Like 1 million U3 bucks for Marco Polo skeleton.

I would be ok with that. Hopefully it will work for competitive as well. Fuck getting hardcore treasures. Terrible playlist and feels close to impossible getting a single treasure, nevermind treasure sets.
New Legacies and customizations? YAY!
DLC trophies and no Rika/Pinkerton? BOO!
finally, a better way to get the Co-Op arenas treasures? LOL...I already got them all
(would have saved me a lot of grief with Hunter if they had implemented this sooner).


Not as deep as he thinks
Not looking forward to seeing multiplayer trophies, but I'm excited to see how customization will work out once 1.13 is deployed.

And I thought you hated Co-Op? Or is it because of the treasure system?
The only way I enjoy co-op is at Crushing difficulty with just one other person. In other words, back to back. Otherwise, it's boring and inferior to Uncharted 2's co-op in every single way. The treasure system is one of the reasons why it's boring as well because you don't unlock anything new.
I guarantee you it is a purchase option. Like 1 million U3 bucks for Marco Polo skeleton.

I would be ok with that. Hopefully it will work for competitive as well. Fuck getting hardcore treasures. Terrible playlist and feels close to impossible getting a single treasure, nevermind treasure sets.
I'd be cool with that as well. I have almost, if not $70 million just sitting there waiting to be spent. I honestly think this will be paid boosters for co-op that will include a Treasure Hunter one to increase your drops. Same with Hardcore. God, I really fucking hate Hardcore. It could have been such a great playlist, but the double health fucking ruins it.

New Legacies and customizations? YAY!
DLC trophies and no Rika/Pinkerton? BOO!
finally, a better way to get the Co-Op arenas treasures? LOL...I already got them all
(would have saved me a lot of grief with Hunter if they had implemented this sooner).
I'm jealous of your completed sets. I only have 3 sets missing: Drake's baseball cap, Desert Drake's Head Wrap, and Eddy's Glasses. I always get the common treasures, but never the rare one. I gave up. I don't even touch Hunter anymore because everyone quits and I will NOT farm Chateau or any other map. That is a waste of time and not fun.

No co-op adventure add-ons? Whatever, ND.
The co-op adventure maps were fun the first few times I played them. Then I just lost all interest in playing them. they aren't as good as the co-op levels UC2 had. Those were very replayable that the ones UC3 got, IMO.

I also don't look forward to multiplayer trophies because some of the UC2 ones frustrated the shit out of me and changed the way people play the game. For example, countless of times you'd find people hanging from a ledge trying to get tricky medals for the fuck out of it. That's not how you're supposed to play the game at all, just hanging from a ledge getting constantly killed just to boost for the trophy. I also wasn't a fan of "Win this mode X amount of times" (fuck you, Win 50x Elimination matches) because I think it's a cheap way to increase the popularity of a playlist. Let's not forget the dreadful "Protectorate" trophy that everyone always boosted in Plunder, ruining the mode just because it was impossible to get it through "legit" means (I got it 100% legit without boosting). If that " trophy set leak" that was posted here by tapantaola (taken from the ND forums) is any indication of the actual MP trophies we'll be getting, then they are complete garbage.

I know the reason why they're added and its to increase the DLC sales and the DLC player pool since it'll bug people that their game won't be 100% anymore. It's a good idea in essence, but terribly executed. I'll wait until the official list is released before I pass judgement.
I'm jealous of your completed sets. I only have 3 sets missing: Drake's baseball cap, Desert Drake's Head Wrap, and Eddy's Glasses. I always get the common treasures, but never the rare one. I gave up. I don't even touch Hunter anymore because everyone quits and I will NOT farm Chateau or any other map. That is a waste of time and not fun.

Yea, I remember getting the final treasure for the baseball cap...not a fun match.

Originally, I tried going through crushing co-op arenas then a few Chateau farming sessions...then I just went through Hunter. Not proud of what I did(going for every chest I could among other things), but it got results. Of course it didn't help that some times I had a partner who wasn't quick on uptake/goal...like taking one of the idols to a chest that clearly wasn't the correct one (this wasn't a case of multiple goal chest activated) and trying MULTIPLE times on the same chest with the same idol.

*sigh*...they never did fix that blank treasure drop issue for Hunter did they?
I can't wait for this patch but I'm cautiously curbing my expectations. I'm hoping for huge color palettes and maybe multiple clothe pieces to wear at the same time. I'd be pissed if their idea of new customization is a baseball glove for drake and bunny ears for cutter.
The only way I enjoy co-op is at Crushing difficulty with just one other person. In other words, back to back. Otherwise, it's boring and inferior to Uncharted 2's co-op in every single way. The treasure system is one of the reasons why it's boring as well because you don't unlock anything new.

I'm jealous of your completed sets. I only have 3 sets missing: Drake's baseball cap, Desert Drake's Head Wrap, and Eddy's Glasses. I always get the common treasures, but never the rare one. I gave up. I don't even touch Hunter anymore because everyone quits and I will NOT farm Chateau or any other map. That is a waste of time and not fun.

I play Crushing exclusively, so maybe a game sometime down the road won't be bad. Treasure system is terrible. I have played so many Arena games to keep getting duplicates. Hunter is terrible and you're never guaranteed a drop (and could be blank), not to mention the amount of quitters that plague that mode.

Btw, I have those sets unlocked. :p

*sigh*...they never did fix that blank treasure drop issue for Hunter did they?

Unfortunately, that still needs a fix. It's hard to even get a drop and even then it's usually a blank or a Just Cash medal (for me). I want to see their new change in 1.13.
I play Crushing exclusively, so maybe a game sometime down the road won't be bad. Treasure system is terrible. I have played so many Arena games to keep getting duplicates. Hunter is terrible and you're never guaranteed a drop (and could be blank), not to mention the amount of quitters that plague that mode.

Btw, I have those sets unlocked. :p

Unfortunately, that still needs a fix. It's hard to even get a drop and even then it's usually a blank or a Just Cash medal (for me). I want to see their new change in 1.13.

One of the few times(as in an actual treasure) a drop worked for me was with the Golden Eight Emblems Pendant I needed for Sully's Fedora, which was the second to last set to complete. Perhaps there will be some sort of fix for that in 1.13 alongside whatever they're planning for the treasure hunting.

On an unrelated note, I forgot to mention earlier with the Q&A, if Rika and Pinkerton weren't planned to be included in 3's MP...why were they mentioned in the MP cast credits in the first place?
wha the fuck is this bullshit :lol What is it to you what medals other people get.

I don't care what other peoples stats are at all. It's MY stats I care about. I just don't like how it's easier getting some of the harder medals in the lab thats all. Imagine if kills streaks were in Plunder. How many people would go against the objective more than they do already trying to get more Rage and Rampant medals. I just don't like looking at my stats and noticing I almost have double the amount of 5NA I have had in almost two weeks time compared to the life time of the game. I feel it cheapens the ones I earned before.


Not as deep as he thinks
Btw, I have those sets unlocked. :p
And I have the ones you're missing! So we're even! Ha.
On an unrelated note, I forgot to mention earlier with the Q&A, if Rika and Pinkerton weren't planned to be included in 3's MP...why were they mentioned in the MP cast credits in the first place?
The answer that was given was just BS, IMO. Her name appears in the MP cast credits as well as the Subway beta having the sound files for her:


I don't care what other peoples stats are at all. It's MY stats I care about. I just don't like how it's easier getting some of the harder medals in the lab thats all. Imagine if kills streaks were in Plunder. How many people would go against the objective more than they do already trying to get more Rage and Rampant medals. I just don't like looking at my stats and noticing I almost have double the amount of 5NA I have had in almost two weeks time compared to the life time of the game. I feel it cheapens the ones I earned before.
I find this stance weird, personally. I had more Five Not Alive medals than the combined 5NA medals I've received from the lab.

- - - -

From EricND:

2 new legacies is one of the more minor updates to this patch. We're on our 13th patch. It's a lot of hard work to optimize the game and keep it running well. 1.13 is going to blow everyone who plays away. Just wait.

It's hard not to get hyped, man! He also said that the patch notes are coming in July.
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