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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


solarus said:
Played the game for an hour, love it! Biggest surprise for me (since I was kind of on a media-blackout) is the addition of split-screen Co-Op! Thank you based Naught Gods.

Split screen co-op? Shit....


RDreamer said:
Sad. I feel like so far this one could really be hands down the best one if the shooting were on par with 2. I like the new melee stuff enough, and the increased ability to stealth is awesome, and all the other changes and touches are great too.
the melee stuff can go right to hell.
Otherwise its a good game so far.


Look what shows up as I'm about to head to school:



cajunator said:
the melee stuff can go right to hell.
Otherwise its a good game so far.

I'm actually loving the melee stuff. Sure it's not like Arkham Asylum was, but Drake isn't freaking Batman. His brawling is going to be a bit more loose. I think it works well enough.
So far I think the storytelling and writing in general is much better and more focused than in the first two, but particularly Drakes 2. Also it's really funny. Cutter is the best new character. In fact he might be my favorite.


This manual is a such a poor effort and a waste. You'd think that since this was a flagship title for Sony they'd attempt to create a quality product here.


Crystal Bearer
brandonh83 said:
So far I think the storytelling and writing in general is much better and more focused than in the first two, but particularly Drakes 2. Also it's really funny. Cutter is the best new character. In fact he might be my favorite.

lol, yes. He's great :D


The melee as an idea and how its executed is fine. I think the aiming makes the melee more annoying. They rush you more, and it's harder to hit anything, so they get behind you and fight. If I were able to headshot like I used to be able to it wouldn't be a big deal breaking into a fight once in a while during a battle. As it is now, it's frustrating as fuck because I can't aim worth a crap and then I'm taken out of aiming for that. So, to me the big flaw is aiming.


damn UPS required a signature for my amazon release day delivery and I wasn't there. bought it at target during lunch and ask UPS to send it back to amazon for a refund

this is the first time that a signature was required for release day delivery, sucks
anddo0 said:
chapter 9 puzzle help?

these puzzle are really slow and boring. I'd just like to get them out the way. I find they bring the game to a crawl.

Which one?

If it's the globe, look for the Eurasia land mass - there's are three marked dots. Get them in the vicinity of the light lining up with the dots and it'll auto line-up, triggering a cutscene.


I'm a little worried because I'm only 51 minutes in and it says 21% complete. I'm assuming that's just going by chapters and since the intro chapters were somewhat short the bulk of the game is in the chapters to come? I don't remember how it worked with 1 and 2.
I don't know if this is an odd tradition, but ever since the first game (I got my surround system when I got Uncharted 1) I always crank my receiver up and listen to the music in the title screen, and then when I feel I'm ready, I get to it.

I love this series so much!


Got up to Chapter 4, what an awesome opening hour. Really wasn't expecting that kind of direction, but totally glad it did end up there. The story is too enjoyable and I had to stop for a minute to take in how amazing it looks. TOO GOOD.

EDIT: Simple combat is refreshing after the button fest that was Arkham City.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
My copy of Uncharted 3 just got delivered to my leasing office. I'll have to go pick it up when I have a few minutes away from my desk.
DarknessTear said:
I don't know if this is an odd tradition, but ever since the first game (I got my surround system when I got Uncharted 1) I always crank my receiver up and listen to the music in the title screen, and then when I feel I'm ready, I get to it.

I love this series so much!

My favorite was after playing a portion, I quit to the title screen and it was playing some awesome Middle Eastern music. I think I was listening to that for like ten minutes before quitting the game completely. The music is so good.
what is all this don't get married stuff?

just find a wife that realizes its important to you and lets you do your thing.

3 hours until I start this!! CANT WAIT!
really sucks renting from red box :( , can't even play co-op mode with a pass dskhfjsfdfddffd.

oh well, split screen co-op is ok , time to play single player


zsephirothz said:
Played one hour, got YLOD (80gb with bc)... And now the disk won't come out. :(
:( thats the system I have I fucking swear.... I wait all day... if that happens <;\

sorry though man....


Auron_Kale said:
Which one?

If it's the globe, look for the Eurasia land mass - there's are three marked dots. Get them in the vicinity of the light lining up with the dots and it'll auto line-up, triggering a cutscene.

yeah that's the one thanks.
I'm experiencing a weird glitch with the audio.

I'm trying to play using set of Turtle Beach PX5's connected to the PS3 via optical audio cable.

Sound is working perfectly in the XMB, and working perfectly with every other game, but for some reason when I boot up Uncharted 3 there is no sound coming to the headset. Anyone have any clues on what might be causing this?


benevolent sexism
Tiktaalik said:
This manual is a such a poor effort and a waste. You'd think that since this was a flagship title for Sony they'd attempt to create a quality product here.

It's time for us to move on from paper manuals. They consume resources and provide nothing of value.

zsephirothz said:
Played one hour, got YLOD (80gb with bc)... And now the disk won't come out. :(

Sorry to hear that, I've been through it too. God of War 3 killed mine back in 2010. I have a slim now but I'm still slightly concerned that Uncharted 3, like Uncharted 2 before it, will put incredible strain on the machine.


RDreamer said:
I'm actually loving the melee stuff. Sure it's not like Arkham Asylum was, but Drake isn't freaking Batman. His brawling is going to be a bit more loose. I think it works well enough.
loose? Its a bunch of QTE. I just mash the shit out of the buttons until I kill everybody. It's bullshit.
Anyway, the game is getting more interesting. I got to the
secret underground tunnel.
Does it seem to others that Uncharted games have the most conveniently placed climbing ledges/platforms ever, and also that Drake has the strongest hands ever seen?


hrrm, not really having too much fun so far, a bit too much
corridor chasing and fist fights
, and the aiming kind of makes the gun fight a bit less fun than previous games, I think I'm going to stop for now and wait for a patch so I don't ruin the game for myself. I do enjoy the characters banters and such, but not really feeling everything else.

Also just popped in UC2 and find the aiming much better.
whoah new map in the multiplayer: City of Brass.

Btw, this mp build plays a lot different than the subway beta. And in a good way. A very good way.

Not touching the SP until i get this headset audio glitch issue resolved.
Sinthetic said:
Got up to Chapter 4, what an awesome opening hour. Really wasn't expecting that kind of direction, but totally glad it did end up there. The story is too enjoyable and I had to stop for a minute to take in how amazing it looks. TOO GOOD.

EDIT: Simple combat is refreshing after the button fest that was Arkham City.
I was gonna type up the exact same thing. I thought AC was a great looking game, and then here comes ND clowning the fuck out of everyone's paltry efforts. I spent about 10 minutes just walking around the bar just soaking up the details, and did the same thing during chapters 2 and 3. It's amazing how a different lighting engine can push this game so much closer to a sense of realism. I haven't reached any shooting segments yet so I can't comment on that, but I'm stuck here at work, dying to find out.


It looks pretty much like Uncharted 2 did. Which was great already. Not seeing ultra-realism here. but then again I don't expect to nor want to. This is a neat world they have designed here. It works on its own merits.
DoctorWho said:
Love the graphics.
Love the story.
Love the dialogue.
But I'm not liking the gameplay one damn bit. Everything feels off and clunky in this one. The pacing of the action seems off as well. I just don't know. I loved Uncharted 2 so god damn much but this isn't doing it for me one bit.

The AI is more ridiculous than ever. The AI seems to be taking full advantage of being a bullet sponge, more so than in 2. They waste no time walking up beside you during a firefight instead of taking cover like any logical human being would do. It's silly. Also, I swear there are guys magically spawning behind me who suddenly start a melee whilst their buddies are shooting RPGs at us. Really?

Gameplay/mechanics and amount of enemies needed a lot of work. I find a lot of the action sequences peppered throughout so far have run on longer than they need to. A desperate attempt to artificially lengthen the game.

Some of these issues were in 2 but they did a hell of a let better job pacing action versus puzzling. When I get puzzles to solve in this game, they are a lot of fun, but few and far between.

I'm really disappointed right now.

Not sure why they fucked with the aiming either. Apparently that can be fixed though.

This post is 100% correct. Uncharted 3 looks and sounds (esp. the music) better than Uncharted 2 but it plays so much worse. I don't understand why they tinkered with the gameplay mechanics when they had it so right in UC2.


DevelopmentArrested said:
This post is 100% correct. Uncharted 3 looks and sounds (esp. the music) better than Uncharted 2 but it plays so much worse. I don't understand why they tinkered with the gameplay mechanics when they had it so right in UC2.

I hope you are so wrong. :(
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