History repeats once again.
Gaming journalists strike again, every single time.
Reviews are about right, it's as good a game as any that come out in the last 2 years, if it doesn't deserve a 9.5 for the total package then no game does. If uc2 came out today at 60fps and hd, it would get a 4/10. Uc4 isn't a master class I am sure ND would be the first to see all the things that could be improved but nobody else has managed to pull together the story graphics animation voice and myriad of little touches at this level of quality. Shrug. Not liking the genre is quite ok, but to suggest that the rating is inflated because not enough journalists see things the same way? seems like salt.
Also, the salty can't even say they are being misled by the scores! It's an uncharted game. Not an unknown quantity. If the characters and exploration do nothing for you, why on gods green earth did you buy it?