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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


I'm on chapter 18 and so far ND have balanced the thing to perfection as far as action/explo/cutscenes go....No one element out stays it's welcome at all. It's just a fabulous piece of software. For me the the whole thing is one big fantastic set piece in relation to people saying it doesn't have the big wow sections from 2 and 3....
I feel like a lot of people in here are thinking of pacing as either action has to offset as much "boring" calm as possible or the ability to balance between action and calm. I see it as any given sequence not over staying it's welcome. The game's ability to know when something stops becoming interesting. If pacing was entirely the first two, anything dramatic and talky in nature would be crap and anything relatively high octane would be crap. I believe neither of those to be true.

Uncharted 4 could've been entirely an exploration game with zero combat, and ignoring the valid complaints of how much of a departure that is from previous games, that doesn't affect pace. If you're constantly being funneled into new and interesting environments that peak your interest, that game would have a good pace.

Whenot I see the complaints I recognize them as valid, but not in terms of pace. If you dislike the emphasis on bad traversal, then that's your complaint. That it's bad.


After you said that, it instantly came back to me.
Haha, glad to be of service. Would have been hard to direct you to the right path anyway.

Looks like this game is Mario 3D world of the series. great, but UC2 is still the goat of the series.

and I agree.
I don't think that's the general consensus. In the last few pages, perhaps, but there are many of us who think this is the best Uncharted, or even Naughty Dog game.
Uncharted 2 fucking sucks compared to this game, though!

What fucked up crack are you all smoking???

That's a dinosaur of a game compared to this! Fuck the funneled pacing! lol.

Everybody keeps bringing up Uncharted 2's pacing as some sort of shining example, when realistically, it's got nothing to do with the gameplay and more with the expository intermissions.

Like, honestly, tell me if you play any of the Uncharted games on easy mode and skip the cutscenes they won't all have the same brilliant pacing. Bang, bang, GO, SETPIECES, CREDITS. Masterpiece.

U1, 2, 3 to a lesser extent were all a bunch of killboxes interwoven by on rails set pieces (quite literally in 2), it's bullshit to say this game has poor "pacing" in relative terms.

Absolute. Bullshit.

That's great. I'm just saying your criticism is weak and misplaced.
I have to agree with you. I enjoyed Uncharted 2 but I've never understood why people put it on such a crazy pedestal. I don't think the mechanics are good enough to warrant constant killboxes (compared to something like DOOM). The areas are also generally just flat areas with cover. Uncharted 4's have so many different ways you can approach them (with majority starting as stealth instead of constant forced hordes)

It comes down to preference. I don't really care for Uncharted much but really enjoyed Last Of Us. For me, Uncharted 4 takes everything that worked in TLOU and just makes it faster and more fun. (it's also not in gross areas 95% of the time so it's nicer to look at)

Nothing in U2 comes close to the setpiece moments here for me. I prefer having fewer encounters that are more memorable. Also I will love any game that chooses to not have a bunch of stupid bullet sponge enemies because it runs out of ideas near the end
Eh, I think Uncharted 2 still holds up pretty damn well. Just replayed it a few months ago.

Don't get me wrong, I think the combat in U4 is vastly improved...I just wanted a bit more of it.

Do you even shoot a gun in Chapter 2? That's the heist mission.

You shoot one person in Chapter 1 in the flashback scene.


Reached chapter 13/14(?) (
when you reach Libertalia for the first time after the storm
). Game is stepping up big time; the Scotland parts of the game were a bit boring (by no means bad), but this is starting to be on another level. And that storm part, wow, AMAZING looking. Too bad I can't dedicate more time on this game, real-life and my Dark Souls 3 addiction has come in-between.
I think the reason I loved this game so much is due to it being what I always thought the series was aiming for. In the very first game, you fight some enemies at the beginning, then spend the next hour or so exploring with Sully. I thought the game was going to be a mixture of this. It wasn't. Once combat starts again, it rarely lets up for the rest of the game. It really frustrated me. Uncharted 2 and 3 were a lot better in this regard, but they still focused too heavily on gunfights.

Uncharted 4, for me, finally got the pacing down right. If you were a huge fan of how the earlier games were set up, I can see why this game would disappoint you. But, for me, this is what I always wanted Uncharted to be, so I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out.

That being said, I really can't enjoy a game of this type very often these days. I've never been huge into "cinematic" games, so while I loved this one, I've had my fill for a looong time and I'm glad ND is ending the series.

After Uncharted, I REALLY need something like DOOM, which arrives in my mailbox tomorrow!

Agreed. I loved the slower pace and the exploration elements. With previous uncharted games I dreaded the combat encounters but loved the puzzle, platforming and just exploring cool environments. Like you said I can understand that some people are the opposite so uncharted 4 may have ribbed them the wrong way, but for me it's my favourite in the series.
I think the reason I loved this game so much is due to it being what I always thought the series was aiming for. In the very first game, you fight some enemies at the beginning, then spend the next hour or so exploring with Sully. I thought the game was going to be a mixture of this. It wasn't. Once combat starts again, it rarely lets up for the rest of the game. It really frustrated me. Uncharted 2 and 3 were a lot better in this regard, but they still focused too heavily on gunfights.

Uncharted 4, for me, finally got the pacing down right. If you were a huge fan of how the earlier games were set up, I can see why this game would disappoint you. But, for me, this is what I always wanted Uncharted to be, so I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out.
This is exactly how I feel.

Really surprised reading some of these complaints. I think ND is in absolute top form, and I hope they keep innovating the way they have in their last two games.

UC4 and TLOU just seem SO much better than UC1-3 or previous ND games. Saying they are better is nuts to me.

I guess ND just has my taste in video games nailed perfectly, and it's not for everybody.
Fury Road is all I can say after Ch. 11. Wow.

I loved the earlier stuff with the clock tower and the puzzle with the smartphone, following that with the car chase is when this game made the leap from great to timeless. Probably my favorite chapter in the entire series.
My Uncharted Rankings
U2 = or > U4 > U3 > U1 > Golden Abyss
Good news, they're all good games, even GA is at least worth a play. A damn fine job ND (and Bend), not a lot of franchises get to have these many good games and end properly. Also a thumbs up to Sony for not f-ing up the franchise, lord knows under another publisher the Uncharted franchise could have been something else entirely.

For those who have beaten the game, who thinks
this isn't actually the end of the franchise? Sure, maybe it's the end for Nate, but they clearly left it open for Sam to have a whole new set of adventures, and hell they might even make Cassie the lead. ND has been known to push diversity in their games, and they fought to have Ellie on the cover of TLoU even despite everyone telling them it wouldn't sell, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see them go this direction with the franchise
definitely left things open enough for them to come back to the franchises if they want to (Cassie, Sam, Sully, Young Sully, Young Nate and Sam and even Chloe and Cutter)
, or you know in case Sony wants another dev to work on the franchise.
They said from the beginning this was Nate's last game and their last Uncharted for now, but not necessarily the last Uncharted game ever.
For those who have beaten the game, who thinks
this isn't actually the end of the franchise? Sure, maybe it's the end for Nate, but they clearly left it open for Sam to have a whole new set of adventures, and hell they might even make Cassie the lead. ND has been known to push diversity in their games, and they fought to have Ellie on the cover of TLoU even despite everyone telling them it wouldn't sell, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see them go this direction with the franchise


For those who have beaten the game, who thinks
this isn't actually the end of the franchise? Sure, maybe it's the end for Nate, but they clearly left it open for Sam to have a whole new set of adventures, and hell they might even make Cassie the lead. ND has been known to push diversity in their games, and they fought to have Ellie on the cover of TLoU even despite everyone telling them it wouldn't sell, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see them go this direction with the franchise

Naughty Dog is definitely done with it (for now)
and it's unlikely we get another game starring Nathan Drake.

However, Sony will not want to lose such a popular franchise so I'm sure they will find a way to keep it going, maybe with another dev.

I agree that Cassie or Sam are most likely to be the new leads.


For those who have beaten the game, who thinks
this isn't actually the end of the franchise? Sure, maybe it's the end for Nate, but they clearly left it open for Sam to have a whole new set of adventures, and hell they might even make Cassie the lead. ND has been known to push diversity in their games, and they fought to have Ellie on the cover of TLoU even despite everyone telling them it wouldn't sell, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see them go this direction with the franchise
This is actually one issue I have with the game, actually, albeit a minor one.
Before release, Neil was heavily hinting that the ending would make it hard for the series to continue, but they actually left quite a few characters open for sequels and spin offs.
So I finished the game. I'd rate the Naughty Dog games released since PS3 as follows:

TLOU >>> UC2 > UC3 >UC4 >>>> UC1

The reason why UC4 ranks so low is because it focuses heavily on the aspects that I found weakest in the Uncharted series. Which is the very simplified climbing and navigating. Not to mention that set-pieces were surprisingly few and also, kind of underwhelming compared to the previous games. The most impressive one is the car chase, but that was also spoiled for me in numerous trailers and E3 showcases..

So basically the pacing is very off for me. Oh, and by the way I am not at all against slower parts or exploration, I enjoy games such as Firewatch, Journey and LiS. However the slow parts of UC4 simply did not interest me anywhere near as much as those games. The thing is I'm not sure that I can say I am exactly disappointed in the game, it is very impressive, but I just think it isn't for me.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
TLOU > UC4 > UC2 >> UC3 >>>>>> UC1 for me.

This was just an incredibly solid game, period. It was worth the wait.

Count me in the camp that didn't think UC1 was that good. Greatness from small beginnings, right?

Sam and Nadine were always unpredictable which made both characters particularly entertaining. That was something even TLOU lacked imo.


What I found really great was
that Nadine survived. So much for the "the black character dies at the end of the movie" trope haha

And yeah boss fight was bad but only because I got kicked in the ass several times lol. The staging was pretty awesome tho


Finished the game and the absolute highlight for me is the characters and the story.

This game is leaps and bounds better in those respects than previous games.

The dialogue, the character development, the feels... its really an emotional journey, I consider the final moments of the game simply outstanding (in terms of closure). It is the first Uncharted were I really felt truly engaged in the storyline and I cared for all characters genuinely.

Everything else is ofcourse top notch, the graphics , I dont think I need to add anything on that front, the setpieces the action and the exploration of these beautiful vistas...

If I have only a minor few complaints is that I would love 2-3 more encounters thrown in there and that the treasure collectibles were more meaningful (tied up to the story somehow or something like that)

As it stands now, U4>>U2>3>1 for me.
So many greater than and less than signs. I'm looking forward to adding mine. I wanted to limit to myself to four days of playing plus one for the prologue.
4 is leagues ahead of the rest.
Best storytelling, best exploration and navigation with the expanded mechanics and wide-linear level design, easily the best combat and the best presentation. Oh, and best easter eggs.

Don't think I can go back to the others, combat would feel so limited now and I love all the extra mechanics this has that the others lack: swimming underwater, eploring by jeep or using it to run over enemies, rope swinging and sliding, hiding in tall grass, driving a jeep over roofs and through market stalls, all the little interactions with the environment and so on.

It's the best ND game. I like TLoU as well, but this is more varied, fun and Drake is a more versatile character.
Just finished it last night. Loved it. It drags a little here and there and there aren't as many set pieces but I had a blast and didn't want it to end. They absolutely nailed the ending/epilogue. I still think Uncharted 2 might be the best but I haven't played it in a few years. Game felt more mature as one person on a podcast I listen to put it. It definitely focuses a lot more on adventure than action this go around, but I'm weird in that I love adventure games more than shooters. Might replay it on crushing with cheats.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Into act 6 and man, no one tells a story like Naughty Dog. This is a fucking amazing experience so far. I need to be up for work in literally three hours to be at work at 8am, it's 3;15 and I had to force myself to drop the controller.


History repeats once again.

Game received all the 10s and then some, we laughed at the guy who gave it an 8 and, in the end, the game, while fantastic, still has flaws like the horrible pacing, tedious climbing and continuous crate pushing.

Gaming journalists strike again, every single time.

leng jai

History repeats once again.

Game received all the 10s and then some, we laughed at the guy who gave it an 8 and, in the end, the game, while fantastic, still has flaws like the horrible pacing, tedious climbing and continuous crate pushing.

Gaming journalists strike again, every single time.

I always take the influx of posts like "10/10", "best game ever" in the first few days with a grain of salt. This forum is always guilty of doing it for certain games, and you can almost basically predict which titles it's going to happen to. The flaws only start to trickle out after 3 or 4 days, it's like clockwork.

The amount of posts saying this was a perfect game and a 10/10 was insane in the first 2 days. You can say it's opinion and all which is fine, but if you buy into the hype every time don't be surprised if you're disappointed.


History repeats once again.

Game received all the 10s and then some, we laughed at the guy who gave it an 8 and, in the end, the game, while fantastic, still has flaws like the horrible pacing, tedious climbing and continuous crate pushing.

Gaming journalists strike again, every single time.

It's not all on the reviewers, they're free to have opinions, it's up to us not to get over hyped and dramatic over the importance of singular of reviews. It's an embarassing trap that we fall into every single time.

This generation has had quite a few "it's so amazing! actually it's good but flawed" games. MGSV, Arkham Knight, DA:I. As good as Uncharted 4 is, I don't think it's going to have the sort of legacy that TLoU will have.


Have to say I'm very underwhelmed by this game.

I've never played an Uncharted game before, so was pretty hyped for this game when it was getting 10/10 reviews.... but whilst the story telling is very very good, the actualy gameplay is a bit dull and repetitive. I'm only 7 chapters in, and i'm getting bored of jumping on ledges, walking up to things and pressing triangle. The puzzles are too easy. Meh - so far it's a 7/10 game.


History repeats once again.

Game received all the 10s and then some, we laughed at the guy who gave it an 8 and, in the end, the game, while fantastic, still has flaws like the horrible pacing, tedious climbing and continuous crate pushing.

Gaming journalists strike again, every single time.

Some people hate climbing in these games? climbing was fantastic and smooth to me

crate pushing isn't a mind blowing mechanic, but I fail to see it as a flaw

not saying that the game doesn't have flaws of course. I just didn't know that people hated the climbing portion of the game.

leng jai

Some people hate climbing in these games? climbing was fantastic and smooth to me

crate pushing isn't a mind blowing mechanic, but I fail to see it as a flaw

It's the very definition of a flaw. The crate is used like 20 times in the game, looks exactly the same every time and is just magically present in nonsensical areas when it's required.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Fury Road is all I can say after Ch. 11. Wow.

I loved the earlier stuff with the clock tower and the puzzle with the smartphone, following that with the car chase is when this game made the leap from great to timeless. Probably my favorite chapter in the entire series.

I did that sequence yesterday, and it really is one of my most favorite long form sequences in Uncharted history. Absolutely amazingly designed, and just tons of fun.
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