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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass

Hey is this game pretty blurry when you move the screen around really quick? Anyone have a problem with this? It made my eyes water at times. That and it in dark areas I got some pretty bad ghosting.
Ok guys, this is ship graveyard in crushing with rope kills , steel fists, blind fire and all that. So yeah is super viable and even the best way to do it, but is not easy becase it is the hardest mode, i mean , what do you expect? it is CRUSHING.


I really hope that ND adds some kind of arcade mode with all the encounters in succesion with points or something, it needs it, the gameplay is too good.
What's funny its no one can even say "psh! But the screen is constantly in black and white" because that would be wrong :p

That was a great run. Goes to show that constant movement is not only badass looking, but actually helped you avoid death numerous times.
So, I was replaying the first Madagascar chapter and I came across some dialogue I hadn't heard before. I don't know what I did this time that triggered it, or why it was omitted from my previous playthrough. In one sense, I'm impressed. In another, I'm annoyed. I restarted the checkpoint to try to replicate it once again, and I couldn't get it to trigger.

I appreciate the attention to such detail, but I hate having missable dialogue!

(Note that it was not an optional conversation,)



Lmao! Incredible!
It's sort of amazing how ND built fully featured and fun systems in the game that only appear for a few sections. Like the offroad driving is legitimately good/fun. The polish to this game is unbelievable.

I thought most everything was absolutely top notch except for the end fight scene. Other than that, definitely the best Uncharted game and best game I've played this generation.
Ok, finally had some time for the game and...my God.

Got to Scotland without putting the controller down a single time. What a game.

It looks so good it's unreal.


I'm kind of surprised people are having as much trouble with Crushing as they are. The only thing I hate are sniper enemies and the fact they are all crack shots. Most enemies even the brutes go down in what feels like a couple shots and combine that with instant kill moves like the rope drop and Drakes overall ability to move around the environment means you can stay well ahead of the enemies. The fact you almost always have a companion means its even easier getting through tough situations.

Obviously there are different skills levels for people coming into the game and all that but this feels like the easiest UC of them all. I still dread some of the arena fights in 2 and 3 on Crushing, stupid stupid hard.

I'm not having trouble per se. It's just the difficulty is not balanced imo. UC1,2 and 3 are balanced around crushing better. I never thought it was unfair. Difficult at some spots but not unfair. U4 in my opinion has 2 fights that are bullshit, the shipyard and the caves. Not to mention you took tools from me as well while trying to make this cover shooter not a cover shooter. The rope swing? Hell no you'll get killed relatively quickly. Stealth? It works....if you're flawless. But given that the enemies can see your molecules for some reason it's very hard to get by. Can't throw grenades back now and the stun animation lasts too long, damn near most cover is destructible, and the shooting feels worse than usual. On the whole it just isn't fun.


Just finished it, ok I'm gonna say it, game was just ok.
Gunplay was bad, I dreaded every single encounter.
It was just not fun, every cover gets shot to pieces, artificial ammo limit lets you only take down max 4 guys before rolling around like a maniac to pickup a new weapon.
If you don't fall off a cliff or get stuck to the environment.
Don't get me started on the
sections, useless unsatisfying addition.

They should have went full walking simulator and it would still be a great expierence as they take you to some amazing places and the banter while walking through the environment is great.
Graphics, settings are top notch.

Story is ok, not bad not good, it serves its purpose. Although I could never like Sam, he looks like a douche and I couldn't care less about him.
I wouldn't have shed a single tear for Sam, if it came down to it, when Elena played dead, that got me more worked up for a moment.

Props for the ending though.

To sum it up I expected a great game but got a good game instead.
Gunplay is bad for the reasons mentioned above, would have loved some more gamey things like progressions/upgrades whatever, so that there is some meat to it.
They showed with TloU that they know how to make a story heavy game while still putting the game into videogame.

Also when they showed the game at E3 last year, they teased a dialog select screen, crowed went crazy but little did we know that this was only a 1 time thing.
So another half baked addition.

For all the shit that went down with Amy, I don't know if we got a better story out of it or game.

Out of curiosity was this your first Uncharted game?

While i agree the gun play isn't perfect i found it much improved over previous games in both how the shooting felt, as well as the ease of taking out an enemy.

Cover degrading encouraged more movement and activity in the battle than traditional 3rd person shooters. Instead of sitting back in cover slowly picking enemies off as you gradually advance forward from waist high cover to the next your encouraged you to keep moving and using the terrain to approach the fight. I cant say i had any problems with ammo, but i wasn't tied to using a specific gun so at the end of an encounter I would just pick up what was dropped instead of rolling with my gun that had half a clip left.

My main gripe on the combat was i thought the melee combat was significantly worse than 3. The lack of a punch variety was disappointing, and no true counter or dodge (aside from rolling away) just wasn't very fun. Thankfully most encounters didn't really promote melee combat aside from stealth or vertical take downs coming from higher ledges and ropes.

I'll never understand the gripes about the dialogue selection. I understand not everyone followed the game coverage closely, so ND stating that it would be utilized minimally and have little to no impact on the story could be missed. However, I'm not sure why anyone would expect differently as Naughty Dog games are all about them telling their story in a very controlled manner... any thought of a wide spread utilization of dialog options or branching decisions was just never a realistic expectation with how Naughty Dog likes to tell their stories.


My crushing combat gameplay (swing included):


You were not specific in your initial comment.

It's not.

I'm sorry to repeat my self, but that is also false.

It does work but with a few caveats.


We have different expectations from one of our favorite studios and although I respect your opinion I expected more from ND.

Let’s just agree that we have different expectations from one of the best in the business…


Ok guys, this is ship graveyard in crushing with rope kills , steel fists, blind fire and all that. So yeah is super viable and even the best way to do it, but is not easy becase it is the hardest mode, i mean , what do you expect? it is CRUSHING.


I really hope that ND adds some kind of arcade mode with all the encounters in succesion with points or something, it needs it, the gameplay is too good.

Case closed indeed. This was so good that it looked like a god damn set piece action.

I dont understand some people here. Its Crushing... Its supposed to be... You know, crushing? Like the hardest difficulty?

Everything is viable its just damn hard and demands perfection and mastery pf the combat and tools available.

Its not bad being handed your ass by a game. Dont pretend that because you cant deal with it that its not possible. Its a game there is no shame in losing. Just drop the difficulty to your comfort levels and enjoy it.


So, I was replaying the first Madagascar chapter and I came across some dialogue I hadn't heard before. I don't know what I did this time that triggered it, or why it was omitted from my previous playthrough. In one sense, I'm impressed. In another, I'm annoyed. I restarted the checkpoint to try to replicate it once again, and I couldn't get it to trigger.

I appreciate the attention to such detail, but I hate having missable dialogue!

(Note that it was not an optional conversation,)

I think some optional dialogue can trigger some other general chit chat.

one of the few i noticed was
in my initial play through there was a convo i had with Sam about Avery spending all the treasure on building things and later when riding with Elena she mentions the same thing and Nate responds by saying they were beginning to think so to... on my speed run i never had that optional convo with Sam and when Elena made that comment Nate just sat there quiet.
Reading some of these posts, there are some ridiculous claims being laid out.

Look, I think the stealth is overly limited too. But Crushing is perfectly doable with any of the tools. Your incompetence doesn't mean it's not balanced.


Reading some of these posts, there are some ridiculous claims being laid out.

Look, I think the stealth is overly limited too. But Crushing is perfectly doable with any of the tools. Your incompetence doesn't mean it's not balanced.
Like I said to me the game feels balanced toward the player having just that little bit more health to pull off things which isn't good for crushing. I'm past the most difficult parts and I stand by the shipyard and the caves being flawed encounters on crushing.


Case closed indeed. This was so good that it looked like a god damn set piece action.

I dont understand some people here. Its Crushing... Its supposed to be... You know, crushing? Like the hardest difficulty?

Everything is viable its just damn hard and demands perfection and mastery pf the combat and tools available.

Its not bad being handed your ass by a game. Dont pretend that because you cant deal with it that its not possible. Its a game there is no shame in losing. Just drop the difficulty to your comfort levels and enjoy it.
He spawned into that encounter with full ammo. Try going into that with an Uzi and ten rounds for your primary. It's impossible. I've played and completed every Uncharted on Crushing and to my memory the initial firefight in the ship graveyard is one of the worst encounters in the series.

Chapter 20 is pretty awful altogether, though. The rest of the game plays better on Crushing than any other Uncharted to date. Chalking up the complaints to "lol ur bad" in this specific case is really unfair.


Thanks for the quotes to my video btw, it was just quick and dirty and didn't try to do the whole fight, next time i'll do it.

And on the subject, now that i replayed shipyard, it really is one of the most suited fights for rope swinging. It is super vertical and you start on top having basically the advantage. When the second wave comes Elena says, " go back nate!" triying to cue you to go up and star using that advantage again. Top Notch ND indeed.

Edit: Meh, i think you can even do it with only a Para 45. The Uzi is garbage anyway why would you be carring that anyway.


It's impossible.

Oh come on!

He literally beat a guy 1 sec into the encounter, he could take his ammo then go from there. He is not even greyed out. Also if you were playing on crushing and managed to get there with no ammo, then i am sorry but you shouldnt be playing on crushing and i kinda wonder if you ever played uncharted games on crushing. Its a simple, known rule for crushing: once the bad guys are done with, stock yourself with the best and most ammo there is on the ground.

The encounter prior to chapter 20 leaves you with a bunch of ammo to stock up and prepare adequately for the shipyard encounter.

Edit: oh and he doesnt start with full ammo. He starts with half ammo...
Finished the game last night after running through the 2nd half in one sitting. I didn't expect to finish it last night, but damn I just had to know what
happened at Libertalia and what the outcome would be for Sam

Some people are saying they don't like Sam and I can see where they are coming from as a character, but when put into the context of the story and
them searching for Libertalia since they were kids
I thought it was actually really well done. I was sucked into the story in this game more than any other Uncharted.
A hidden pirate society, How cool is that!

I enjoyed the ending quite a bit, and especially
the Epilogue, really loved this part and wish more games had something like this. ND games always make me feel real emotions which is so rare for me

If ND is honest about this being the last Uncharted game I think it was a fantastic finale and one that's worth replaying for the amazing visuals alone.


Oh come on!

He literally beat a guy 1 sec into the encounter, he could take his ammo then go from there. He is not even greyed out. Also if you were playing on crushing and managed to get there with no ammo, then i am sorry but you shouldnt be playing on crushing and i kinda wonder if you ever played uncharted games on crushing. Its a simple, known rule for crushing: once the bad guys are done with, stock yourself with the best and most ammo there is on the ground.

The encounter prior to chapter 20 leaves you with a bunch of ammo to stock up and prepare adequately for the shipyard encounter.
Do you not understand why your argument is so petty? You dismiss every rebuttal on the condition that the other player is incompetent. It leaves no room for nuance or criticism. Yeah, I guess I could've finished that encounter with my terrible setup if I spent another couple of days banging my head against it. But isn't it a little weird that this ONE section that a ton of people are complaining about is so clearly disproportionately difficult compared to the rest of the game? No, it must be everyone else's fault. Everyone else is bad. They're probably lying about even playing the other games on Crushing. (are you for real, dude?)

Your position is unreasonable. It's a suckass encounter. Uncharted 4 is still one of the best games ever made, ND will be ok.


Do you not understand why your argument is so petty? You dismiss every rebuttal on the condition that the other player is incompetent. It leaves no room for nuance or criticism. Yeah, I guess I could've finished that encounter with my terrible setup if I spent another couple of days banging my head against it. But isn't it a little weird that this ONE section that a ton of people are complaining about is so clearly disproportionately difficult compared to the rest of the game? No, it must be everyone else's fault. Everyone else is bad. They're probably lying about even playing the other games on Crushing. (are you for real, dude?)

Your position is unreasonable. It's a suckass encounter. Uncharted 4 is still one of the best games ever made, ND will be ok.

So you don't like hard games? therefore Uncharted 4 on CRUSHING should be easier because you don't get how to make it work?


Neo Member
Just finished. Still have to read reviews and comments and everything but hell what a story! I've been following these characters for long and I was so emotionally compromised with all of them that I really can't think straight about gameplay flaws right now.

Seems like Naughty Dog could make a game about a fly and it would still be more well-written and interesting than some FPS out there.


Finished the game a couple of hours ago, after stopping day after release, at chapter 8 from boredom. Not gonna rile the hornet's nest to much so I'll just say it's more Uncharted disappointingly, with the same old problems. I will say I'm completely baffled by all the perfect scores, makes me wonder how many actually finished it. Sequence in chapter
is probably the worst game design decision I think I've seen from a triple A deveoper,
would have preferred a cutscene, which is a sad thing to say

One thing cracked me up though, AI character did something I wasn't expecting, actually yelled at the screen, what the fuck was that heh.

Spoiler I guess, though not really http://youtu.be/W3nx0AJyq9k


Do you not understand why your argument is so petty? You dismiss every rebuttal on the condition that the other player is incompetent. It leaves no room for nuance or criticism. Yeah, I guess I could've finished that encounter with my terrible setup if I spent another couple of days banging my head against it. But isn't it a little weird that this ONE section that a ton of people are complaining about is so clearly disproportionately difficult compared to the rest of the game? No, it must be everyone else's fault. Everyone else is bad. They're probably lying about even playing the other games on Crushing. (are you for real, dude?)

Your position is unreasonable. It's a suckass encounter. Uncharted 4 is still one of the best games ever made, ND will be ok.

You are calling my arguments petty when you present your argument with false information , like claiming its "impossible" (whici clearly is, then you continue by claiming that "he started with full ammo" (the truth is he started with half ammo), nevermind the whole rope swinging and melee are not viable options.

And on top of that , by the way you present your case you literally make me question how you play on crushing and you dont make sure that you are well prepared for your next encounter...

I am sorry if you dont like logic. I am not claiming i am some awesome dude who finds crushing difficulty easy as pie, on the contrary i suffered in that chapter as well. It is unforgiving, but it is supposed to be unforgiving on that mode. I had to try many times and get better at it.

Its literally the final encounter of the game. And you opt to play it on crushing. You should be warry of what that means. Complaining that the final encounter of the game is very hard on crushing difficulty sounds pointless to me. Sorry, but YOU are the unreasonable one...


the dialogue in the game is outstanding...doesn't feel like typical 'gamey' dialogue but more like real-life dialogue which really enhances the immersion...you can feel the influence of Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley (The Last of Us creative directors/writer/game designer) in the writing and overall pace of the game...Chapter 16 (The Brothers Drake) totally captures the feel of the DLC from Last of Us (Left Behind)...a Chapter where it's all about exploration of the relationship between the 2 brothers

I'm at the beginning of Chapter 18 and feel this is probably right up there with Bloodborne as far as best PS4 game ever and it's definitely the best from a graphical standpoint...every scene is a gorgeous screenshot...Elena is looking really hot in this game...I never thought she was all that hot in the previous games but she's looking really good here with the fancy new Naughty Dog tech...the character models and animations are close to photo-realistic


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Well, all done and dusted, I'm really disappointed.........that its the last one, and didn't like the end ending,
I'd rather they'd left it at Nate & Elena doing official digs etc instead of the extra bit at the end being older and all that.
Other then that, Fantastic! can't wait till the DLC drops
Its easily one of my favorite games, I'm just really upset it over though :-(


I'm having aproblem with a puzzle. The hint says use the pendulum to reach a certain spot but when he's on it, he won't move up, down, sideways at all. He hangs there and of course the O button is the only button that works. Anyone else have this happen?

Some kind of bug. Had to reboot the game.


Finished the game a couple of hours ago, after stopping day after release, at chapter 8 from boredom. Not gonna rile the hornet's nest to much so I'll just say it's more Uncharted disappointingly, with the same old problems. I will say I'm completely baffled by all the perfect scores, makes me wonder how many actually finished it. Sequence in chapter
is probably the worst game design decision I think I've seen from a triple A deveoper,
would have preferred a cutscene, which is a sad thing to say

One thing cracked me up though, AI character did something I wasn't expecting, actually yelled at the screen, what the fuck was that heh.

Spoiler I guess, though not really http://youtu.be/W3nx0AJyq9k

I'm certain they all finished the game.

It deserves the 10/10's because it's by far the best game on PS4 right now.


He spawned into that encounter with full ammo. Try going into that with an Uzi and ten rounds for your primary. It's impossible. I've played and completed every Uncharted on Crushing and to my memory the initial firefight in the ship graveyard is one of the worst encounters in the series.

He spawned with half ammo, like anyone who played it on crushing could as the gunfight before in the tunnels leaves you very few weapons to pick up, but whichever you do will have a reasonable amount of ammo. On a side note, when I completed it my starting weapons were an Uzi and a Condor. Pick off the people you can and grab some different weapons.

I don't think anyone is saying it's easy, on the contrary it's the hardest encounter in the game, possibly one of the hardest in the entire franchise (on Crushing). All he's saying is that it's not impossible, and if you're strategic, you can indeed use the multitude of mechanics at your disposal.


I don't understand how some people have so much trouble with it, it's an easy fight.
I will say it was a mistake on my part earlier today to play through it to finish my crushing run while remote playing from my mom's house. That added lag was pretty damn unforgiving on that fight. I still did it though.
I am on my second playthrough in the game in my way to get the platinum trophy.

The game has very weak game mechanics wrapted around amazing visuals.

My main complaint is that i expected more from the producers of LoUs in the story and in enemy design/AI.

They did amazing things with last of us and in comparison Uncharted 4 feels like a generic third person platformer with some shooting, with long chapters with minimum interactivity, clearly designed to appeal to the masses.

I have platinumed all Uncharted gamed and this was the first gane that I felt bored.

Maybe the long story sections didn't grow on me because Sam as a character is as generic as it can get, and the way ND tries to make the player grow feelings for him is stupid.

And after experiencing the second part of the game I felt dreadful to go and replay some of the early chapters.

I could exchange the first 3 chapters for one clock tower chapter. Clock tower is an example if how they could evolve platforming but as a chapter is a drop in an ocean of grneric platforming.

And OMG the sliding...

Anyway U4 is a great tech demo of what the best guys in the business can do, but as a game I am a bit disappointed.

Uncharted 2 remains my favorite by far.

And a question.

Do we know how the game did sales wise?

No press realease from Sony that the title sold x milion copies or bring y million dollars in its first ten days on the market makes me think that it did not sold very well.

And we are talking for the game with the biggest marketing budget in the history of Sony.

And please my beloved ND, do not make LoU 2 as generic as U4!!!

From what we know so far it has sold very well, better than Uncharted 3 did.
Do you not understand why your argument is so petty? You dismiss every rebuttal on the condition that the other player is incompetent. It leaves no room for nuance or criticism. Yeah, I guess I could've finished that encounter with my terrible setup if I spent another couple of days banging my head against it. But isn't it a little weird that this ONE section that a ton of people are complaining about is so clearly disproportionately difficult compared to the rest of the game? No, it must be everyone else's fault. Everyone else is bad. They're probably lying about even playing the other games on Crushing. (are you for real, dude?)

Your position is unreasonable. It's a suckass encounter. Uncharted 4 is still one of the best games ever made, ND will be ok.
The encounter was one of the best on hard mode. Looking forward to my crushing playthrough.
Just finished. Still have to read reviews and comments and everything but hell what a story! I've been following these characters for long and I was so emotionally compromised with all of them that I really can't think straight about gameplay flaws right now.

Seems like Naughty Dog could make a game about a fly and it would still be more well-written and interesting than some FPS out there.

brb, starting petition for Naughty Dog to develop Mister Mosquito 2.


The addition of stealth to the game is making my Crushing run not quite as much fun as some of the other Uncharted games. It means it takes a good few minutes to get to the hard part again, since I'll stealth a few at the beginning. Then I die when the rush comes and it's like fucking hell I don't want to go through those shitty easy guys again.


I don't understand how some people have so much trouble with it, it's an easy fight.

Honestly some of the animations don't telegraph direction well and on crushing where one blow can kill you that isn't great. Not sure who thought left and right block was the best idea when you animate the guy doing spins and shit.


I really wish they had made stealth more viable, though. I'm NOT a fan of the new Tomb Raider games but the way they do stealth (with the bow and some silenced weapons) is at least serviceable. It's too bad that there aren't ANY silent weapons in Uncharted 4 with which you could attack from a distance.

They certainly wouldn't need a whole weapon customization / upgrade system, but just one or two weapons like a crossbow, tranquilizer gun, or silenced pistol could absolutely be worked in without radically changing anything.

Honestly some of the animations don't telegraph direction well and on crushing where one blow can kill you that isn't great. Not sure who thought left and right block was the best idea when you animate the guy doing spins and shit.

Yeah considering the camera is locked on to him, they could have done a Metal Gear Rising type system where you flick the right stick towards the attack. Might have been more intuitive.


Honestly some of the animations don't telegraph direction well and on crushing where one blow can kill you that isn't great. Not sure who thought left and right block was the best idea when you animate the guy doing spins and shit.

A spin makes his attack even easier to telegraph.

Is he attacking from the left? Press triangle. Is he attacking from the right? Press circle.

It's so easy. Obviously crushing makes it harder, but that's not going to be your first playthrough, so you have experience with the fight.
It's the most epic finale of the franchise imo.

Are you even attacking when his guard is down ?

Attacking didn't do anything, had to memorize the counterattack patterns to advance the fight. I was playing on hard, no idea if that changes the encounter.

Finished it finally, this game just wasn't very good. Some pretty severe pacing issues with many of the chapters, undercooked story and villains and a lack of memorable set pieces. I got a lot of mileage out of the co-op stuff from the second game, dunno why there's only the competitive stuff here, cause frankly that stuff is pretty weak. Bleh, I wanted to like this.


aka Mannny
Attacking didn't do anything, had to memorize the counterattack patterns to advance the fight. I was playing on hard, no idea if that changes the encounter.

Finished it finally, this game just wasn't very good. Some pretty severe pacing issues with many of the chapters, undercooked story and villains and a lack of memorable set pieces. I got a lot of mileage out of the co-op stuff from the second game, dunno why there's only the competitive stuff here, cause frankly that stuff is pretty weak. Bleh, I wanted to like this.
Co-op is coming in the fall. hopefully it's fun like the other installments in the series.
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