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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Was playing through U3 to catch up with the story but the aiming on it is way beyond shite. At first i thought it was because i was the playing the PS3 version with a DS4 and just wasn't very good. But no, i switched to a tattered old DS3 and it's still shite, way too stiff, even with the camera sensitivity turned up. A shame really as i really enjoyed the first few chapters, but the more prominent the combat becomes and the more time i spend just running around punching everyone to avoid the gunplay the less i want to play it.

Cba with it now, going to play trough TLOU again instead i think.


One ebay guy in the UK has copies in hand now for £60 anyone who wants it only has 5 copies left, sorry no link as I was using the ebay app.
Nice. Game is full english btw in case there were any doubts

Oh thank god. That was the one worry I had, that it would be in Spanish.

Though, that brings up a question I had. How will the DLC work? Can I just buy the DLC off the PSN store and have no issues, yea?
I have a question: If the game is gold for weeks now (meaning the devs stopped touching it) and if some got it and are already it playing it and even finished it, why is the game much delayed and why didn't Sony advance the release date then? What happesn between Gold Time and official release time? Preparing Marketing for the game? It should have happened while the game is almost finished. Just curious.

Venom Fox

Uncharted 4 : A Thief’s End ( A NEOGAF story mode review) – No Major Spoilers!

Completed on moderate difficulty – 15 hours (excluding cutscenes), 58 treasures collected

Alright, so let’s just put in a bit of perspective here so you all know where I’m coming from for this post. Been a fan of cinematic gaming experiences all my life, ever since they started. Uncharted released and I absolutely loved it. Sure it’s dated now and had some questionable designs, but it was the first time I ever felt like I was playing in an “Indiana Jones” like adventure film. Sure Indiana Jones games had come prior to Uncharted, along with Tomb Raider, but nothing gave me that feel like the first time I played Uncharted 1.  Then 2 comes out and just blows 1 away… followed by 3 releasing with some mixed reactions.  As I feel on that 3rd game, I prefer the variation in set pieces and variety of locations more than 2, but 2’s story/setting/and theme are much more solid and coherent.  Since Uncharted has come, its apparent Tomb Raider has followed in its cinematic footsteps and bigger and better seems to be a theme with these titles. I loved the new Tomb Raiders (as action games) and rightly so, they are entertaining and fun as well.  That said, my passions for this genre is high and I just can’t get enough of these games. This brings us up to the release of Uncharted 4 and my ability to grab an early copy, but what did I think at the end of my adventure?   


Uncharted 4 is a bold step in a more serious direction. Some people might be freaking out thinking that “oh no, they turned Nate into a serious character, void of all humor” no, no, no.   While the story here gets more personally than ever before and is darker with more serious overtones, it still have the summer blockbuster cinematic flair and style that the other games did, along with the humor.  I laughed consistently throughout the adventure, but at the same time there were moments I was genuinely concerned about the relationships Nate has. While some of you out there might think this is pertaining to people being in trouble, etc… no it’s not anything like that. The way these characters come together and some of the stuff going on in the background is what got me thinking, relating, and taking Drake more serious than ever before but also concerned. It’s really hard to describe without going into spoiler territory but rest assured, one moment I laughed, then some moments later, I was hit with much more somber thoughts.  That’s all I’ll say about the story, aside from one aspect, the ending… and I thought it was the perfect way to finish the franchise. The rest I leave my lips sealed.


Gamplay here has been tweaked even more. Shooting feels extremely well and the feedback from enemies getting hit and the weight and sound of weapons “feels good” little details like the strap of a gun, flailing around when firing is a small detail but just thrilled me to see that in the game at all. The attention in the detail is great.  The flow of shooting, to melee, to grappling with a hook all feel rather seamless and add to the intensity of fights.  Especially as of now that there is much more verticality to the experience and with wider environments.  The start of the game, in particular, feels much like the other Uncharted, more linear in nature, and plus a lot of character exposition and story building.  Combat doesn’t even kick into play right away. It’s a gradual buildup. I’d even go as far to say that chapter 1 through 7 are sort of a tutorial/buildup and more in vein with the original games in size and scope. When chapter 8 comes, the training wheels are thrown off and things just get bigger, better, and more robust. This is where Naughty Dog simply unleashes the real meat and potatoes of the game and how different these moments feel suited with the new gameplay mechanics.  Huge fire fights, stealth gameplay, the grapple, all can come into play during some of these huge explosive moments. Which also never really feel like wave after wave of bad guys.  At least not at the start or for the most of the game. They did a great balance of making the fights seem more naturally occurring and more set to each specific location.  Also you can surely play this like a third person cover shooter, but doing so might provide you less of an experience then if you take true advantage of the combat mechanics at play.  It’s simply wonderful. The AI will try and flank you at times, or go straight towards you depending on if you’re hiding, blind firing, etc. Nothing plain, but also not exactly super different then what most players expect these days. The bullet sponge effect that the other games had also feels mostly gone. Sure late you start running into enemies that are more protected, but even then, they can be taken down much quicker if you have the knowledge how or their weak point.  Still this ties back into the player feedback with shooting and it just feels great to aim and shoot in this game. You can even do so while swinging on a grapple, or jumping off a ledge.  What about vehicle control? Those are fairly solid as well.  I can’t really complain and I think they have some very cool ways of making it feel like players are actually using a jeep for off-roading and not just as a form of transportation.  Let’s also talk exploration.  Uncharted prior always had little path ways to check but were pretty linear in nature or hall like even at moments, maybe small little action hubs even.  Uncharted 4 blows those out of the water to reveal some truly awesome locations to explore and different ways to get to those locations in the process. It makes treasure hunting fun, but also intense and much harder than before. Some levels had me scouring everywhere I could before I eventually moved on in defeat.  I’ll be back for those for sure! Some I found were in tricky spots, others just sort of casually sitting there. Luckily chapter select shows how many treasures remain along with journal entries and optional dialog moments. I missed a bit of everything and surprisingly so as I felt pretty thorough.  All this said, I couldn’t really ask for more from a gameplay perspective.  Some folks are worried that due to some comments about set pieces not being as  “bombastic” as the other games means there is a lack of these moments and I’m assuring you, there is no shortage of holy shit moments in this game, which a few had me screaming at my tv at what was happening on it display. So please don’t worry on that. Also puzzles, they are back and more in depth or elaborate then 1 or 2. Think more on part 3 levels. They take a back seat towards the end of the game mostly aside from one moment or two, but very well done and really enjoyable, a great maturing of that element in their games.

Graphically the game looks amazing. The lighting can at times just make locations and character look photo realistic. Yes sometimes things don’t look AS good as they do at other times but for the majority the game just is a site to behold. Can’t tell you how many vistas I’ve seen and moments I was breathless. Even enemies are highly detailed as I’ve seen in photo mode shots, which is going to be a feature many people use. This could be called Photo mode, the game! It’s hard to talk about this without spoiling things but just know, the amount of variety and depth in locations and exploring along with the insane visuals is just something to treasure. Sound wise I think the VA is great as usually and it really sells the more serious tones at times along with the humor. The sounds of guns and effects is what you’d expect. The music, while I really like it, does feel a bit different due to different composers, but I still felt it was extremely appropriate for the setting and along with what’s happening on screen. The main battle music I really enjoyed.  

I got a whole heaping shit ton of praise for this game but I’m going to wrap this up. Uncharted 4 A Thief’s end is not a perfect game.  It has a few moments I took some issues with.  The start of the game is fairly heavy handed in cut scenes and story. Along with the more limited grandeur of levels at first and their play times, could get people thinking “what have you done to my Uncharted” rest assured, make it to chapter 8 and your doubts will start to melt away.  So while it’s great for story and setting the game up, some might feel it’s a bit too little early on. That said there is still exploration, action, and intrigue all over those first 7 chapters, fear not. I think another issues some will have is with *you knew I was going to say this* the final boss encounter. I was visually blown away by it but I think some won’t care for the gameplay element at that point (will be interesting to hear others thoughts on that) A final note, the game runs smooth as hell looking as it does which is mighty impressive, but there was a few times I saw some framerate slowdown, sometimes due to battle, or sometimes simply for finding an area I’m exploring and turning the camera and running just caused it to chug. A little distracting but ultimately something that didn’t seem to rear its ugly head too often.  . So hmm… let me think…. Yeah that’s about all the qualms I have with Uncharted 4.  I have to say, currently as I’m typing this and letting the end results play over again in my head since finishing last night. This is definitely in my top 5 games of all time and my favorite third person shooter ever.  Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Vaquish, Binary Domain, Uncharted 1-3, The Evil Within,  The Last of Us… all games I’ve truly enjoyed and loved and had a great time with (in various manners of enjoyment)… but this just blows them all away for me personally. From graphics to gameplay, combat scenarios, set pieces, puzzles, and story…. Uncharted 4 is the first system seller of this new console generation! If I didn’t have a PS4, I’d have to buy one for this, and everyone that doesn’t, I tell them they need to experience this game! I can’t get over how much this games story elements hit me, how I related to it in some subtle ways, and just how it all came to a close.  Bravo Naughty Dog, you are truly amazing at your craft and a pioneer in cinematic gaming.  I’ve yet to even get to experience the MP, but it could suck for all I know (it probably won’t) and still… I’d give this a 10 out of 10!


Yeah, crazy how they would get the idea to use their own art on a reversible cover for their own game.

Good job googling the PS4 logos and stuff though...

LOL, ice cold.

That said, I love that reverse cover! I wish all games had artistic inner covers so it wouldn't matter how much crap they want to put on the retail-facing one.

I switch to the alternate nearly 100% of the time, when available.

This thread is like a 20 times a day pit stop for me. I need this preorder to ship ASAP!
I have a question: If the game is gold for weeks now (meaning the devs stopped touching it) and if some got it and are already it playing it and even finished it, why is the game much delayed and why didn't Sony advance the release date then? What happesn between Gold Time and official release time? Preparing Marketing for the game? It should have happened while the game is almost finished. Just curious.

It's a worldwide launch. So you have to remember that copies have to ship all over the world. U.S. just got copies to stores and not even all of the stores have the game yet. The game launches in over a week.

I'm not sure if they could've really pushed up the date while maintaining a worldwide launch.
Well the Screenshot Thread is finally ready to go. I'm not sure If I should post it now or wait until full release.

I'd say you're fine as long as you make some rules regarding spoilery pics, like hiding anything that could be considered a spoiler behind a spoiler tag.

It'll probably be a pain in the ass to enforce it, but it's your call.


All these folks getting uncharted early, making it hard to go dark just like a week ago when I kept avoiding spoilers for civil war. I shall survive, you will not break me

Venom Fox

Stop posting campaign pics ffs.

Overall impressions are welcome but no location spoilers.
Its not even a place where you'd think to go, it's not on "the beaten track" so to speak. If you consider that pic a spoiler then I'd suggest you reevaluate what a spoiler is.

If I thought it'd spoil anything I wouldn't have posted it at all.


Completed it earlier today on moderate. Looking forward to replaying it again very soon though, both because of how good it was, and also because I hadn't been feeling too well the past few days, so I kind of feel like I didn't take everything in one hundred percent.

I'll probably post proper impressions soon when I've had more time to digest the game, and I'll be extremely diligent with tagging spoilers. For now I'll just say that I loved it, and it's got potential to rank as my favourite in the series, even though I do have mad nostalgia for the first two games.


Its not even a place where you'd think to go, it's not on "the beaten track" so to speak. If you consider that pic a spoiler then I'd suggest you reevaluate what a spoiler is.

If I thought it'd spoil anything I wouldn't have posted it at all.

The general rule is just don't post pics without them being spoiler tagged since the game has been leaked.
Its not even a place where you'd think to go, it's not on "the beaten track" so to speak. If you consider that pic a spoiler then I'd suggest you reevaluate what a spoiler is.

If I thought it'd spoil anything I wouldn't have posted it at all.
Some of us just don't want any environmental spoilers, though that looks like Madagascar so it might be ok.
Uncharted 4 : A Thief’s End ( A NEOGAF story mode review) – No Major Spoilers!

Completed on moderate difficulty – 15 hours (excluding cutscenes), 58 treasures collected

I got a whole heaping shit ton of praise for this game but I’m going to wrap this up. Uncharted 4 A Thief’s end is not a perfect game.  It has a few moments I took some issues with.  The start of the game is fairly heavy handed in cut scenes and story. Along with the more limited grandeur of levels at first and their play times, could get people thinking “what have you done to my Uncharted” rest assured, make it to chapter 8 and your doubts will start to melt away.  So while it’s great for story and setting the game up, some might feel it’s a bit too little early on. That said there is still exploration, action, and intrigue all over those first 7 chapters, fear not. I think another issues some will have is with *you knew I was going to say this* the final boss encounter. I was visually blown away by it but I think some won’t care for the gameplay element at that point (will be interesting to hear others thoughts on that) A final note, the game runs smooth as hell looking as it does which is mighty impressive, but there was a few times I saw some framerate slowdown, sometimes due to battle, or sometimes simply for finding an area I’m exploring and turning the camera and running just caused it to chug. A little distracting but ultimately something that didn’t seem to rear its ugly head too often.  . So hmm… let me think…. Yeah that’s about all the qualms I have with Uncharted 4.  I have to say, currently as I’m typing this and letting the end results play over again in my head since finishing last night. This is definitely in my top 5 games of all time and my favorite third person shooter ever.  Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Vaquish, Binary Domain, Uncharted 1-3, The Evil Within,  The Last of Us… all games I’ve truly enjoyed and loved and had a great time with (in various manners of enjoyment)… but this just blows them all away for me personally. From graphics to gameplay, combat scenarios, set pieces, puzzles, and story…. Uncharted 4 is the first system seller of this new console generation! If I didn’t have a PS4, I’d have to buy one for this, and everyone that doesn’t, I tell them they need to experience this game! I can’t get over how much this games story elements hit me, how I related to it in some subtle ways, and just how it all came to a close.  Bravo Naughty Dog, you are truly amazing at your craft and a pioneer in cinematic gaming.  I’ve yet to even get to experience the MP, but it could suck for all I know (it probably won’t) and still… I’d give this a 10 out of 10!


Thanks for the great write up. I'm soo excited!
Its not even a place where you'd think to go, it's not on "the beaten track" so to speak. If you consider that pic a spoiler then I'd suggest you reevaluate what a spoiler is.

If I thought it'd spoil anything I wouldn't have posted it at all.

Venom, just wondering do you have PNG capture set up on PS4? It's showing up as a jpg for me on imgur.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Its not even a place where you'd think to go, it's not on "the beaten track" so to speak. If you consider that pic a spoiler then I'd suggest you reevaluate what a spoiler is.

If I thought it'd spoil anything I wouldn't have posted it at all.

Why are you even argue here? you know how it works, no location and story spoilers outside of the official revealed stuff. Period.

On top of that you just started the game right? that means you just posted a pic from the beginning...? don't answer the question just from now on only post overall impressions, graphics etc. pls.

The Lamp

So about the Florida copies....are they NTSC? If not, is there any risk of DLC or multiplayer not working right for the NA PSN?


I bet the second ND team did11 already start developing TLOU2 or Savage Starlight or Jak 4/Reboot.

I don't think that there is a second team right now. Yeah maybe a small group of people is working on new concepts ( brainstorming sessions -- Neil confirmed them IIRC) but nothing more.
I don't think that there is a second team right now. Yeah maybe a small group of people is working on new concepts ( brainstorming sessions -- Neil confirmed them IIRC) but nothing more.

There was always second team at ND: While the first Team that developed Uncharted 2 was developing TLOU, the second one was developing Uncharted 3. I bet the same is happening with Uncharted 4 and that the first team is doing another IP or sth greater in magnitude which is even a harder challenge to top Uncharted 4.

Venom Fox

Venom, just wondering do you have PNG capture set up on PS4? It's showing up as a jpg for me on imgur.
Its set to PNG. Must be Imgur that changes it?
Why are you even argue here? you know how it works, no location and story spoilers outside of the official revealed stuff. Period.

On top of that you just started the game right? that means you just posted a pic from the beginning...? don't answer the question just from now on only post overall impressions, graphics etc. pls.
Yes, I know how it works and it's not an environment that we haven't seen, it's a well that is from a place in one of the trailers. I'm not arguing either way, I'm just saying, it's not a spoiler.

Anyway, the start of the game rivals TLOU, I agree with what Arne says.


There was always second team at ND: While the first Team that developed Uncharted 2 was developing TLOU, the second one was developing Uncharted 3. I bet the same is happening with Uncharted 4 and that the first team is doing another IP or sth greater in magnitude which is even a harder challenge to top Uncharted 4.

So there’s a very small team that’s working on some prototype stuff for next game-y thing, but almost everybody else is on Uncharted 4

February 2015.
Its set to PNG. Must be Imgur that changes it?

Yes, I know how it works and it's not an environment that we haven't seen, it's a well that is from a place in one of the trailers. I'm not arguing either way, I'm just saying, it's not a spoiler.

Anyway, the start of the game rivals TLOU, I agree with what Arne says.

Its set to PNG. Must be Imgur that changes it?

Yes, I know how it works and it's not an environment that we haven't seen, it's a well that is from a place in one of the trailers. I'm not arguing either way, I'm just saying, it's not a spoiler.

Anyway, the start of the game rivals TLOU, I agree with what Arne says.

Fuck... I'm gonna cry aren't I? :/
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