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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Maybe someone should start a spoiler thread.

From what I've seen only 1 Gaffer is going to get the game in the next 2 days (got it on Ebay) so I'm not sure a special thread is needed for him (if he even wants to share anything) but once details from other people around the world emerges, an impression thread with hidden spoilers sounds like a good idea.

In this case I'd be cool with a permanent ban for anyone posting even the mildest spoiler here. with or without tag.
Banning on hidden spoilers seems harsh, if he writes a proper description before the tag like "spoilers for the beginning-" than I think it's fine.


Good. I hate release dates when the game is clearly done and sitting in distribution.

Gotta stick it to the man.
This. If retailers already have it then May 3rd or the Friday is the way to go.

Please let this happen, don't want to be spoiled!

May 3rd would fall in line with the rumored review embargo anyway so they'd have time to review it and post it online. They(Sony) could release a statement saying they've pushed the date up to whatever date that is, unlock it digitally at specified time and let retailers know it's okay to sell the game early. I'd think most retailers worldwide would have the game by Friday or Tuesday of next week.
Got the awesome be there by 8 pm message on Amazon then got an email informing me that it would be released on 5/10.



Time to unplug the modem for two weeks.

Yeah my thoughts exactly..spoilers gonna be everywhere! With Captain America coming out soon too, looking like a good time to just avoid the usual internet spots altogether.

At the very least, don't let any Twitch chat windows anywhere near you.
They want it to sell at the same time everywhere to break records, I'm sure.

Bringing the release forward two weeks out would mess that up.
They can still break records. I'm just thinking if they announced a earlier date like May 3rd which would give everywhere time to already have the game. I'm sure most stores would have the game already by the 3rd. Idk, I just want my Uncharted, meng.


For those in the UK with Simply Games orders you can tell when it will ship because the listing will disappear from the Top Pre Orders section of the site. Sometimes it's nowhere until the day after or so before going into Top Sellers.


ND sure as hell cares! And they have enough pull with Sony to make things happen I think.

I'm hoping that's the case. ND likely had nothing to do with the delay though, and it isn't ND shipping units to store two weeks before release.


ND sure as hell cares! And they have enough pull with Sony to make things happen I think.

Most US outlets don't have review code. They will need to get copies in hand soon if they plan to push the release date forward and then update the embargo date for outlets. It could happen, and frankly it should happen, but it will require a lot to happen.


I got an email earlier from Amazon about one of my pre-orders.

Got excited and saw "Uncharted 4", then sad that it said it was "delayed."



So, some rumors that stores are getting the game here in Brazil this week as well, so it will also prob break the street date over here.
A week early release, come on ND/Sony! Do it for the players :)

Drop reviews Friday-Monday and release Tuesday. We all know it'll get 85 10s/, 5 9s and 1 7.5/10 that'll cause Neogaf to essplode.


Apparently reviewers have had the game since April 20 (according to FelipeMGM earlier in this thread).

Depends the region. A lot of outlets in US don't have review code based on folks I've talked to and someone said Kinda Funny talked about not having review copy yet.


Apparently reviewers have had the game since April 20 (according to FelipeMGM earlier in this thread).

how are retailers getting copies before review publications?

yeah, I read multiple times that review copies started being sent out last week. zsynqx which is our ND go to person also said that. Reviews are expected on the 4th, so they should prob have them by now. But...

TBH, Im starting do doubt both infos. Colin and Greg from Kinda Funny didnt get theirs yet, and they should be a couple of the first ones to get. For some reason it seems people on Europe are getting it first. But who knows!


Depends the region. A lot of outlets in US don't have review code based on folks I've talked to and someone said Kinda Funny talked about not having review copy yet.
I think they said they did not have it as of last week's PS I Love You episode which was recorded on the 18th, so they could have gotten it on the 20th. Though I'm still not sure they got it on the 20th myself (at least US outlets).


I think they said they did not have it as of last week's PS I Love You episode which was recorded on the 18th, so they could have gotten it on the 20th. Though I'm still not sure they got it on the 20th myself (at least US outlets).

They say they dont have it yet on this week's episode as well, which was recorded yesterday


I think they said they did not have it as of last week's PS I Love You episode which was recorded on the 18th, so they could have gotten it on the 20th. Though I'm still not sure they got it on the 20th myself (at least US outlets).

I'm expecting review code and have been treated with silence so far - US based. EU outlets may very well have review copies as they do get access ahead of us at times.

They say they dont have it yet on this week's episode as well, which was recorded yesterday
That's concerning and leading me to believe we will see review copies arrive on Thursday or Friday of this week.


Are any spoilers from Uncharted story really that devastating? To me the journey is always more important than any single event or something else that someone can spoil you.
So even if Drake dies and it gets plastered all over the internet, i'd only ask myself the question "how did it get so far" ? I'd still play the game with the same enthusiasm as if i knew nothing.

And only after finished the story i'd decide how i feel about the story. In the end i can't even hate Druckman more than i do so ... :D


We don't have it! Neither does anyone I've talked to. I also don't know where the May 4 embargo rumor came from.

I heard you guys have had the PS4.5 for over a year and that's why not one, no not a single one, of reviewers have had frame rate issues. So dishonest, you guys.


They say they dont have it yet on this week's episode as well, which was recorded yesterday
I haven't listened to all of this week's episode so didn't know that. They will definitely be getting it when the other major US outlets get it, so US media (and media globally) is probably getting it this week.

I'm expecting review code and have been treated with silence so far - US based. EU outlets may very well have review copies as they do get access ahead of us at times.

That's concerning and leading me to believe we will see review copies arrive on Thursday or Friday of this week.
We don't have it! Neither does anyone I've talked to. I also don't know where the May 4 embargo rumor came from.
Yeah media definitely don't have it yet. Thanks Jason.


For those talking about media getting the game, I also haven't received mine yet -- US based, silence so far as well.
We don't have it! Neither does anyone I've talked to. I also don't know where the May 4 embargo rumor came from.

It's out in just two weeks, how long do you guys usually get to review games? I know there are exceptions such as Star Fox Zero which some reviewers don't need to play at all, but I'd imagine mostly everyone is eager to review Uncharted 4.
Are any spoilers from Uncharted story really that devastating? To me the journey is always more important than any single event or something else that someone can spoil you.
So even if Drake dies and it gets plastered all over the internet, i'd only ask myself the question "how did it get so far" ? I'd still play the game with the same enthusiasm as if i knew nothing.

And only after finished the story i'd decide how i feel about the story. In the end i can't even hate Druckman more than i do so ... :D
I agree, the journey is equally as important (as we know from Homer's Odyssey), but who wants to get the spectacular ending spoiled?

Sony (as a publisher) should release it early... hell, I wouldn't even care if they wanted to delay the huge MP patch (no, it's not in the disc) another 2 weeks for extra polish (
inb4 AKyemeni gets pissed

Just gimme the goddamn Campaign already!


It's out in just two weeks, how long do you guys usually get to review games? I know there are exceptions such as Star Fox Zero which some reviewers don't need to play at all, but I'd imagine mostly everyone is eager to review Uncharted 4.
Depends on the publisher, the game, etc. Some publishers are great and get us the game 2-3 weeks early; others won't send us a copy until the day before. It really depends. Once in a while a publisher like Atlus will send us codes two months before release which is always fantastic.
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