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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Difference is it's easier to avoid spoilers 3 days out then 13 days out. The longer they're out there, the more people that see it, the further it's spread, and the easier it is for you to stumble upon it.

Gotta do what you can to mitigate then. We live in the internet age where information travels so fast it's insane. Even 3 days out is enough to spread any information. Hell we knew the main story beats for TFA like a year before the movie came out and that was without people recording low quality footage and taking pics.

Just do your best to avoid anything UC4.


Unless that's some throwaway facebook account it's stupid to upload a pic of him with all those copies looking to sell it. Especially after news of the robbery.

I'd imagine it's another fictional PR robbery. They are great, because you get to simultaneously tell the non-gaming press your new game is out AND you make it seem like it's in such high demand that people are willing to steal for it.






The music is so good.

How is it? Is it in line with previous entries?


I'd imagine it's another fictional PR robbery. They are great, because you get to simultaneously tell the non-gaming press your new game is out AND you make it seem like it's in such high demand that people are willing to steal for it.







Or, more importantly, his Facebook/Instagram/Whatever account.

He isn't trying to hide.

It didn't even occur to me that someone would flaunt stolen property on their real Facebook account.

Unless he doesn't know they were stolen and bought them from someone thinking they had them sitting around and were just willing to break the street date.


Ebay looks like it's cracking on listings hard as some have come and gone with a page not found error which means they took it down on their side.


It didn't even occur to me that someone would flaunt stolen property on their real Facebook account.

Unless he doesn't know they were stolen and bought them from someone thinking they had them sitting around and were just willing to break the street date.

Don't ever underestimate the stupidity of criminals lol. Especially those looking to make a quick buck.

That said I don't know if he's one of the actual robbers. But you'd have a hard time convincing me he walked into a store bought all of those new just to sell the regular edition at a marked up price.
Gotta do what you can to mitigate then. We live in the internet age where information travels so fast it's insane. Even 3 days out is enough to spread any information. Hell we knew the main story beats for TFA like a year before the movie came out and that was without people recording low quality footage and taking pics.

Just do your best to avoid anything UC4.

Of course, I miss the days when I would walk into a store and pick up a game just because of its cover.


So can folks with a copy of the game confirm online co-op? Just put me out of my misery here...

Multiplayer option is greyed out on main menu

But it was confirmed via pre-order bonuses months ago

"Skins for multiplayer and co-op" or something along those lines
Is it smart to jack something then put it up on Facebook with your name, who you are married to, and a bunch of other forms of identification?
'Bruv' would have made it so much better. Such a missed opportunity, lol.

Would have been the icing on top haha

If that guy is actually involved in the copies being stolen, then he really is dumb, he's easily searchable on facebook, yeah you can't see all his posts or the Uncharted 4 one, but putting 2 and 2 together isn't hard.

EDIT: Didn't even see the post above me, you gotta be really dumb to do that haha


Yeah, I hope we have another Neogaf Photo Mode competition thread like we did with TLoU Remasted. Naughty Dog got involved and voted in the winners last time.

Sounds like this is even more fleshed out than TLOU's

Is it weird I'm almost as excited for the photo mode as I am for the game itself ?
Actually, scrap the almost.
I know.

Nathan Drake should really think about getting into the business of stealing video games.

He'd earn more money than any of his adventures trying to plunder history lol.

Except the first game... that's the only one I remember where they got away with some treasure.


I'd imagine it's another fictional PR robbery. They are great, because you get to simultaneously tell the non-gaming press your new game is out AND you make it seem like it's in such high demand that people are willing to steal for it.





Where is the proof those cases are PR stunts? all you did was showing that other hyped products were stolen before U4, just because there are more cases doesn't mean it's fake, on the contrary actually.


Um wtf guys are we just gonna call someone a thief and make fun of them without having any proof?

Yeah my bad. Obviously we don't know the circumstances behind him getting the games. Still not cool selling them early at ridiculous prices, but no proof he is a thief.
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