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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Gold Member
Actually, Neil's exact words were "a little bit controversial," which made me think the comment was a real spoiler. It certainly fits the definition of a controversial ending, that's for freaking sure.

Gotcha. It was this headline where I think I remembered.


"I think people will discuss the ending. If focus tests are anything to go by, there will be some arguments about the ending," he told IGN during a recent A Thief's End gameplay event. "I'm excited. Indifference would be the worst thing. I would rather have people hate it than be indifferent to it. We'll see how they react."

I will read what you sent me a few days after 5/10/16, in case it is dead on, or fun read if not, lol.


13 days jezuz.

Agreed. Do not buy these early copies. Support your hobby we all love enough to make a site approval account and argue amongst one another, and buy legit retail.
How do you even quantify that? I mean, I'm sure the game is good, but that sounds so exaggerated. -_-

Yeah in general these games don't even start to get going until the mid point.

Plus he said it starts slow, how can the slow part be better than U2 and TLOU, come on now. It's not until he hits the major setpieces and sees how the overall pacing is until he can really have a good basis for where this game stands.
Has there been any impression of this game yet? I'm very curious to see if it can top Uncharted 2 and TLoU's level of greatness. Very hard for sure but who knows.


Hopefully they catch the filthy criminals.



Careful watching the press kit un boxing's, just watched one which skimmed through some late game concept art. It increased my hype tbh, can't wait to see it rendered in ND glory.


13 days left.

Wow. That's a long time considering the amount of spoilers that will be rampant even as soon as the weekend.

Spoilers are spoilers bro. No difference if it's 13 days out or 3 days out. At the end of it all it's not going to spoil your enjoyment. Right now just mitigate it. Even in this thread it's a risk, Don't read any youtube comments, and don't pay attention to twitch. Avoid Reddit and other forums
Spoilers are spoilers bro. No difference if it's 13 days out or 3 days out. At the end of it all it's not going to spoil your enjoyment. Right now just mitigate it. Even in this thread it's a risk, Don't read any youtube comments, and don't pay attention to twitch. Avoid Reddit and other forums

Difference is it's easier to avoid spoilers 3 days out then 13 days out. The longer they're out there, the more people that see it, the further it's spread, and the easier it is for you to stumble upon it.
Probably that dude didn't know those copies were illegally distributed. I think it's a bit harsh to call someone idiot, especially when he didn't do something that stupid.
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