ND pipeline, imo:
2023- TLOU Remake and Factions
2025- New IP
2027- Uncharted 5
2029- TLOU III
Can you imagine how gorgeous and well-animated the latter three will be?

IMO they would have 3 main teams and a small one:
-Uncharted 5
-TLOU 2 main team > New IP
-TLOU Factions > TLOU3
-TLOU Remake+TLOU2 PS5 > TLOU Remake+TLOU2 PC > Factions PC > Uncharted NDCR (outsourcing overview + support)
Summer 2022 - Uncharted Legacy of Thieves PC
Late 2022 - TLOU 1+2 Director's Cut PS5
Early 2023 - TLOU2 Factions PS4+PS5
Summer 2023 - TLOU 1+2 Director's Cut PC (outsourced to Nixxes or Iron Galaxy)
Late 2023 - TLOU2 Factions PC (outsourced to Nixxes or Iron Galaxy)
Mid 2024 - Uncharted Nathan Drake's Collection Remastered PS5 & PC (outsourced to Nixxes or Iron Galaxy)
Late 2024 - Uncharted 5 PS5 (they would have reworked the spinoff they started with Bend)
2025 - New IP PS5 (some TLOU2 staff would have moved here since 2020 + new people)
2026 - TLOU 3 PS5 (Factions staff + new people)
He is co-running the studio, and co-producing the TLOU HBO show.
He’s probably barely got enough time to help direct the TLOU MP and TLOU remake.
He‘s a self-admitted control freak and it’s his baby. He’ll always be involved in any/everything TLOU.
Having directors and creative directors working in the games, being copresident of the studio he may be overviewing all the projects, providing feedback and suggestions getting a 1h or 2h long weekly meeting per project. Every week he may have a day for these meetings and then he has the rest of the week to do stuff for other things (tv show, drafting future projects like next IPs or TLOU3, or to do studio management stuff)