They should go back to a younger Drake in his twenties, before the events of the first game. Let him be a womanizer again, with a new female protagonist in every future game. The dynamics between Nate and Elena in the first game, and between him and Chloe in the second game, were much spicier than his boring relationship with Elena in U3 and 4.
I really disliked how after the first game they turned Elena into a boring nag who wants Drake to stop doing treasure hunts, which is the complete opposite from how she behaved in U1. In the first game she was actually the more adventurous of the two, and convinced Drake to continue their adventure on the island despite the presence of the mercenaries. But in the later games she did a complete 180, and became boring and kinda unlikable imo.
I just hope they don’t make us play as Drake’s daughter.