Reading impressions Idk why so many are surprised that they made this in a year, they had an entire code base already established not to mention a ton of assets from Drake's animation data, to the jeep, to foliage sets etc. are reused leaving plenty of time for investment into new asset creation. RIP to the devs who likely lost a lot a lot of sleep getting this out the door in such a quick time but yea, a game of this length isn't that crazy all factors behind it's dev time considered.
Chapter 3 bracelet question
i collect all 11 yellow tokens, now Chloe has a bracelet on, in the menu it says enable Queen's Ruby, and in certain areas while standing in water, the controller vibrates, and a jingle plays
Anybody know what it means?
Chapter 3 bracelet question
i collect all 11 yellow tokens, now Chloe has a bracelet on, in the menu it says enable Queen's Ruby, and in certain areas while standing in water, the controller vibrates, and a jingle plays
Anybody know what it means?
it helps you find treasures when you're near one - the controller makes a pinging noise
best feature ever
I'm having quite the stressful day and therefore am looking forward to my chance to play it tonight. Like reeaaalllyy looking forward to it.
Really happy also that 2 new directors have done well with this. ND in good hands it seems.
I think ND listened to the feedback on 4 - and adjusted TLL to make it the game it is. Everything is concise, and sharp and never outstays its welcome
Uncharted 4's opening problem, as you elucidated for me, is that it's all over the place. They should've cut the opening boat scene (adds nothing except "whoa! They're on an adventure later or in this game about adventure!") and Sam's flashback (the "twist" later on would work better without us seeing the story directly anyway.) Young Nate & Sam's sequence was good to include but was too long. Nate's job/home life was fine.
It's such a busy opening that accomplishes only a couple things.
Reading impressions Idk why so many are surprised that they made this in a year...
Just in general, I know that overall pacing was a focus area from the start.
Just in general, I know that overall pacing was a focus area from the start.
Quote this post for my Uncharted 4 multiplayer instant unlock mutiplayer bundle that I got with The Lost Legacy. I don't have UC4 nor care for its MP one bit. Enjoy!
Oh shitElephants!!
That entire sequence was pretty masterful. When I first heard what sounded like growling I was expecting to either be attacked by tigers or for some supernatural element to be introduced. Was not expecting fucking elephants, really nice moment.
Damn was gonna wait till Sony made this a + title but after this thread I think that wait will be impossible.
Also, did Nadine say "they pleasure the privates of lemurs" near the bat cave? lol
Fuck me that chapter 5 puzzle took me a while haha
Soooooooo, is this closer to Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4? How action packed are we talkin'? How's the overall pacing?
How many chapters are there. On 5 now
Soooooooo, is this closer to Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4? How action packed are we talkin'? How's the overall pacing?
The best aspects of 2, with the improved combat of 4Soooooooo, is this closer to Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4? How action packed are we talkin'? How's the overall pacing?
Only up to start of cpt 5, but feels like tomb raider reboot where you have big area filled with hidden collectibles/treasures. If you're the kind who have to collect everything, the pace is slower than u4. But I like all the puzzles and combat scenario scattered around this area. Although at times I do wish to just move on to the next chapter because I took around 3 hours just stuck in cpt 4 with no story progression.Soooooooo, is this closer to Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4? How action packed are we talkin'? How's the overall pacing?
9 with a prologue and epilogue.
Chapter 4 is fantastic! I love the openness. I didn't think I'd like that in an Uncharted but they did a good job of mixing the great combat bowls of U4 with the setpiece destruction of U2/3 and added in meaningful exploration. Really neat.