On chapter 7. Game is brilliant, this is the UC4 I wanted.
and I'm loving how Chloe & Nadine are getting closer, just got to that part where Chloe says she needs a second to get her head back in the game and Nadine pushes her into the lake and Chloe's like "really?". Had a big smile on my face, I dunno man, I don't think there's many developers good at crafting these subtle moments like ND
On chapter 7. Game is brilliant, this is the UC4 I wanted.
and I'm loving how Chloe & Nadine are getting closer, just got to that part where Chloe says she needs a second to get her head back in the game and Nadine pushes her into the lake and Chloe's like "really?". Had a big smile on my face, I dunno man, I don't think there's many developers good at crafting these subtle moments like ND
Up to Chapter 5. My lord, whats the general consensus on graphics? Because I'm convinced they've improved.
Great game so far.
It's just making sure to making a hard save. You can overwrite or just make a new save. Doesn't matter.
I have the same issue, whenever I chapter jump it resets my treasures for that chapter and all future chapters. I assumed this was because I started a new save first because I thought that would unlock the bonus menu (as opposed to downloading it in a patch, the fuck were they thinking about that bullshit) and I accidentally loaded that save when chapter jumping.
I'm terrified to try collectable hunting and accidentally miss one now, in case I have to go back and it erases everything else.
On the plus side, the stats and treasure menu show the treasures I've collected so far so maybe the trophy will unlock if I get the few that I'm missing.
I don't know that it's technically above Uncharted 4 (outside of an improvement to motion blur, perhaps?), but it certainly has an art direction that's lends itself better to the visuals. The exploration of Hindu mythology in India allowed for the use of beautiful visages in their structures and a vibrant, pleasing color palette in its locales.
That final stretch was pitch perfect.
This has to lead to more uncharted with these characters and the approaches to each aspect of the game. It addresses all my problems with UC4, to the letter. Even made me appreciate parts of 4 more.
The end credits are indisputably the best of the series
Yeah, they could just have a system where a prompt shows up that lets Nadine solve it. It would make sense, Nadine could just say "hey let me try this one." Screen fades in and out with the puzzle solved.
Personally took me about 10-15 minutes.
That's a fantastic solution. You could get even more clever with it and let the other person try a couple of things and possibly fail, while they describe their thinking.
Then if the person still doesn't have it 10 mins later the partner goes and does it in one.
Fuck me, had to drag myself away from this last night, it has overtaken BotW in my GOTY so far. Just got the part with t, gonna finish it in a straight shot tonight, roughly how long will that take on standard difficulty?he train yard that has the patrolling helicopter
About 30-45 minutes from that point depending on how much you die I guess.
Fuck, I thought it would be way more than that. I'm still on Chapter 8 I think.
What a fantastic game. The ending song (M.I.A. - Borders if you didn't know) was perfect.
Also, I never completely understood why Nadine still hated Sam and Nathan.
It seemed like at the end of Uncharted 4, that she recognized that it was she who had made a deal with the devil.
I hope Naughty Dog fixes it. Rise of the Tomb Raider had glitchy trophies and they fixed them via a plat, but didn't include a retroactive unlock so I have a trophy for 100% completion of side objectives and no trophy for completing all challenges (which is needed for 100%) lmao :'(Yeah, this is throwing me off.
To hell with the platinum.
Didn't know you could climb up the whole tower.
Didn't know you could climb up the whole tower.
Can you link the trailer?In the trailer there was a scene withNadine & Chloe fighting each other in a helicopter, but that never happened in the game. Cut content or a trick to make people think there might be more violent conflict between the two?
Wonderful game, though. ND never ceases to impress. I want more Chloe/Nadine!
Yeah, this is throwing me off.
To hell with the platinum.
What's the best way to replay this on crushing? New game+ or chapter select?
I want to use the weapons and maybe the infinite ammo cheat if I feel like it. Can I do that in NG+ too?
When you jump into a new chapter and either save over the old file or make a new one, next time you jump into a new chapter that comes after the one you first went to, does it say "0 out of 5 treasures" or say "4 out of 5 treasures"? Because the problem here is going into a chapter resets the treasure counter in chapter select and makes all the treasures available for collecting. If this is what's suppose to happen then sure, but it certainly doesn't seem right.It doesn't reset anything. I have the Plat. You can easily check if it resets anything by checking your Treasures list or the Stats screen. Anytime you pick a new Chapter, it just wants to make a hard save. Just overwrite the old one or make a new one. Like I said, it doesn't matter.
Except it keeps the info for photos, conversations and whatnot. Only treasures gets reset, no matter what save I choose.Sounds like the guy you quoted was reloading an old manual save which reverts back to anything he collected in that old save.
When you jump into a new chapter and either save over the old file or make a new one, next time you jump into a new chapter that comes after the one you first went to, does it say "0 out of 5 treasures" or say "4 out of 5 treasures"? Because the problem here is going into a chapter resets the treasure counter in chapter select and makes all the treasures available for collecting. If this is what's suppose to happen then sure, but it certainly doesn't seem right.
Except it keeps the info for photos, conversations and whatnot. Only treasures gets reset, no matter what save I choose.
This is what myself and the other user have been talking about. It's very clearly a bug and it's very frustrating considering it's hard to keep track of collecting treasures and if it will reset if we accidentally miss one and check other chapters, even if we follow a guide (it's easy to accidentally scroll past one and not realise sometimes).Must be a bug because my treasures never resetted. I looked at what I collected and the progress was kept. I couldn't even recollect the old treasures I collected before. They don't respawn.
This is what myself and the other user have been talking about. It's very clearly a bug and it's very frustrating considering it's hard to keep track of collecting treasures and if it will reset if we accidentally miss one and check other chapters, even if we follow a guide (it's easy to accidentally scroll past one and not realise sometimes).
I'm not sure if update 1.03 fixes it because I can't download the patch until mid-September, but hopefully the fix is in there.
Damn Nadine :0
Anyone know if the stealth takedown trophy includes the silent pistol, or if it's just melee stealth take downs?
Edit: evidently not. Shame! It's still technically stealth![]()
In the trailer there was a scene withNadine & Chloe fighting each other in a helicopter, but that never happened in the game. Cut content or a trick to make people think there might be more violent conflict between the two?
Wonderful game, though. ND never ceases to impress. I want more Chloe/Nadine!
Gifs are making Nadine and Chloe look OP as fuck, I love it. Nate and Sully starting to look incompetent by comparison.
Gifs are making Nadine and Chloe look OP as fuck, I love it. Nate and Sully starting to look incompetent by comparison.
Gifs are making Nadine and Chloe look OP as fuck, I love it. Nate and Sully starting to look incompetent by comparison.
Ok...now explain why Chloe is so good at kicking ass.Well, Nate and Sully are everyday-guys/conmen/thiefs who only learned fighting by brawling criminals in prison or in the field, while Nadine has been trained since birth to by her father to eventually take over his mercenary company. Not that weird that her fightstyle is more technical and competent looking than their barfight and wrestling antics lol
Hard or Crushing difficulty?
How do you unlock nadine different hair style?
How do you unlock nadine different hair style?