Some other spoiler stuff
A detail I noticed is that at a certain point, nadine will start screaming "Chloe!"
in a more caring tone if you get killed vs "Fraiser!" in a less caring tone and more just worried of being on her own.
I also totally ship nadine and sam.
Question about multiplayer, if I download this game, will I get the whole no package? I've been holding on to my U4 disc because of multiplayer.
Question about multiplayer, if I download this game, will I get the whole mp package? I've been holding on to my U4 disc because of multiplayer.
Is that really a laughable concept? Why not have it be optional. How in the world would that affect your personal enjoyment of the game if it could be toggled on/off or there was an auto-solve prompt on lower difficulties after a set amount of time? I get that people like to feel superior to others mentally but I don't see any real harm in what I suggested. It's just giving the player more options.
Wait, WTH! Don't remember that happening at all! Does that just happen if you climb the building?
I must be doing something wrong then...
Do you overwrite your save from your previous playthrough for that to take effect?
I just collected all 5 treasures from The Gatekeeper when I was only missing one.
You have to leave her idle for a little bit.
Huh, that's neat. Gonna have to try that!
Just finished the game. It was amazing. If I had to rank it with the others...
U2: AT > U: TLL > U4: ATE > U3: DD > U: DF
I see there was some discussion about the shadow puzzle earlier on this page. I like that puzzle a lot, as I knew what need to be done, I just needed to figure out the correct order. I HATED the pillar puzzle though (the one where the statues would attack you if you stepped on a wrong plate). I just didn't understand the basic mechanics, I guess. Would the statue attack all the matching plates or just the one you're standing on? Also, it was really difficult for me to cross match the symbols with the statues.
I don't know, maybe I'm dumb.
Yeah, they could just have a system where a prompt shows up that lets Nadine solve it. It would make sense, Nadine could just say "hey let me try this one." Screen fades in and out with the puzzle solved.
Personally took me about 10-15 minutes.
With every step you take, the statues would move between 2-4 different poses, at different points in an attack.
It was just a case of choosing a path, and then every time you went near a statue, checking whether it would hit you in the next 'frame' or not when you hop in front of/near it.
I must be doing something wrong then...
Do you overwrite your save from your previous playthrough for that to take effect?
I just collected all 5 treasures from The Gatekeeper when I was only missing one.
Just finished the game. It was amazing. If I had to rank it with the others...
U2: AT > U: TLL > U4: ATE > U3: DD > U: DF
Yea, took me about an hour with hints from Nadine. The first real challenging puzzle in an Uncharted game. I couldn't even find a guide since I played it like 4 days before release.
U4 > U:LL > U2 > U3 > U1
People complain about the exploration/climbing padding in U4 but for me it just broke up the combat encounters to a satisfying extent.
U:LL is definitely a tighter and optimised experience but U4's narrative got me good.
As I posted earliersuper easy. Did it both times very quicklyThe shadow puzzle was actually really easy once, you got most of the pieces ready, then you' note: I need to get this there but I need this piece to move here so that piece doesn't move too far.. etc
The trickiest puzzle imo is the last one. Spin spin spin
Really? I thought that last puzzle was really easy. I guess it depends on our own way of looking at them.
Trickiest. I'm not saying its hard - I can see it being the hardest. I didn't have any problems with any of the puzzles.
So, like, can we all agree that Meenu is just the absolute best?
Yea, and her line in the last scene was adorable. Her, chloe, nadine and sam as a team is the best.
I was hoping she would become Chloe's Shortround. No need for Nadine.So, like, can we all agree that Meenu is just the absolute best?
I don't remember her last line
Kinda hilarious that Gamekult listed the finale of the game as a negative. "its just not stopping and its exhausting"
Wait, WTH! Don't remember that happening at all! Does that just happen if you climb the building?
Kinda hilarious that Gamekult listed the finale of the game as a negative. "its just not stopping and its exhausting"
Only thing that stops me from putting LL ahead of U2 is U2's insanely inventive set pieces. Even then though, after replaying LL a second time, I'm not even sure that's enough for U2 to stay at the top. LL really is a stunning achievement.TLL is even better than 2 for me. Better, more dynamic encounter design, better puzzles, better set-pieces, more varied traversal, better final boss andelephants instead of supernatural creatures.
I also like the photo moments.
Only thing that stops me from putting LL ahead of U2 is U2's insanely inventive set pieces. Even then though, after replaying LL a second time, I'm not even sure that's enough for U2 to stay at the top. LL really is a stunning achievement.
Some other spoiler stuff
A detail I noticed is that at a certain point, nadine will start screaming "Chloe!"
in a more caring tone if you get killed vs "Fraiser!" in a less caring tone and more just worried of being on her own.
I'd still have 2 at the top just because it had literally perfect pacing and set pieces, TLL comes close, but the "open world" part dragging on a little takes away slightly.