I finally got through a run of this game, so I should be safe to hang out here now, right? This game's incredible! I mean, I know some people are overselling it, but if sites like IGN are barely acknowledging it, I can understand why people want to get the word out..
That's how most PC games get sold in general: word of mouth, it is very powerful on this platform. You rarely see any coverage from big sites it's largely just streamers and people talkin'. It's how these completely random ass games on Steam get pushed to 500k-1m++ all the time. Won't be surprised if this thing completely bursts into flames at the first sale it's in.
I dunno about best game ever, but if I had a list (I don't) it'd be pretty high up. Undertale is probably, for me, one the first games of this type that not only manages to not feel like some fan clone but genuinely supersedes a lot of what inspired it and I grew up heavily with those games. Feels like something some people needed right now. A game that really gets that old soul retro JRPG kinda gig done up right but also manages to bring modern appeal and more biting, creative aspect so it can actually remain interesting. It has that simple timeless effect that Mother has which is the greatest link between the games, I think.
Also, thank god for brevity. In a time where I am weighed down to the ground with huge games, especially as a perennial RPG/MMO nerd I greatly appreciate that I was able to run a full completion on this game in about 20 total hours. Unless you have a very good game-y RPG I personally appreciate the lack of padding.