Which path is best taken on a first play? Pacifist or rambo?
By far pacifism. Chances are if you don't know what you are doing you might mess up the genocide route.
I noticed on the PlayStation Store, only the Vita version mentions Cross Buy. It isn't mentioned anywhere on the PS4 version. So I think I will purchase the Vita version just in case.
First time player here. I am really enjoying the game on Vita but was wondering why the game is 4:3 and not 16:9? That is the only thing that is bothering me as it's just so small. Did Toby ever explain why he chose 4:3? Was it to make it seem more retro?
We fiddled with it early on but the resolution is such that it caused a lot of double pixels and general ugliness when stretched to fit the top and bottom of the screen (especially in Japanese), to the point that we decided to keep it in its original res. Hope it looks nice enough!
How's the game on Vita guys?
Music is great. Where can I buy the soundtrack?
So there is basically no difference to the PC version, correct?
Is there a price in the OP? If not can it be added? I might have missed it.
I have never played this game, I have had certain things ruined for me, but I'm not sure if it's ruined or explained early on.Pacifist vs killing everyone, or rather what that even means
That being said, I kind of want to buy it today and play right away, but I also like physical so I may order the disc version and wait for that. I'm a bit of physical game junkie...
Don't even worry about it.Everyones always talking about the pacifist ending like it's the only one that matters. There's another ending that should be done first to make the pacifist ending better. You don't have to do anything for it, just play the game like you would any other rpg. Then replay it for the other endings.
-5 Frogs at ruins
-Dog Shrine-at Papyrus kitchen-They changed the "crash" before omega flowey to simply show the glitched intro-Also losing to omega flowey it simply reset the fight after the HAHAHAHAHAHA textUnintentional ps4 error when naming the fallen kid "Gaster", they will fix that
It's true buta lot of people tell you to just do the pacifist ending first because otherwise you're going to be replaying the entire game over again. Not everyone has the time for that.
Yes it's a true quote apparently!
I can confirm it is. I pre-ordered the PS4 version and the Vita version was free. I am in North America so can't say for any any other region.
Just making people aware that there is such a thing as a pacifist run is probably taking an important part of the game away from them.
I'll start playing this as soon as I finish with Sonic. Looking forward to it! Didn't get a chance to play this when it first came out so this'll be a new experience for me.
Yes it's a true quote apparently!
so since i have to wait til september to get my physical version, what does the dog shrine do?
I'm dying at their Twitter exchange right now.
where? Link?
They have some other interactions but too lazy to find them all.
Already got the platinum trophy. Super easy, haven't even beaten the game yet.