Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.
Election Night Edition. Prior Update.
University of Colorado Boulder election model:
~Romney wins with 330 EV.
~Romney will carry Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, and Florida.
Models record: Has accurately predicted the election outcome since 1980...retroactively. Appeared on republican blogs/Fox News a lot.
Wayne Allyn Root (radio guy, tea partier, sports guy, gambler):
~Romney defeats Obama by at least 100 EV and gets a 5 to 7 point win in the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Indiana.
Roots record: Predicted in 2004 that Bush would beat Kerry by 30 EV and get a 3 point win in the popular vote. Root says he was only off by 5 EV. His last name sounds vegetably.
I think it's Reagan/Carter all over again." via
O'Reilly Factor
Dick Morris:
~Romney wins with 300 to 350 EV and beats Obama by 4 to 8 points in the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Dicks record: Accurately predicted of a Hillary vs. Condoleezza general election. Sucked a prostitute's toe.
Romney Looks So Good. Always Does. I Think I'm In Love" via
Drew Chamber's UNSKEWED Projection from QStarNews:
~Romney wins with 359 EV and 53.63 percent of the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, and Pennsylvania.
BREAKING NEWS: Dean Chambers just unskewed his unskewed projections. Here are the real definitive projections.
~Romney wins with 275 EV and 50.67 percent of the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Florida, Virginia, Colorado, and Ohio.
UNSKEWED's record: ???No tengo ni idea???
Nate Silver is a man of very small stature, a thin and effeminate man," via
Karl Rove:
~Romney wins 285 EV and at least 51 percent of the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, and Colorado. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada are too close to call, could very well be won by Romney.
Rove's Record: Right hand man of Bush Jr, Fox pundit, Super PAC lover, predicted an Obama victory in 2008.
This is the first time that Romney has hit 50 percent in the Gallup likely voter poll and the president has never hit 50 percent in the likely voter poll. And no candidate who has led in mid-October with 50 percent or more in the likely voter poll has ever gone on to lose." via
Fox News
Michael Barone (pundit for the Washington Examiner):
~Romney wins with 315 EV.
~Romney will carry Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Barone's record: Seemed almost kinda sure that Obama would be the president in 2008, although he also seemed pretty sure the democrats wouldn't get a filibuster-proof senate. Wears glasses.
Other Predictions:
RedState using a '
Swingometer' determines as a low end prediction that Romney could win with 315 EV and carry states like New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Ohio. A high end prediction is 332 EV and carry other states like Wisconsin, and Nevada.
Newt Gingrinch: Romney wins with over 300 EV and at least 53 percent of the popular vote. Among the states Romney will carry include Virginia, Florida, and Wisconsin.
Glenn Beck: Romney will win with 321 EV. His patriotic, freedom loving gut tells him that Romney will decisively take back Wisconsin from the claws of Obamoislamofascism.
Larry Kudlow (CNBC Anchor, accurately predicted in 2007 there would be no recession): Romney wins with 330 EV and at least 52 percent of the popular vote.
George Will: Romney wins with 321 EV. Despite saying Minnesota is the only state that voted democrat for nine consecutive elections, fuck it, Mitts gonna flip it.
Jamie Weinstein (Senior Editor of Daily Caller): 315 EV for Romney, and he'll take Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
David Martosko (Executive Editor of Daily Caller): 296 EV for Romney, and he'll take Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and either Wisconsin or Michigan, but not both.
This was posted in Poligaf but here it is for the rest of y'all.