how about outdoing bush on warrantless wiretapping, and siding with the house over the senate sponsored amendments from his own party?
"As part of its concerted campaign to prosecute whistleblowers and to classify state secrets, the Obama administration has taken a position in Clapper that makes the Bush administration pro-secrecy campaign seem pale in comparison: namely, that no one can challenge warrantless surveillance unless the government tells you in advance that you’re being surveilled—which national security interests prevent it from doing. When Bush administration offered milder versions of the same arguments, the civil liberties community rose up in protest. Verrilli, for his part, was met by vigorous skepticism from the Supreme Court’s liberal justices."
To make matters worse, the Obama administration has refused to support the Congressional reforms that could ensure that foreign intelligence surveillance respects the constitutional limitations. In July, the Senator Judiciary Committee approved on a party line vote Senator Patrick Leahy’s proposal to require the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community to conduct a thorough review of how the new surveillance authorities are being used, and to make public an unclassified summary of his findings. Leahy would also require the intelligence community to report more extensively about the use of surveillance authorities, to ensure that it’s complying with privacy and minimization procedures. The House, however, recently approved the reauthorization of the surveillance authorities without these new reporting requirements, and the
administration is taking the side of the Republican House rather than the Democratic Senate. “The White House wants these authorities renewed without any modifications, and the House Republicans, who one day are trying to impeach Eric Holder, the next day are agreeing with the Obama Justice Department to renew this act without any changes,” says Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.