Goddamn. Fox News is fucking salty.
This chick is straight up calling Obama fraudulent.
Just woke up here in the UK and it looks like the 1000 years of darkness has begun! I never want to return to my home country again!
Fuck my life... America is finished and my country men and women are forever tarnished by their stupidity for this communist piece of shit.
I'd like to believe this is the beginning of the end for the Tea Party, but that's probably just wishful thinking.
Fox is being perfect as usual. Some lady is trying to reasonably explain how Republicans are no longer appealing and representative of many modern issues, but the rest of the panel isn't having any of it. Blaming Romney and Obama's incumbency instead.
EDIT: Oh, and now they're 'investigating' the voting irregularities...
Come on Mississippi, actually.. yep, good old Mississippi.
Your Dad sounds awesome, i would watch his biography.Obama went into full preacher mode there at the end of the speech. I was clapping like a mother fucker in my apartment. Preach Mr. President. Preach.
I can't wait to fist bump my 72-year-old dad this weekend. Guy is a Vietnam vet and was a staunch Republican, even voting for Bush Jr. twice, but he's voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. Fuck yeah motherfucker. Mom is still a die hard, but not crazy, Republican.
I didn't know that being old and white makes it so you throw sanity out the window.
But hey, maybe I don't have the new, updated rule book.
Lol Bush didn't fuck the economy....is this dude on Fox serious?
I did my part. Htown Reprezent.Harris county (Houston, TX) was very close
Barack Obama: 579,070
Mitt Romney: 579,068
99% precincts reporting
Harris county (Houston, TX) was very close
Barack Obama: 579,070
Mitt Romney: 579,068
99% precincts reporting
What do you expect Republican idiots to say? You actually think they will admit that Bush didn't mess up the economy?
Harris county (Houston, TX) was very close
Barack Obama: 579,070
Mitt Romney: 579,068
99% precincts reporting
So happy I got my absentee vote in.I'm ok with this.
Congratulations USA, but it shouldn't be a close race to begin with. And too bad, the congress is still on hands of the crazies.
Lol Bush didn't fuck the economy....is this dude on Fox serious?
Harris county (Houston, TX) was very close
Barack Obama: 579,070
Mitt Romney: 579,068
99% precincts reporting
Not sure if troll or just incredibly stupid. I think you are now forever tarnished by your own stupidity.Fuck my life... America is finished and my country men and women are forever tarnished by their stupidity for this communist piece of shit.
"He fucking won?"It was probably two drunk guys saying "HEY! Lets vote for Obama!"
Old ass Eddie Murphy reference.
The bitter tears at FOX continue, now bringing in election attorneys to bitch about the result.
wait wha- ahahhahahaBut there's no twitter there.
I'd like to believe this is the beginning of the end for the Tea Party, but that's probably just wishful thinking.
Again, this has been the most interesting election night in a long time. An amazing speech by Obama, gay marriage being passed in several states, medical marijuana legalized in a couple, closer to a 51st state that ever, all of these strange but fascinating stories ranging from Nate Silvers being spot-on with his guess again and George Bush accidentally voting for Obama, some of the overreactions from extreme right-wing groups, I have a feeling this night will be remembered for some time to come. Now to see how things go moving forward.
I preferred Obama to Romney although was probably less enthusiastic for Obama than most gaffers so congrats to Americans for choosing that one.
I'm proud to say that I didn't see one embarrassing thing on my Facebook feed going back 6 hours. I have good friends.
I guess I hoped reality would have set in by now.
Again, this has been the most interesting election night in a long time. An amazing speech by Obama, gay marriage being passed in several states, medical marijuana legalized in a couple, closer to a 51st state that ever, all of these strange but fascinating stories ranging from Nate Silvers being spot-on with his guess again and twitter records being broken and George Bush accidentally voting for Obama, some of the overreactions from extreme right-wing groups, I have a feeling this night will be remembered for some time to come. Now to see how things go moving forward.
Bu-bu-but a single person's vote doesn't mean anything.