Lv99 Slacker
Can someone PM the best election day coverage streams?
Looks like I'm screwed. I'll try anyways.
Bits can get shuffled. If nothing is going to be lost, then a voter verified paper trail is necessary.The ones they use in SC keeps a copy on the machine and on this flash memory thing the poll worker sticks into it before every person votes, so nothing is lost in the event of a power outage
Looks like I'm screwed. I'll try anyways.
They're Craigs: they're good eggsThose aren't Dudebros, they're Studbros.
Looks like I'm screwed. I'll try anyways.
Bits can get shuffled. If nothing is going to be lost, then a voter verified paper trail is necessary.
I'll mention you guys if I end up on Fox News.And thus a fraudulent voter is born
Before we start asking if we're in the matrix, a hard copy removes the operation of the computer from consideration in the event of a recount.Seems like a feel good thing to me. How are you going to verify that your vote was counted correctly anyway?
A report from Sunny hell known as Orlando Fl, my local polling place has a line that wraps around the damn building. Estimates are a nice 2-3 hours to vote. Florida. God I hate this fucking place.
And those little tiny pencils!Voting machines are such a bad choice. In Canada, we use piece of papers. At least those don't break.![]()
Oh my... you see this?
PS: Warning! save your IQ somewhere before click here...
Just WOW!
Jesus fuck.OMG Fox has spotted a black panther again lol
Oh my... you see this?
PS: Warning! save your IQ somewhere before click here...
Just WOW!
Absentees are proven to be more likely to be thrown out.
Black dude in the back is creeping me out. His eyes are eating away at my soul. The white guy too. What the fuck.
Black dude in the back is creeping me out. His eyes are eating away at my soul. The white guy too. What the fuck.
seriously... we need to educate america something wrong with our brains
A report from Sunny hell known as Orlando Fl, my local polling place has a line that wraps around the damn building. Estimates are a nice 2-3 hours to vote. Florida. God I hate this fucking place.
Chance of winning:
Bams: 91.6%
Mittens: 8.4%
Hype: Max
Very much one of the greatest Presidents the U.S has had and to stop now would be an absolutely shameful thing.
Let's not go nuts. A GOP presidency will be disastrous for the world but Obama hasn't exactly covered himself with glory in the past 4 years.
You guys will love this. Just got a knock on my door. It was my neighbor. Apparently, someone went and let the air out of the tires of the cars of every home with an Obama yard sign. At least 6 people on my block and 3 or 4 one block over. And to top it off, the only gas station in town mysteriously had its "Free Air" compressor line cut, and the nozzle stolen.
Thankfully, I have a small air compressor in my car's emergency kit, so no one's going to be too badly affected. I guess we should be lucky that they didn't slash the tires, and just let the air out. Still, pretty petty to take that kind of action in my little Ohio village...
Let's not go nuts. A GOP presidency will be disastrous for the world but Obama hasn't exactly covered himself with glory in the past 4 years.
Very much one of the greatest Presidents the U.S has had
Wait is this legit? Why isn't this a big issue? That is horseshit.
Very much one of the greatest Presidents the U.S has had