Not sure if the Aussies in the thread are aware, but the dynamics of the US parties, but (in simple terms):
Republicans are for minimal taxes and reducing the role of government in helping people, companies, and institutions they look down upon (gays, minorities, reformed criminials, poor people, feminists, energy that isn't oil/coal, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, and the UN, for example). Meanwhile, they are interventionist militarily and on individual (non-monetary, non-gun) freedoms (gay marriage, abortion, and other "moral" issues, like not having enough G-d in society). They believe that the free market provides optimal solutions in all cases, and that social programs, unions,, higher taxes, and high taxes stifle innovation and the motivation to be prosperous.
Democrats are for government intervening socially (helping the poor, elderly, unemployed, elderly, minorities, sick, etc.) and through regulations on businesses (because they believe the free market is insufficient to prevent businesses behaving ethically, safely, and responsibly with regards to accounting, employees, the environment, etc.). They believe that wealthy people should pay more "dues" because they benefit the most from the underlying infrastructure, education, low-profit research, patent system, court system, rule of law, and other things that government provides. Meanwhile, they believe government should stay out of (non-weapons) individual freedoms.
I'm sure conservatives will have a different view, but I think that's a fair assessment.
It's a very odd combination for outside observers.