You guys will love this. Just got a knock on my door. It was my neighbor. Apparently, someone went and let the air out of the tires of the cars of every home with an Obama yard sign. At least 6 people on my block and 3 or 4 one block over. And to top it off, the only gas station in town mysteriously had its "Free Air" compressor line cut, and the nozzle stolen.
Thankfully, I have a small air compressor in my car's emergency kit, so no one's going to be too badly affected. I guess we should be lucky that they didn't slash the tires, and just let the air out. Still, pretty petty to take that kind of action in my little Ohio village...
Even worse, here's a vid of someone trying to vote using a touch screen apparatus only to see that it was calibrated to fill in Romney if you push for Obama.