I don't really expect much more than Sansa and Arya spoilers. Anything else will be more in the vein of the White Walker/baby spoiler from last year, where it was more a clarification of things that happened off screen in the books than actual future events.
Like, I think you could see some of the weird Hardhome stuff play out on screen, instead of just hints and rumors, and I think you could maybe see some of Stannis and Mel's interrogation of Mance that might shed light on what he's actually up to, but I don't think the Northern stuff will actually move beyond the books chronologically.
And the King's Landing and Meereen stuff seem pretty much confirmed to stay within the confines of the book, since we know roughly where those are ending, other than potentiallythe Dany and Tyrion thing, but i don't think they'll actually interact much before she flies away.
I'm pretty much 100% sold on the notion than one way or another it's been merged into the Dorne stuff. Assuming Aegon and Dorne quickly form an alliance, it's becomes way too easy to just combine them, especially in light of Arianne being missing, if her main role is to partner with Aegon.
Good points. I think people have underestimated how much stuff can be mined from ADWD/AFFC. Sansa and Bran are the only characters with no book material left. And given how much stuff has been skipped for Sansa (LF being challenged by the Lords Declarant, mountain tribe skirmishes which can be done on screen, leaving the highest Eyrie towers due to winter).
Agreed on Dorne, although I hope to god this doesn't mean they make Trystane=Aegon, unless it's Doran's master plan which I'd be fine with I guess. But if he believes Trystane is his son it'll take some crazy explanation I don't want to deal with.