Jorah would cry afterwards, guaranteed.
He is the Drake of Westeros
Jorah would cry afterwards, guaranteed.
I think it works best if Trystane isn't Aegon. Instead Dorne is just angling for an alliance with Dany, and launches a preemptive strike that mirrors Aegon's attack in the book. Then Varys can just be a Dany loyalist with no other complication, and the overall political situation remains the same as in the book, even if the characters and motivations have shifted.
Didn't Drogo once finish in only three thrusts? Daario would never do that.
Jorah would cry afterwards, guaranteed.
Yes way
Jorah sucks
Dude, you hate like half the cast.
I do not!
Just Tyrion.
I actually like Jorah I was just kidding
Yes way
Jorah sucks
You're linking to a banned site, biosnake.
Oh wait, didn't know it was a magazine scan. Those are prohibido anyway.Oops sorry I fixed it.
Nice! It's about time. Hope they have more footage than those extremely short teasers.
She hasn't made an appearance on the show yet, will she?
Yeah, this woman will be on the show. There's a story line that will be contingent on her, her actions, something she does, but it doesn't seem to be long. It seems like there's a short arc for her to come back to set something up, then she can just come in and out.
That's fine. Thanks.Ok I'll just post what it says.
He is the Drake of Westeros
Jorah is the best membor of #teamdany.
Who is "she"?Ok I'll just post what it says.
Who is "she"?
Jorah is a little sniveling bitch.
What's the previous question and who is the person being interviewed, lol.The previous question is about LSH, so the "she" is LSH.
What's the previous question and who is the person being interviewed, lol.
Did they really print that in the print issue? What morons. (The spoiler, not the confirmation.)Actually it just states that Catelyn is LSH and then it goes into that question. I don't know much more, just got the pic from I just posted it because i've heard EW has a pretty good track record when it comes to GoT info. There is a good chance this just could be BS but I wanted to share it anyway.
Did they really print that in the print issue? What morons. (The spoiler, not the confirmation.)
Does he wave goodbye with both hands or eat french fries one at a time?
The bigger thing to come out of that article is the greater focus onnext season.Ser Pounce
Oh wow it's apparently a psychic that talked about LSH. WTF NVM