Ok cool, thanks a lot. So do the books explain yet whether or not her killing of Renly was legit or just coincidence? And why Stannis didn't win the kings landing battle like he was supposed to? (Maybe this was explained already and I just missed it.) Can Melisandre actually create new predetermined paths for people (through some kind of magic like Jaquen Hagar) or does she just claim to see the future?
At this point in the show I'm not convinced her god is real, only that she can do some kind of magic and hypnosis. But there are other people who can do similar stuff and it seems like Stannis is just being taken along for a ride by her for whatever she wants.
Mel can definitely see the future, but interpreting what she sees is difficult. She may see Stannis, say, winning a battle, but there's no context in that to tell her what battle, when, so she fills in the blanks, often incorrectly. She definitely knew what she was doing with Renly, but beyond the ability to do that shadow attack, I don't think she can actually influence outside events, only see them. I would pay particular attention to the bathtub scene between Mel and Selyse in season 4 where she talks about tricks and how sometimes lies can lead to greater truths. That scene has probably the best insight the show's given so far into how Mel operates.
As for her God, I don't think you're ever going to get a clear answer one way or the other on whether or not any of the gods exist. There is definitely something supernatural in the world, but whether that's a god or whether it's just some magic force people can use, and then attribute the power to a god, I don't think we'll ever know for sure.