Down with Cornballer!
/DONECornballer is not right!
It's even funnier when you consider your avatar.
Wow, this thread turned on Cornballer really quickly.
I know! I liked how they sneaked that in. And a emphasis on the Melisandre prophecy from Season 3.Small shot of the House of Black and White.
I have a hard time imagining the pits being the entirety of 509.Wait, is the battle for Winterfell happening already? I thought episode 9 was going to be all pit based action.
Maybe he's just introduced during Stannis's deathmarch and the story ends about where it does in ADWD. Really hoping it doesn't get too far.
I have a hard time imagining the pits being the entirety of 509.
Pits have never seemed worthy of a full episode 9 to me anyway.
Do we know Cersei's walk is in episode 9?Episode 9: Cersei's Walk is a good 15 minutes of screen time. The Pit and Danerys stuff is like a good 15 minutes. Jon's stuff if they decide to do that is like 9 minuets. Plus Arya's and whoever else they decide.
The more I examine how complex the plotting of ASOIAF is, the more I feel self-conscious about my own inadequacies as a writer.
It's incredibly how much planning GRRM put into the intrigue of his series. The very obvious, yet hidden stuff (like the Southron Ambitions) blows my mind.
I don't get why people think Sansa is an attractive bride to anybody.I don't think there's any way the Harry plan goes into motion. Every time somebody outlines a plan, it almost never succeeds.
More importantly, the series has had so many coincidences happen: Tywin just happening to be in a position vulnerable enough for Tyrion to kill him, Stannis arriving as Jon and Mance are talking, the whole sequence of events involving Oberyn which led him from secondary to his brother to in a position to take revenge on the person he has always wanted dead, in a duel, and Dany just happening to find the Dothraki with Drogon, etc.
I just think Sansa marrying Aegon would make sense, even if it's a bit too coincidental. But look at the irony in it: two key characters brought about by Varys and Littlefinger, two rivals, are now joined together. Plus, by offing Aegon, who doesn't have any heirs, Littlefinger would effectively put Sansa in control as Queen Regent (I don't think Connington will last long). Though I am most likely completely wrong.
Well the North is still the largest territory by far. Maybe land?I don't get why people think Sansa is an attractive bride to anybody.
She's already married. But even if we overlook that little nugget.
Arianne can bring Dorne.
Margaery would bring the Reach.
Dany would bring her army.
Sansa could potentially bring...? North is in shambles and the Tully's are essentially done.
I also can't fathom the show not having Aegon as his own character. Still under belief that they're keeping it under wraps to not spoil anything. He's conquered Storm's End, at this point he's not a throw away character.
Margaery is already the queen. Dany is too far away for anyone but crazy ironborns to consider seriously with the political climate in Westeros and she has a ton of baggage.I don't get why people think Sansa is an attractive bride to anybody.
She's already married. But even if we overlook that little nugget.
Arianne can bring Dorne.
Margaery would bring the Reach.
Dany would bring her army.
Sansa could potentially bring...? North is in shambles and the Tully's are essentially done.
Did Bran and Rickon suddenly die?Margaery is already the queen. Dany is too far away for anyone but crazy ironborns to consider seriously with the political climate in Westeros and she has a ton of baggage.
You could say Arianne is better but the thing is in the form of her family Arianne actually has power, Sansa represents power but as an orphan has none of her own. In a number of years whoever marries her gets Winterfell and potentially the North, and it would require much less effort than marrying Arianne whom is also the future ruler of Dorne.
Did Bran and Rickon suddenly die?
I don't get why people think Sansa is an attractive bride to anybody.
She's already married. But even if we overlook that little nugget.
Arianne can bring Dorne.
Margaery would bring the Reach.
Dany would bring her army.
Sansa could potentially bring...? North is in shambles and the Tully's are essentially done.
I also can't fathom the show not having Aegon as his own character. Still under belief that they're keeping it under wraps to not spoil anything. He's conquered Storm's End, at this point he's not a throw away character.
Roy Dotrice is 91 years old, I think he just forgot.Ok so I've been doing the Audio books.
Question to those who also did the audio books, why did the narrator decide to change up the voices for the AFOC vs the first 3 books?
Makes no sense to me and is pissing me off.
If I'm not mistaken he did AFFC after ADWD or did it after another person had done it. I think there was too much time and he's old so there's that too. I got over the voice changes but they were a bit jarring at first.Ok so I've been doing the Audio books.
Question to those who also did the audio books, why did the narrator decide to change up the voices for the AFOC vs the first 3 books?
Makes no sense to me and is pissing me off.
If Aegon is to be king of Westeros, he wouldn't reside in Winterfell/the North.Maybe a Stark in Winterfell could be the first step in re-building and re-uniting the North.
But re: the marriage, can't they be nullified pretty easily if they're never consummated? Seems like an easy problem for LF to fix.
Assuming the Bolton's lose/die, ok, but I still don't see the North being useful in a conquest of Westeros.Well the North is still the largest territory by far. Maybe land?
She's been the Queen three times already, her family seems intent on marrying her off to the best option at any given moment.Margaery is already the queen. Dany is too far away for anyone but crazy ironborns to consider seriously with the political climate in Westeros and she has a ton of baggage.
You could say Arianne is better but the thing is in the form of her family Arianne actually has power, Sansa represents power but as an orphan has none of her own. In a number of years whoever marries her gets Winterfell and potentially the North, and it would require much less effort than marrying Arianne whom is also the future ruler of Dorne.
If Aegon is indeed a fake, I can't decide who I'd be more furious with. GRRM for wasting our time in the books with that arc, or the show for spoiling the fact that he is indeed fake before we see it in the book.Aegon is cuttable because he is a fake/potential Blackfyre from the female line... And the show had to make the decision to cut out the significant Blackfyre rebellions backstory, so it would seem even lamer than it does in the books (don't get me wrong, I love all the books, but it's still a WTF why is this coming up five books in kinda of deal). I wouldn't be surprised if they just substitute the new Dorne arc with where the whole Aegon thing is going. Could be something significant like "Trystan is actually Aegon" or could be "Dorne declares war on their own"... Not really sure. But I get why Aegon was cut once I let the news settle.
Ok so I've been doing the Audio books.
Question to those who also did the audio books, why did the narrator decide to change up the voices for the AFOC vs the first 3 books?
Makes no sense to me and is pissing me off.
I don't want anything spoiled but I figure this is the best to ask, I'm just making sure not to read other posts. I want to know if anyone can bring me up to speed on the red witch lady and Stannis? where their story is up to on the show. Like I don't know at all what their story is about or what's going on but it feels like their story is important and I should know about it.
I don't remember where/when the red lady comes from/shows up, but I remember this: she says she represents a God, convinces Stannis of this and that if he follows her word he'll win his battles and so on. Then she gives birth to smoke in a cave, Davos thinks she's crazy, tries to warn Stannis but Stannis isn't hearing it. But then Stannis loses the battle with Tywin/Tyrion and I don't remember where he goes or his reaction and whether or not his belief in the red lady is shaken after this (is she still with him? I can't recall). Also that welder kid got leeches put on him in a bed but I can't remember what happened to him after that or what the purpose of that was.
Is that all that has happened so far? Any explanations that don't spoil future stuff or should I just wait and see? Thanks.
I suggest you go back and watch seasons 2-4 to refresh your memory of Melisandre and Stannis. As for their storyline the show is almost caught up with where they are at in the books. Melisandre comes from ESSos which is the continent where Dany is currently located.I don't want anything spoiled but I figure this is the best to ask, I'm just making sure not to read other posts. I want to know if anyone can bring me up to speed on the red witch lady and Stannis? where their story is up to on the show. Like I don't know at all what their story is about or what's going on but it feels like their story is important and I should know about it.
I don't remember where/when the red lady comes from/shows up, but I remember this: she says she represents a God, convinces Stannis of this and that if he follows her word he'll win his battles and so on. Then she gives birth to smoke in a cave, Davos thinks she's crazy, tries to warn Stannis but Stannis isn't hearing it. But then Stannis loses the battle with Tywin/Tyrion and I don't remember where he goes or his reaction and whether or not his belief in the red lady is shaken after this (is she still with him? I can't recall). Also that welder kid got leeches put on him in a bed but I can't remember what happened to him after that or what the purpose of that was.
Is that all that has happened so far? Any explanations that don't spoil future stuff or should I just wait and see? Thanks.
Melisandre is definitely her doing you even see her birthing the shadow baby if you mean Joffery then yeah it was definitely coincidence he would have died even without he leeches it's probable that she saw the deaths of Robb and Joffery in the flames and based it on that.Ok cool, thanks a lot. So do the books explain yet whether or not her killing of Renly was legit or just coincidence? And why Stannis didn't win the kings landing battle like he was supposed to? (Maybe this was explained already and I just missed it.) Can Melisandre actually create new predetermined paths for people (through some kind of magic like Jaquen Hagar) or does she just claim to see the future?
At this point in the show I'm not convinced her god is real, only that she can do some kind of magic and hypnosis. But there are other people who can do similar stuff and it seems like Stannis is just being taken along for a ride by her for whatever she wants.
Ok cool, thanks a lot. So do the books explain yet whether or not her killing of Renly was legit or just coincidence? And why Stannis didn't win the kings landing battle like he was supposed to? (Maybe this was explained already and I just missed it.) Can Melisandre actually create new predetermined paths for people (through some kind of magic like Jaquen Hagar) or does she just claim to see the future?
At this point in the show I'm not convinced her god is real, only that she can do some kind of magic and hypnosis. But there are other people who can do similar stuff and it seems like Stannis is just being taken along for a ride by her for whatever she wants.
Mel is a con artist, she sees the future in the flame and can make the shadow babies but that's about it. There was nothing she could have done about the wildfire if she hadn't seen it earlier, which I don't think she did. The whole leeches thing was plain bullshit.
How is she a con artist? What's her point to be fooling anyone? I think she genuinely has visions and believes in Stannis's purpose.