Lol, that's amazing. I suppose I was talking out of my ass a bit.
If thebattle of mereen isn't in the show, what the fuck was it's point and that makes me even more angry at how it took GRRM so long to finish Dance because of it.
Then again, the books are different and he has a pointto bring together even more characters like Victarion.
Well Victarion wasn't even a character until he decided to indulge himself and bloat the series post-ASOS.
Well Victarion wasn't even a character until he decided to indulge himself and bloat the series post-ASOS.
He and Damp-hair were briefly in ACOK.
Some interesting points (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS of course):
-No mention of Valonqar/Little Brother in Cersei's flashback. Either they cut that part or they'll continue the flashback later (they did mention they were flashbacks this season).
-"that she will have no children with the king" I guess D&D forgot they added Cersei's black hair child in season 1? =/
-Seems like they're still using Loras for some bad comic relief... sigh.
-That Mel&Jon dialogue looks terrible.
-Dany is the advocate for democracy now? What?!?!?!?!
-The Battle of Meereen probably won't happen in the show universe.
-I don't see them using glamors, so I guess Mance is really dead. What a waste of a good character (and a good actor, although he doesn't fit BookMance's role). However, if they want to keep Mance around, I could see Mel resurrecting Mance ala Thoros&Beric since she met them in the show.
Added black hair child? I don't remember this?
Cersei's black-haired son is her first-born child, and the only of her children whose father is Robert. Very little is known about him: that he had black hair; resembled Robert a lot; and died as a result of a fever. His name, year of birth and age at his demise are unknown.
Season 1
When Catelyn Stark watches over Bran, Cersei comes to visit. She tells Catelyn that years ago she has lost her first boy, a little black-haired beauty. She and Robert were nearly driven mad by the child's death.
Robert and Cersei talk about the imminent Dothraki's invasion and their unhappy marriage. Cersei says that she has felt something for Robert once, even after they lost their first boy, for quite a while.
I didn't like anything in that summary :S
If thebattle of mereen isn't in the show, what the fuck was it's point and that makes me even more angry at how it took GRRM so long to finish Dance because of it.
Then again, the books are different and he has a pointto bring together even more characters like Victarion.
Spoilers for everything, season 5 episode 1 and Winds preview chapters:The books set up all the conflict with Meereen that needed to be resolved, and gave Barristan needed character development. Also, it needed to get Dany out of there and to the Dothraki to fulfil some of the prophecy it set up back in Clash. The show didn't have any prophecy about returning to the Dothraki, they're writing to quickly remove Yunkai as a threat, and they don't really care about Barristan's development. Instead, they'll probably kill him off early, have her meet Tyrion, and then have her decision to embrace her role as a conquering dragon or whatever happen in the Pit, when she just decides to burn the whole place down, instead of having it happen out in the desert with Drogon and the Dothraki. Then they can just send her to Westeros, no battle, no Dothraki arc.
Really it seems like almost everything we know is in the beginning of Winds is going to end up cut. It sounds like Battle of Ice is being restructured to fit in this season, Battle of Meereen is out, no time with the Dothraki, the Arianne chapters about negotiating with Aegon are gone, any Sansa Vale content is gone, Mercy is jumped up to this season, Iron Islands content is probably cut, though I guess it could still pop up in 6. All that is probably going to help them rush to whatever the climax of Winds is by the end of season 6.
And yeah, even if they just start randomly killing off all their underutilized characters, I don't think anyone will be able to pass Mance for most underutilized. He makes Barristan and Yara and the Brotherhood characters seem like loving, fully realized adaptations in comparison. A real waste.
The Sons of the Harpy are probably in just to give Grey Worm the heroic death that D&D probably think people will care about.I still think we might get it.
The Sons of the Harpy being in makes me think this - unless they resolve that completely through the arranged marriage, she still needs that one battle there to secure her rule. Otherwise, what's going to happen going forward? She gets Tyrion, she may accept Jorah back (unlikely). She gets married and calms the Harpies. But then what? Does she go, "Okay I'm ready to leave?" Are we going to get the Dothraki subplot that's being set up in Dance? She needs to tame the dragons, but what happens in the mean time?
What's Dany going to do this season is basically the bottom line and how is her play ending? A battle to secure her rule and to show what the dragons are capable of.
I always interpreratedthe black haired boy as a lie to c.stark to gain a little trust with her.
I always interpreratedthe black haired boy as a lie to c.stark to gain a little trust with her.
I was just going to post this myself. Not sure i need to spoiler this, butI always interpreratedthe black haired boy as a lie to c.stark to gain a little trust with her.
I still think we might get it.
The Sons of the Harpy being in makes me think this - unless they resolve that completely through the arranged marriage, she still needs that one battle there to secure her rule. Otherwise, what's going to happen going forward? She gets Tyrion, she may accept Jorah back (unlikely). She gets married and calms the Harpies. But then what? Does she go, "Okay I'm ready to leave?" Are we going to get the Dothraki subplot that's being set up in Dance? She needs to tame the dragons, but what happens in the mean time?
What's Dany going to do this season is basically the bottom line and how is her play ending? A battle to secure her rule and to show what the dragons are capable of.
I was just going to post this myself. Not sure i need to spoiler this, butwe have an unreliable narrator of this tale, and there is no hint of it from any other character.
I always interpreratedthe black haired boy as a lie to c.stark to gain a little trust with her.
Thanks, that does stir a dim memory. It seems I should probably give season one a rewatch and adjust my perception of show-Cersei versus book-Cersei. At least that will help get me through the next few weeks of waiting!Cersei mentions the kid again in private conversation with Robert. It totally exists in show canon. Not clear if it does naturally or if she killed it, but it definitely existed.
I actually think they'll kill off multiple characters this season who are not yet dead in the books: (Episode 1 and TWOW Spoilers):
Mance: Confirmed at this point I'd say. No way D&D would do the glamour thing.
Barristan: He will probably end up dying during the Battle of Meereen in the books so if the battle isn't happening in the show, then he doesn't really have a purpose anymore. Plus he isn't seen in the pit in one of the trailers.
Meryn Trant: Since he'll be in Braavos, he'll probably take Raft's place as the one killed by Arya. I think it will actually turn out to be a great scene though, probably in episode 10.
Sam: Like many have said, maybe he'll die protecting Jon during "For the Watch". But he's lived through so much and even if Oldtown is cut he still might play an important role later on so I'm still uncertain. Maybe Jon will send him to King's Landing or maybe he'll take Mance's role as the one sent to retreive (f)Arya, or even Sansa, from Winterfell.
Bronn: Many seem to think he'll fall to Hotah's ax in the Queenmaker Plot. Could go either way.
Yara: Who knows what her role is at this point if all the Greyjoy stuff is cut? Maybe they'll just kill her in Winterfell.
Jaime: Easily the most major character on this list and something that seems unlikely but if Stoneheart is cut as well as the Valonquar, maybe his days are numbered?
What do you folks mean by The Battle of Meereen? The siege against Dany? Or the presumptive battle it'll take to break it?
What do you folks mean by The Battle of Meereen? The siege against Dany? Or the presumptive battle it'll take to break it?
I forgot aboutI think Grey Worm is at serious risk, and if they're going to expand For the Watch, I think basically every character at Castle Black is at risk. Sam, Edd, Tormund, Alisser, Selyse. They could really work any of them in there. It could be a complete massacre of they want it. And I think someone is going down at Winterfell. Stannis, Roose, Ramsay, Davos, I dunno. But someone.
I forgot aboutGreyworm. I think he's pretty much guaranteed at this point. And they'll make it way more dramatic than it needs to be. Maybe Ramsay will go down this season? I can't see Roose dying so soon. Or maybe they'll just have Littlefinger get Stannis killed and take over the Northern Resistance with Sansa.
I could see them killing Myrcella rather than just injuring, theyre bringing in the prophecy/flashback for a reason.Would no doubt send Cersei off the deep end and drive a larger wedge between her and Jamie
Why are people so convinced they won't do the glamour?
One key difference is [EP1 spoilers]he goes into it very peacefully, just making a glib remark towards Stannis vs. fake Mance begging for mercy and claiming not to be the king before being burned in the book. Of course, that doesn't prove anything for certain, but the whole glamour thing could be another aspect of the books dropped due to potential confusion. Kill off Mance, give Tormund more screen time, move on.
If thebattle of mereen isn't in the show, what the fuck was it's point and that makes me even more angry at how it took GRRM so long to finish Dance because of it.
ADWD/AFFC are books where not a lot of characters die "for real" because they were originally intended as a time jump. That creates a bunch of issues.
The body count (of more important characters) is way down in the two books compared to the first three. AFFC/ADWD were originally never going to exist. We were just going to pick up after a time jump. Martin realized that was going to be a problem, and so we got these books that are essentially getting the main characters from Point A to Point B (where they'll all still be alive, of course.)Hm? What do you mean?
The body count (of more important characters) is way down in the two books compared to the first three. AFFC/ADWD were originally never going to exist. We were just going to pick up after a time jump. Martin realized that was going to be a problem, and so we got these books that are essentially getting the main characters from Point A to Point B (where they'll all still be alive, of course.)
No idea. There is no indication that there won't be a a battle just that it won't be this season or a battle for Winterfell for that matter.Why does everyone thinkis omitted?the battle of Meereen
Why does everyone thinkis omitted?the battle of Meereen
For starters,Why does everyone thinkis omitted?the battle of Meereen
Episode spoilers, and stuff from EW interviews:Yunkai apparently capitulates completely to Dany's demands. No defiance from them, no siege.
What the fuck do you do in Meereen for a whole season if you don't have a war with Yunkai? They know how much shit that storyline gets; it's hard to believe they would give Dany less to do.