Just finished book 5... Holy shit.
Just finished book 5... Holy shit.
Just finished book 5... Holy shit.
Welcome Brother.
One of us!
Welcome to the other side! Grab your complimentary drink and come join us at the waiting table. TWOW will be released any year now.
Thanks guys.
Those last couple of chapters... Wat?!
Just finished book 5... Holy shit.
Jon's totally not dead but he actually is.
I had the opposite reaction actually. More of a... "that's it?" .
Thanks - I was just about to mention that thread.A Song of Ice and Fire community thread. Join the waiting game
My reaction depended on the characters, with Tyrion and Danerys I was like ok...however Danerys I have grown to respect her endjng while Tyrion's is still bad. Jon's was like what the fucking fuck, till I read stuff on the internet and went down the R+L=J wormhole. The epilogue ending though was crazy. I doubt the show will be able to have as powerful an ending.I guess it really depends on if they have Kevan, and well they don't. Lady Olenna could work maybe?
Just finished book 5... Holy shit.
I had the opposite reaction actually. More of a... "that's it?" .
Where's the rest of it?
OMG! This is a perfect change from the book sooo much karmic justice would be dealt
So I just saw an interview with Kristian Nairn (Hodor) who's currently touring Rave of Thrones across Australia. He said (something like) "we're not in Season 5, presumably because we're so close to where the books are, so I get a whole year off." News? Old news? Joke?
So I just saw an interview with Kristian Nairn (Hodor) who's currently touring Rave of Thrones across Australia. He said (something like) "we're not in Season 5, presumably because we're so close to where the books are, so I get a whole year off." News? Old news? Joke?
'I love all my viewpoint characters, Arya and Sansa and Bran, Jon Snow and Brienne, Arianne and Cersei and Jaime, Theon, even Victarion and the Damphair, ALL of them, but I love Tyrion the bestest. Tyrion son of Tywin, the Imp, second son of Casterly Rock. How many bloody times do I need to say it?? I swear, from now on, whenever anybody asks me, "who is you favorite character," I am going to start naming characters from other people's books. Cugel the Clever. Flashman. Gatsby. Hotspur. Solomon Kane. A different one each time...'
ahhaha he should totally do this
So no Bran enternet enabled flashback this season?I guess they could save it for season six with a certain reveal that could come with TWoW.
So far, just the interview with Hodor that was on Australian TV tonight. Transcript of the interview is now up:Do we have a source for this?
KRISTIAN NAIRN: We're not actually in Season Five, by the way. We have a season off. We have a year's hiatus.
KRISTIAN NAIRN: Solely because, I imagine, our storyline is up to the end of the books. ... So I get a year off now to do Rave of Thrones and gallivant all over the world.
That's what I was thinking. Bran is probably in the season, his friends are not, they aren't needed in his tree cave room and won't be in any flashbacks where Bran would appear watching stuff like Harry Potter in the movies as an invisible spectator.Even with Bran flashbacks, I could see them not having any need for Hodor if they're not actually going to show life inside the cave. "We're" here could just be Hodor and Meera.
So far, just the interview with Hodor that was on Australian TV tonight. Transcript of the interview is now up:
He could be mistaken but I doubt it. He would know by now if he was shooting or not. But the actor that plays Bran did say he was shooting for Season 5. This could mean that we just won't see Meera and Hodor.
Isaac, are you excited for what is coming up on Game of Thrones?
HEMPSTEAD-WRIGHT: Yeah. There’s certainly some more action stuff, rather than sitting down in various forests, all over Westeros.
When do you start shooting the new season?
HEMPSTEAD-WRIGHT: They’re actually filming, at the moment.
Looking at that interview... he never explicitly says that HE will be in season 5. He just says that there is more action stuff coming up, and that they are filming season 5 at the moment.
But I'd still hope he's in.