Nah man, nah. It's all bad.Fucking stupid article
I don't like show Ramsay because I don't think they're doing the chracter any justice, but he's still the best thing going on this show now that Sandor isn't around. And Winterfell is still better than most of what is going on in the show. Unless you're THAT into Mereen, Dorne, and the adventures of Gilly and Sam. Which I have to question your sanity if you are because Dany hasn't been watchable since the dragons were born.
So that fierce warrior in the casting could totally be Khal Jhaqo.
Game of Thrones hit another season low this past Sunday, as “The Gift” was watched live by around 5.40 million people, netting it a 2.5 rating among adults 18-49. By themselves, those numbers are impressive, but lose their luster when put in context. Nearly a million fewer people watched the episode than watched “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” and while “The Gift” pulled in better ratings than all but one episode from the first three seasons of the show (Season 3’s “The Climb” edged it out), it was beat out by every episode from Season 4. This was also the first time this season that Game of Thrones wasn’t the most-watched cable show of the night—it was beat out by the NBA Playoffs on TNT.
First time a photo of one of the cast genuinely surprised me from the perspective of "holy shit, she's grown up."
Maisie Williams Interview
Before I comment... 18 yet?
Even in this meme, The Show version is superior.![]()
I'm curious to see what is in episode 10 this year. The walk, Mercy, and Daznak's Pit seem to be happening in episode 9. I guess episode 10 will focus on the northern and Wall storylines. Anyone think Jon will be stabbed in episode 9, and then revived in episode 10? Or will they do the whole death and revival thing in one episode?
A shame that ratings hit a notorious low this week, since the episode was good. Episode 6 deserved it
D&D simply can't lose, and if you criticize their decisions/work you're suddenly just as bad as Linda.
If they are like me, its book readers who are simply fed up with changes and spoiling the overall story.The show's ratings continue its downward trajectory:
Some people getting fed up with it, it seems. It's kind of amazing it has lost 2.6 million viewers since the season opener.
Though that brings me to the casting newsAs book readers the hype is real, but for show-watchers? I don't know....are unsullied going to give a shit about Sam's family or Euron? Characters that are suddenly important but have barely been mentioned (especially Euron)? Same with the (presumable) Dothraki casting? I can see them now, all excited to see Daenarys flying off on Drogon only for their smiles turn to horror as they realize that she's still stuck in Essos for part of S6 getting the Dothraki to join her.
I always thought it amusing that, if I'm remembering correctly, GRRM wrote the series specifically to not be adaptable to television, correct? Well he actually mostly succeeded with AFFC/ADWD lol.
The worst part is the most notably awful part of the story (Dorne) is a D&D original, along with the Sansa rape which probably turned a decent number of people off. I still believe a good amount of crazy shit should be happening in the next 3 episodes, so maybe that will rekindle interest.
Though that brings me to the casting newsAs book readers the hype is real, but for show-watchers? I don't know....are unsullied going to give a shit about Sam's family or Euron? Characters that are suddenly important but have barely been mentioned (especially Euron)? Same with the (presumable) Dothraki casting? I can see them now, all excited to see Daenarys flying off on Drogon only for their smiles turn to horror as they realize that she's still stuck in Essos for part of S6 getting the Dothraki to join her.
? The show watchers love the Dothraki, lol. I actually think they will go insane to see a new Khal.
I wonder how many were from people saying "fuck this shit" with the direction they've taken with Sansa, putting her with Joffrey 2.0 and making her a victim again.
A number of my friends were already close to their limit after the Red Wedding, with the idea of "it's a bad place and bad things happen to our heroes!" thing having fully lost its novelty, and the Sansa scene was close to the final straw for a lot of them.
Most are still watching out of sheer momentum but they've lost all enthusiasm. I have a feeling the way "for the Watch" is handled at the end of the season will determine whether or not a fairly big chunk of watchers will continue to stick with the show.
A number of my friends were already close to their limit after the Red Wedding, with the idea of "it's a bad place and bad things happen to our heroes!" thing having fully lost its novelty, and the Sansa scene was close to the final straw for a lot of them.
Most are still watching out of sheer momentum but they've lost all enthusiasm. I have a feeling the way "for the Watch" is handled at the end of the season will determine whether or not a fairly big chunk of watchers will continue to stick with the show.
D&D simply can't lose, and if you criticize their decisions/work you're suddenly just as bad as Linda.
This type of criticism is dumb. Especially since it will be the same posters going "whaaaaah Jon got stabbed and that's it? whaaaaah I hate cliff endings. waaaaaaah"Sand Snakes still awful--showing breasts won't help that, even if they are/were the most perfect in the known universe (like omg). In fact, that entire scene was just a shitty way of showing that Bronn has a silky smooth voice and that the Sand Snakes use poison. She just straight up gave him the antidote. HERE'S A CONFLICT--DON'T WORRY, HERE'S THE SOLUTION.
This type of criticism is dumb. Especially since it will be the same posters going "whaaaaah Jon got stabbed and that's it? whaaaaah I hate cliff endings. waaaaaaah"
Season 1 Episode 1: Cersei makes stupid decision. Season 1 Episode 2: "gaaaah didn't we already KNOW that Cersei makes stupid decisions?" Season 1 Episode 3: "gaaaah didn't we already KNOW that Cersei makes stupid decisions?" Season 1 Episode 4...A cliff hanger ending where a main character "dies" is not at all equivalent.
My point isn't that the poison may not come up later in the story--it's just a stupid way to do it. We got tits, we got smooth charm/humor from Bronn, and we got the Sand Snakes being vengeful assholes. Did we not already know any of that?
Shit, I mean--didn't we already KNOW that Dorne is known for its use of poison via Oberyn? I was just left scratching my head after she simply tosses him the antidote. That's it? Not going to get any information or require a favor from him? I guess they could always go "remember that time I showed you my tits and saved your life?"
I'll eat some crow if that scene pays off in any meaningful way.
I think a decline in viewers was inevitable given how difficult these two books are to adapt. However the interesting and amusing thing about this is that a few years ago I remember quite a few people arguing D&D wouldn't have much trouble creating something more interesting than AFFC/ADWD. Now even AFFC/ADWD haters have quietly admitted D&D somehow managed to make things worse lol. Good lord I pray TWOW comes out next year, preferably before April....
It really doesn't seem like there's one story most people are really invested in now. In S1 it was Ned, in S2 it was Tyrion as Hand. In S3 it was a variety of things, perhaps mainly Arya and Dany but people also liked Robb/Catelyn enough to get crushed by the Red Wedding. In S4 it was Tyrion and Oberyn. This year? I get the impression people aren't really into Arya's story so far, and the show has made some rather weird changes that sucked momentum out of it. Sansa being a prisoner again is turning people off moreso than making them invest in her struggle. Lots of hate for Dany. Not much interest in Jon Snow. Dany and Tyrion being together should get people excited at least, but it took 7 episodes (and they won't be together for long).
My parents still really enjoy the show though. My mom...likes Ramsay. Previously she was a big Joffrey fan...
Tyene took advantage of the situation and gave him the antidote to get Bronn in her debt to try and use him for something in the future.
I thought that was fairly obvious from the scene, but it seems like a lot of people didn't get that interpretation.
"Remember when I tried to kill you and then didn't? You owe me."
Not really compelling...
"Remember when I tried to kill you and then didn't? You owe me."
Not really compelling...
My parents still really enjoy the show though. My mom...likes Ramsay. Previously she was a big Joffrey fan...
"Want to see my tits again? You know what you have to do..."
Half of the people reading this thread immediately volunteer.
You guys are forgetting that Lancel helped kill Robert, something he did at the behest of Cercei.
"Remember when I tried to kill you and then didn't? You owe me."
Not really compelling...
Ha, yep. Anyone else felt like the camera work during that scene was akin to looking women up in Metal Gear Solid games?So it fits right in with the Dornish arc this season!![]()