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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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They seem to be trying so hard to keep her from being an assassin. It's very clever how she kills the money-lender in the book. In the show, she just has a little pouch of poison she's going to pour on his oysters, and then she abandons that mission to kill cartoonishly-evil Meryn Trant.




For a brief second I thought the guy throwing what looks like a flaming mace looked like Coldhands.

I don't care if he doesn't really matter. I want it!

anyone remember the halfhand and mance? completely destroyed book characters in jon's show plot. instead we got olly, yay. jon's best book plot was a complete mess in season 2.
harrington is also one of the worst actors on the show.

the best show character is obviously tywin, because charles dance had an incredible presence, too bad D&D completely fucked him up by forgetting about his sideburns.

Not really. Certainly not in the last couple seasons anyway.

I agree about everything else though. Well, I couldn't care less about the sideburns.
Kit Harrington has definitely improved since season 1. He's like the reverse Emila Clarke, who had a pretty solid season 1 and then started to fall apart.

That's because she didn't have to do much in S1, once she had to be a queen she fell off real hard
Jon Snuw is alright
Ramsay was cool in the beginning but went to shit later, but that's poor writing more than the acting


The worst actor on the show is Emilia Clarke.

I don't even care.

Yep, by miles. She is really bad, and the writing doesn't help.

Harrington has become better as time went by, Heady too. I really hated Lena's portrayal of Cersei at the beginning (with her face of being smelling a fart sincer forever) but she improved a lot, now she is one of my favorites.

In fact all the actors are great in general, the only exceptions being Clarke, Shae (forgot her name, urgh) and the sand snakes.
I actually think Peter Dinklage has been dragging his feet for quite a while now too. He's not terrible, but he's definitely slipped. I was shocked to see people praise the confession scene in season 4.


The worst actor on the show is Emilia Clarke.

I don't even care.

I'd go as far as saying she's the worst actor on a popular show around.
Clarke was a massive mistake. Everyone else manages to remain interesting/entertaining regardless of the quality of the writing.

Just awful. Wish they recasted her instead of S1's Mountain.
Honestly I think the best actor is either Jason Momoa, Jack Gleeson, Natalie Dormer, or Iwan Rheon.

Jason gets a mention because he pronounces the Dothraki language so beautifully and it feels so authentic.


I actually think Peter Dinklage has been dragging his feet for quite a while now too. He's not terrible, but he's definitely slipped. I was shocked to see people praise the confession scene in season 4.

I totally agree. I think he's incredibly overrated, but every time I say that in real life I get shouted down, so I never bothered saying it here.

But yeah, that confession scene was quite overdone. Too much snarling and exaggerated facial movements.


I honestly don't think Emilia is that bad, she may not be the greatest but she doesn't take me out of the immersion, which is all I ask really.

Her season 4 performance was terrible though, I think she greatly improved in S5.


paid requisite penance
You know who has been consistently great, and is improving every season but nobody talks about them nearly enough?

Alfie Allen as Theon/Reek. Seriously, just rewatch his epiphany right before Ramsay leads him back into the torture room: "I chose my family... And I chose wrong." Heart-wrenching. I also liked his scenes before that. When he struggles to be accepted by his father back in the Iron Islands, when he beheads Rodrik... Guy is a great actor.
Sean Bean gets my vote because I love Sean Bean.

I also have an affection for Rory McCann.

I really like Rory McCann, but he's not my Hound. He's way too old for my liking. There's no tragedy to him, he feels no different to any of the other crass, aggressive old(er) men that we've seen in countless other TV shows.

He would have been a great Jorah if they wanted someone who looked like book-Jorah. I mean, come oooon, who wouldn't want to get with show-Jorah?

Agree on Alfie Allen as well. It's criminal that they cut his 'Dance' storyline.
You know who has been consistently great, and is improving every season but nobody talks about them nearly enough?

Alfie Allen as Theon/Reek. Seriously, just rewatch his epiphany right before Ramsay leads him back into the torture room: "I chose my family... And I chose wrong." Heart-wrenching. I also liked his scenes before that. When he struggles to be accepted by his father back in the Iron Islands, when he beheads Rodrik... Guy is a great actor.

I actually agree

Will WHERE ARE MAH DRAGONZ??????? ever be topped by Emilia? Don't disappoint me, Khaleesi.


You know who has been consistently great, and is improving every season but nobody talks about them nearly enough?

Alfie Allen as Theon/Reek. Seriously, just rewatch his epiphany right before Ramsay leads him back into the torture room: "I chose my family... And I chose wrong." Heart-wrenching. I also liked his scenes before that. When he struggles to be accepted by his father back in the Iron Islands, when he beheads Rodrik... Guy is a great actor.
YES! He is easily one of the best actors on the show. I believe Theon had possibly the best character development in the show and Alfie portrayed each stage with excellence.

Also, his expressions when Sansa was raped were incredible. You can clearly see the disgust, guilt, and sympathy in his face.

Wonderful, wonderful actor.


Alfie Allen is amazing, as was Charles Dance. Jaime was great until they decided to shit all over his character in season 5. Good job D&D!

You know who was suppossed to be great but D&D probably hate the character so he wasn't? Hinds as Mance. They haven't even done the Abel and Rattleshirt thing, something that was very cool in ADWD. Yeah, another great job by the writers. We can have Karl Tanner (hilariously cool) but we can't have Abel and his washerwomen.


Yeah. I loved Coster Waldau's performance for the first three seasons. D&D's been shitting on Jaime the past couple years.

It's a shame because I think he could still knock his Feast arc out of the park if he gets the chance.

You know who has been consistently great, and is improving every season but nobody talks about them nearly enough?

Alfie Allen as Theon/Reek. Seriously, just rewatch his epiphany right before Ramsay leads him back into the torture room: "I chose my family... And I chose wrong." Heart-wrenching. I also liked his scenes before that. When he struggles to be accepted by his father back in the Iron Islands, when he beheads Rodrik... Guy is a great actor.

Undeniably true.

I really like Rory McCann, but he's not my Hound. He's way too old for my liking. There's no tragedy to him, he feels no different to any of the other crass, aggressive old(er) men that we've seen in countless other TV shows.

He would have been a great Jorah if they wanted someone who looked like book-Jorah. I mean, come oooon, who wouldn't want to get with show-Jorah?

To be honest, I barely watched any tv shows until like 2011. I'm probably a bit fresher on certain character types and tropes than others.

I disagree that there's no tragedy to him though. He did a great job in exuding an actual fragile psyche beneath the rough exterior.


I still believe Euron is Daario. And Varys is a Merman. Those two are the theories I will never not believe, even if the books deny those claims. Even if George says so. Never, ever I will stop believing.

Well, how will it be if Euron and Daario shows up in 2 completely places in 1 episode? Euron is on Iron Islands and Daario is going after Dany.


Well, how will it be if Euron and Daario shows up in 2 completely places in 1 episode? Euron is on Iron Islands and Daario is going after Dany.

I'm talking about the books, where the timelines are blurry and Euron has a magical ship. The show is boring compared to the books in that sense :/


Alfie Allen is amazing, as was Charles Dance. Jaime was great until they decided to shit all over his character in season 5. Good job D&D!

You know who was suppossed to be great but D&D probably hate the character so he wasn't? Hinds as Mance. They haven't even done the Abel and Rattleshirt thing, something that was very cool in ADWD. Yeah, another great job by the writers. We can have Karl Tanner (hilariously cool) but we can't have Abel and his washerwomen.

Abel / Rattleshirt was a trash idea emblematic of the worst of Martin's instincts. His reliance on fake-outs and undirected intrigue, and his total reluctance to kill anyone significant made Dance with Dragons in particular a snore. Good they ditched that, but yeah I wish we'd gotten more mileage out of Hinds.


It bothers me that they don't at least try to replicate some of the striking character visuals GRRM illustrates in the books. Euron with his blue lips and eye patch. Brynden Rivers with his pale skin and hair and birthmark across his face - and roots growing through his head. The King's Guard at the Tower of Joy wearing radiant white armor and cloaks (maybe Dayne will, as I didn't see him in the trailer, but I doubt it. Dawn will probably just be a regular-ass looking sword).


paid requisite penance
Alfie Allen is amazing, as was Charles Dance. Jaime was great until they decided to shit all over his character in season 5. Good job D&D!

I've noticed this pattern in the series where fan favorites tend to become more and more unlikeable or bland as the show progresses. Robb Stark was awesome in Season 1, but by the time the Red Wedding happened I didn't care much about him at all.

I don't care that much about Tyrion either anymore. Same with Daenerys, Jorah, Brienne and even Arya and Jaime (who went from piece of shit to awesome to meh). Off the top of my head, only Theon, Tywin and The Hound are always great in terms of writing AND acting.


Best actor is Charles Dance followed by Michelle Fairley. Stannis and Theon are also great. The rest range from solid to bad. Sand Snakes, Littlefinger, Ros, Shae, Dany, Tyrion(he can be great when he tries) stand out as dragging the thing down.
It bothers me that they don't at least try to replicate some of the striking character visuals GRRM illustrates in the books. Euron with his blue lips and eye patch. Brynden Rivers with his pale skin and hair and birthmark across his face - and roots growing through his head. The King's Guard at the Tower of Joy wearing radiant white armor and cloaks (maybe Dayne will, as I didn't see him in the trailer, but I doubt it. Dawn will probably just be a regular-ass looking sword).
Actually, going by the video filmed on location the last kingsguard standing was dual-wielding like the guy in the video so that's most likely Dayne. Which probably means no Dawn.


Abel / Rattleshirt was a trash idea emblematic of the worst of Martin's instincts. His reliance on fake-outs and undirected intrigue, and his total reluctance to kill anyone significant made Dance with Dragons in particular a snore. Good they ditched that, but yeah I wish we'd gotten more mileage out of Hinds.

Of course it was silly, but the killings in Winterfell were very cool. That reluctancte to kill important people and the fakeout (oh my god the fakeouts, I hated a lot of parts of AFFC and ADWD just for that) is not exclusive to Mance, Mance was cool. And Hinds is fantastic actor totally wasted in this show.


Actually, going by the video filmed on location the last kingsguard standing was dual-wielding like the guy in the video so that's most likely Dayne. Which probably means no Dawn.

I don't think he was the last man standing, it was Ser Oswell Whent. Pretty sure I even saw a bat on his helmet and/or armor.
It might be the White Bull.

Whilst I don't think we'll be seeing Dawn I'd put my money on the dual wielder being Gerold Hightower, since he was known for his strength.

It bothers me that they don't at least try to replicate some of the striking character visuals GRRM illustrates in the books. Euron with his blue lips and eye patch. Brynden Rivers with his pale skin and hair and birthmark across his face - and roots growing through his head. The King's Guard at the Tower of Joy wearing radiant white armor and cloaks (maybe Dayne will, as I didn't see him in the trailer, but I doubt it. Dawn will probably just be a regular-ass looking sword).

I want my pink Roose!


The best actors are

Main cast:

-Charles Dance
-Alfie Allen
-Rory McCann
-Mark Addy
-Michelle Fairley
-Conleth Hill
-Stephen Dillane
-Sean Bean
-Lena Headey
-Liam Cunningham

Recurring characters

-David Bradley
-Patrick Malahide
-Michael McElhatton
-Diana Rigg


I forgot Littlefinger as a bad actor. Carcetti is legit bad in the role.

And I forgot Conleth Hill as Varys, he is just perfect.

Dillane was not how I imagined Stannis and of course the writers have totally destroyed the character, but he was very good with what he got.


Jerome Flynn is also an actor who actually improved the book character, similiar, to Alfie Allen and Charles Dance, I really like him as Bronn.
I was very happy when I read that he would be around longer, but sadly they didn't do anything worthwhile with him.


Yep, by miles. She is really bad, and the writing doesn't help.

Harrington has become better as time went by, Heady too. I really hated Lena's portrayal of Cersei at the beginning (with her face of being smelling a fart sincer forever) but she improved a lot, now she is one of my favorites.

In fact all the actors are great in general, the only exceptions being Clarke, Shae (forgot her name, urgh) and the sand snakes.

I reckon Lena didn't really know what she signed up for. She was pretty unapologetic about her book ignorance and I think wasn't expecting much of the gig. Looks to me like when the show took off she stopped phoning it in.

Carice is like Mel walked straight off the page.


Did I seriously just read a legit spoiler? I know that I saw the first few leaked images when shooting began, but quickly left after
seeing the waif vs. arya jump scene
. Mother fuck, I just got something huge spoiled, didn't I.

Bailing out early. Hopefully this season will be better than the last so we can all be on the same page again. :)
Biggest drop in acting quality IMO is Aidan Gillen. I'm still not sure what the ridicilous way he talks in later seasons is about. He was good in season 1 and now he is Batman light.


paid requisite penance
HOLY SHIT how could I forget Liam Cunningham? Love Davos. Definitely a highlight in every season. Love that stocky bearded Jean Reno lookalike.

@Napalm_Frank: agreed about Aidan Gillen. His accent was perfect in Season 1. I don't know why he felt he had to/was told to change it, but it's all over the place now.

[EDIT] AND I love Varys's actor too.


with how they fucked up her best book plot in harrenhal?

But we got Tywin/Arya, that was inspired.

The best actor in this show has always been Charles Dance, he left a huge void. I don't mind Clarke, I feel is more a writing problem, Alfie is OK if a bit overrated.


It's been a few years since season 1, and since I read book 1 but, you all seem to be forgetting to mention Eddard, not only was the acting great by Sean Bean, it really captured the character as well, albeit an older Eddard than the books.

Or am I just embellishing my memory of Season 1?
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