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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 Offseason Thread

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I don't think that's what he was suggesting at all. Tyrion was borned a deformed child and his mother died at childbirth.

Yes those are the facts that we know. The fan theory goes that Tyrion is half Lannister and not Tywin's son hence "I raised you as my son" and him always saying "you are a Lannister" as a kind of refutation of his other, Targaryen, half. I'm not sold that that's what's going on but it is interesting and it reminds me of the careful word choice and hinting (at Jon's parentage) in this scene between Robert and Ned.



One thing I enjoyed about the last episode is that Jon's nickname "the White Wolf" is a clear homage to Elric of Melnibone.

(Bloodraven was based off of Elric in the same way that Robert is Conan and Jon Snow is Aragorn)


I am Korean.
Man I was told that Euron was a cool character, and this is what we got? Dude looks like a reject from my name is earl. Guy from the citadel was a better villain.

If it's any consolation I found him annoying in the books. My exact thought at the time was "How the fuck did a Klingon get into these books?"



Well, that would be a problem for the show as there are no 3 Targaryens like in the books.

I think the idea is half-Targaryens count too. So we would have Dany, Jon, and potentially Tyrion or someone else, maybe Varys? There's fan speculation about him too but I'm not very familiar with it.



Yes those are the facts that we know. The fan theory goes that Tyrion is half Lannister and not Tywin's son hence "I raised you as my son" and him always saying "you are a Lannister" as a kind of refutation of his other, Targaryen, half. I'm not sold that that's what's going on but it is interesting and it reminds me of the careful word choice and hinting (at Jon's parentage) in this scene between Robert and Ned.


Extremely likely but probably not going to be signed off one way or the other even when he does ride Viserion, maybe at the very end.

Doubtful the show would bother going into it though given there's been no seeding. Which sort of kills the idea that Jon would prove his heritage by riding a dragon, because if Tyrion does it without the possibility of him being a Targ ever being raised then dragon riders = Targs doesn't exist in the show.
With only 14 episodes remaining, I expect Euron's entire fleet to be dispatched offscreen in the middle of the ocean by a unexpected


Hopefully both Dany and Jon die along with the Dragons. End that horrible dynasty. Democracy for all!

The more I think about it, its hilarious Cersei wants to queen when every Kingdom has declared war or independence. Only ally left just got murdered by Arya. She should maybe consider protecting Casterly Rock instead of playig Aegon the Conquerer.


Master of the Google Search

Yes those are the facts that we know. The fan theory goes that Tyrion is half Lannister and not Tywin's son hence "I raised you as my son" and him always saying "you are a Lannister" as a kind of refutation of his other, Targaryen, half. I'm not sold that that's what's going on but it is interesting and it reminds me of the careful word choice and hinting (at Jon's parentage) in this scene between Robert and Ned.

The show's not going down any of the half-Targ fan theories. The Tyrion one is stupid enough, even in the books. At best, any hints thereof for any other half-Targ were just to obscure the real one: Mr. Snow

That Ned and Robert scene was expertly crafted though.


It's wishful thinking. There are perfectly sound reasons for Tywin's word choice that have nothing to do with that frankly absurd theory.
Its more than wishful thinking, that is, its obvious misdirection from George.
Tyrion is rumored to have been born with Targ stillborn traits like scales and a tail. Tyrion is described as having hair so blond that it was almost white. Aerys lusted after Joanna, Tyrion is obsessed with dragons etc. It has to be deliberate.
I never liked the Tyrion is also a secret Targ theory to the point if there has to be others Cersei and Jaime would make more sense in a cruel bit of irony.

Oh here is something I've been wondering: did anyone else just start kind of... laughing at HOLD THE DOOR? Like, it's supposed to be this big, tragic moment, but I just kept thinking about how silly it was that they wrote Serious Lore for Hodor's name. I feel like an awful person partially, because it is sad, but something about the execution of it + just the idea of his name being some kind of SICK TWIST just made me laugh for some reason.

I fully expect to be in a small minority on this. fwiw I am the kind of person who cries very easily when watching TV or a movie. I just feel this kind of ironic detachment from the show at this point that I can't quite explain.

George "Hold the door" is his idea


Tywin does say right before Tyrion kill him "You are no son of mine" but who knows.

And people really think that instead of showing his anger and disappointment to tyrion, Tywin was in his last moments actually trying to inform Tyrion of his real parentage? Obviously Tyrion would be very happy about this. I don't think dying Tywin would have been that benevolent.


The Tyrion stuff is so obviously deliberate and written to be valid both if he's a targ or not.

The show went a bit farther imo with the chained dragon scene and tyrion hinting that's he falling in love with Dany, but once again this can go both ways.
The Tyrion stuff is so obviously deliberate and written to be valid both if he's a targ or not.

The show went a bit farther imo with the chained dragon scene and tyrion hinting that's he falling in love with Dany, but once again this can go both ways.
Yeah I think it's being vague in either direction, as of the present. I wouldn't be shocked if it's revealed that he's a half-Targ, nor would I be confused if he wasn't. The scene with him and the dragons certainly made some suggestions, though...


Was finally able to watch the episode. Unfortunately, someone spoiled me the cake thing in a gaming thread...
Wished Walder would have munched down more of it.

Hope Littlefinger is really not that dumb to reveal his plan to Sansa though it can only be what he wants (I guess being Hand of a weak ruler would be ok too). Littlefinger is my favorite character and I root for him because of his wits and the way he plays the game. This season he has been quite weak.

They could at least have made his probable downfall due to his weakness (Catelyn/Sansa) a bit more interesting.

The explosion CG looked a bit weak, maybe they could have spent the money for the last dragon scene on it. Coming of the fantastic fight of last episode, it didn't look as great.
I mean, I'd think many people would say the same if their own son shoots them in the chest while they're just trying to shit in peace.

And people really think that instead of showing his anger and disappointment to tyrion, Tywin was in his last moments actually trying to inform Tyrion of his real parentage? Obviously Tyrion would be very happy about this. I don't think dying Tywin would have been that benevolent.
Fair enough, just something I remember that might, prob won't, mean anything.
There already is a third Targaryen in the books, why would they need Tyrion?
don't think the 3rd Targaryen will show up in the show. Kinda late to introduce him in the show IMO.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Alright fam I got questions.

1) is Lord Royce cheering for Jon snow king in Da norf?

2) who are the remaining people in the storm lands loyal to or are there just not there anymore

3) the entire realm is in open rebellion against the crown (westerlands and crown lands only people left supporting cersei) what's the plan here

4) with barristan slain, jorah off explorin, and daario left to enforce the queens justice who draws up the battle plan for dany?

Stormlands' army got split between Renly and Stannis, and they're all dead.

Dany don't need no battleplan. She has an humongous dothraki horde, and dragons, and tyrells, and martells - and she's going up against the remnants of an army.
There's a 10:1 power differential here - the only thing she needs is logistics, and Queen of Thorns is providing that one.


Stormlands' army got split between Renly and Stannis, and they're all dead.

Dany don't need no battleplan. She has an humongous dothraki horde, and dragons, and tyrells, and martells - and she's going up against the remnants of an army.
There's a 10:1 power differential here - the only thing she needs is logistics, and Queen of Thorns is providing that one.

Sea travel is dangerous. We'll see how much of those forces actually land at Westeros, and where.


We don't know if Young Griff is legit or not. He could just be a mummer's dragon.

The mummer's dragon quote could be taken both ways though. Sure, the most obvious meaning is that he's a fake dragon, but there's also the interpretation that it means "dragon of the mummer", which would indicate that he is a real Targ and in service of Varys who used to be part of a mummer's troupe.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Predictions for season 7:

- I don't think Arya will re-unite with Sansa/Jon/Bran this season. We know she will bump into Meli. My guess is she kills Meli and then focuses her attention on Thoros of Myr and the rest of the brotherhood where she will meet the Hound again. I'm guessing he will help her finish off her list by killing them and then accompany her to go after Cirsei.

- Meanwhile Jaime will be having pangs of conscience seeing what a ruthless and out of control leader Cirsei is and decide to kill her...but he will have to get through the Mountain to do it. Cue the Hound/Arya. I'm guessing the Hound and Jaime will team up to take him on because I don't believe that a single man will be able to do it. IIRC, there's hints of this in one of the books.

- I would guess that the Hound will die alongside the Mountain. Jaime will then kill Cersei. Arya is wounded. Jaime takes Arya to Winterfell, fulfilling his promise to Catelyn. She may die along the way. I don't see a happy ending for her.

That's all I got.
The mummer's dragon quote could be taken both ways though. Sure, the most obvious meaning is that he's a fake dragon, but there's also the interpretation that it means "dragon of the mummer", which would indicate that he is a real Targ and in service of Varys who used to be part of a mummer's troupe.

Personally, I want Young Griff to be the real deal. It's just not confirmed either way yet.
I don't want Jon and Sansa feuding because I think that would entirely be drama borne of misunderstanding, and that's the most boring sort of drama. Instead it should be about Sansa becoming a true player in the Game, and Jon not wanting to be part of all that. It doesn't have to be a feud, or jealousy, or misunderstandings, it can just be him wanting to be the stubborn hero leader fighting the fantasy zombies, while she wants to be the one second guessing everyone, out thinking Littlefinger, etc, so they can have their differences that way. But in the end, I want to see her win, I want to see Littlefinger outmaneuvered, and in his desperation he tries a violent tactic to destroy Sansa, and that's when Jon comes in.

That way he can can get owned by both siblings, they can both get what they want, and the audience is satisfied without being put through annoying soap opera stuff.
that's exactly how I feel. Any feud between Sansa and Jon is so unbelievably contrived and imo out of character for current Sansa. Undermines her whole growing up and maturing and smartening up arc. I hope it's all just a ploy to fuck over littlefinger.

And I don't mind if they share disagreements, it would be weird if they didn't.
I suspect they will merge Aegon and Jon together. It seemed unusual that they didn't outright name the baby Jon in the flashback, I think the name that was whispered was Aegon, but Ned changes it to Jon so as to not put him in danger.
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