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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


So...Jaime forgot battle strategies between S6 and S7? His army got caught up by surprise just like he advised the Freys during the Riverrun siege.

That was the best play he had to make. Had to get the loot and food to King's Landing so they can survive a long siege. Most of Dany's army can't survive winter.

They would have been slaughtered no matter what their formation was on an open plain.

In the episode Jaime's army went from Highgarden to Kings Landing. Dany getting to Kings Landing about the same time doesn't bother me.

Especially considering she has a dragon and the Dothraki on a plain are going to move a lot faster then an army on foot hauling wagons.


Oh God these bozos were talking about Jon and dany being attracted to each other in inside the episode

God help us


Junior Member
After watching that Ned Stark statue scene with Arya and Sansa. I immediately thought about how cool it would be if Arya could somehow shapeshift into her father when/if she takes out Baelish.

Thought of the EXACT SAME THING!!! That would be SOME EPIC FUCKING SHIT..

But maybe when she kills Cersei...


Kills Photobucket
After watching that Ned Stark statue scene with Arya and Sansa. I immediately thought about how cool it would be if Arya could somehow shapeshift into her father when/if she takes out Baelish.

I forget. Does Arya know Littlefinger betrayed her father? Was he ever on her list?


The other thread is moving too quick. How about Dothrakis trick riding? Straight out of the Mongol canon. And Dany slaying on a dragon versus Jaime and Bronn.

Easily episode of the season and the best battle in the series as well. Battle of the bastards and Hardhome may be better technically, but the characters and a fucking dragon made it for me.

Also, what go Littlefinger so shook in the scene with Brann? Did he supply the ladder for the would be assassin or something? Fuck it, Dothraki too strong, "your people can't fight." If you wore a little less eye shadow it would pass for menacing. Bronn and Jaime better not slink away before saying hello to Tyrion next week.


Kills Photobucket
Not really.. The Dothraki horde has been talked about since the 2nd Episode of the show as stuff of legend. No better horse men in all the land, and something that any single Army in Westeros would fear and possibly stand little chance against.

You know, even more than the Dragon being awesome, this was my favorite part of the episode. They got some great stunt riders for that scene and the Dothraki really came off as a truly legendary force.
I think the Dany attack made more sense than Euron. Tyrion was there and he probably knew why Lannister would attack high garden. And they are probably on their way to deliver the gold in Kings Landing. He informed Dany to intercept them.


Junior Member
You know, even more than the Dragon being awesome, this was my favorite part of the episode. They got some great stunt riders for that scene and the Dothraki really came off as a truly legendary force.

Yup.. The standing and letting lose on arrows along with the brutal horse leg swipe by that one rider.. It was amazing to see.


Bronn and Jaime dun goofed with winging a dragon and charging at Dany. If people were hoping for one, or both of them switching sides, I don't know. Jorah is polishing his sword right now to behead them.
The thing that elevated the dragon scene, aside from it being something we've been waiting for for six plus seasons, is the way they showed the bodies being so immediately burnt that they were just becoming heaps of ash, showing how dragonfire isn't just fire.

Sure, that was cool, with the bodies being turned into ash or like Pompeii looking corpses. It just seemed fairly inconsistent? If dragon fire is more akin to wildfire in that it's like napalm/super fire, then how in the world were those Dothraki able to just charge through it with no problem? I guess the show had an aerial shot with nice little path free of fire but still, that felt kind of cheap. Never mind how the Lannisters had whole rows of archers that felt like not firing on the charging Dothraki?

Has the show or books for that matter ever gone into whether dragons are impervious to arrows like Smaug or something? Or is it just cause Drogon is more mature than when he was in Season 5 when he was getting stuck with spears and stuff in the fighting pit?

It would feel cheap if Jaime and Bronn both survive though. I mean, they are both fun characters played by great actors, but there should be some consequence for Jaime stupidly charging a fucking dragon

The show isn't going to kill off a main character like Jaime over a soap opera style fade to black.

I was wishing Jaime would just up and toss his spear at Dany though. I'm so sick of her shtick at this point though and I can't wait for the day when Jon can just set her straight how he is actually the rightful Targaryen heir to the throne, not her. The Dragons are just completely OP, Dany is generally unlikeable with zero charisma and she's marching in a bunch of foreign barbarians into Westeros who chop off horses legs and I'm supposed to root for her why?

The thing is though, I think a lot of it has to do with Emilia Clarke just not having much material to work with and what she has limits her to basically looking mildly annoyed or stone faced the whole time. I've warmed up to Kit Harrington and Jon in the show quite a bit but Dany... eh. I don't think the show is going the whole Mad Queen route either. They've only got 9 episodes left, so I'm sure they'll just give that role to Cersei and probably have Dany make some heroic sacrifice against the White Walkers.

Really though, I just want some twist or wrinkle with the Others/White Walkers, which I think will happen in the books should they ever come out but probably not in the show. The show is just depicting them as this mindless, evil force of nature type calamity that I'm pretty sure GRRM has said they aren't in the books.


+Dragon battle lived up to the hype
+Bran surprising Littlefinger with a throwback to one of GoT's best scenes
+Tyrion still sticking with his strategy and Jon semi-agreeing
+Arya vs Brienne

-Sansa/Arya/Bran reunion didn't have much impact at all
-Iron Bank storyline fizzling out into nothing
-Bran sucked outside of one line
-Another episode without Beric/Thoros/Hound (at least we know they're coming in a big way soon)

I did not expect the Dothraki to do very well in Westeros, but I guess it helps when you've got a massive dragon burning thousands of enemies for you and punching holes in their makeshift phalanx. Also helped that the Lannisters were coming off a battle, caught unaware, had about two minutes of prep time, and were outnumbered.


Great post on reddit:


* Littlefinger being unnerved by Bran repeating [“Chaos is a ladder”](https://youtu.be/iRS8a8HjqFs?t=2m18s) to him reminds me of Varys being unnerved by Melisandre telling him he will die in Westeros, or Kinvara taunting him about the voice he heard in the flames. In both cases you have an intelligent schemer who is outmatched by someone with real magical insight.

* It seemed like Bran could sense/was expecting Arya’s arrival. After Meera left he suddenly glanced towards the window and then it cut to Arya on the hill outside Winterfell.

* “I live here.” The two guards at the gate not believing Arya is similar to when she returned to the Red Keep [in S1E5](https://youtu.be/ekGeFt_Za0s?t=28): “I’m not a beggar. I live here.” In the book version of this scene she easily dodged a guard’s attempted swing at her as well:

> Both men laughed, but then the older one swung his fist at her, casually, as a man would swat a dog. Arya saw the blow coming even before it began. She danced back out of the way, untouched. (Arya III, AGOT)

* “When he sees *you*, his heart will probably stop.” Interesting choice of words.

* “It doesn’t look like him. Should've been carved by someone who knew his face.” Made me think of this passage from the books:

> Maester Luwin looked up at them numbly, a small grey man with blood on the sleeve of his grey wool robe and tears in his bright grey eyes. "My lords," he said to the sons, in a voice gone hoarse and shrunken, "we … we shall need to find a stonecarver who knew his likeness well …" (Bran VII, AGOT)

* First the Stark who can see through time and space shows up, and now the Stark who has a penchant for killing the Starks’ enemies shows up. Littlefinger is in a precarious position.

* Jon has been in a cave with a woman before – when he had sex with Ygritte. There was even an allusion to Grey Worm and Missandei’s sex scene, which also featured “the lord’s kiss,” right before Jon appeared to escort Daenerys to the cave.

* Those patterns in the cave are similar to [the ones we’ve seen before in the show](https://images.hellogiggles.com/uploads/2016/05/23045728/spirals.jpg). As David Benioff explained in [S6E5’s Inside the Episode](https://youtu.be/X9Jsj9V_Aqg?t=2m56s), “and then you see it again here and learn where these patterns come from, that they're ancient symbols of the Children of the Forest used in their rituals, and the Children of the Forest created the White Walkers."

* Dany to Jon: “Isn’t their survival more important than your pride?” Jon said the exact same thing to Mance [in S5E1](https://youtu.be/iO_IxtixRi0?t=1m43s). Mance’s response: “Pride? Fuck my pride. This isn’t about that.” […] “They followed me because they respected me. Because they believed in me. The moment I kneel for a southern king, that’s all gone.” Compare to Davos’ description of Jon last episode: “All those hard sons of bitches chose him as their leader because they believe in him.”

* “Who taught you how to do that?” “No one.”

* “How many men do we have in the North to fight him? Ten thousand? Less?” “Fewer.” “What?” A callback to [Stannis correcting Davos’ grammar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0wj38qTtFU). See also the way Davos enunciated “I believe you know *of whom* I speak” just prior to this.

* Missandei referred to Jon as “Lord Snow” just like people in the Night’s Watch used to do.

* “My mother and father weren’t married.” Hmm…

* Jon said he'd kill Littlefinger if he touched Sansa, whereas he won't kill Theon precisely because of what he did for Sansa.

* “You're a dragon. Be a dragon.” I guess you could say Olenna got some revenge from beyond the grave.

* That long take of Bronn in the chaos of the battle was reminiscent of the long take of Jon in the Battle of the Bastards.

* I imagine seeing a Targaryen burn men alive was giving Jaime flashbacks to the Mad King.

* Bronn shooting Drogon reminded me of [Bard shooting Smaug](https://meandrichard.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/vlcsnap-2015-02-28-21h36m33s190.png).

* Jaime looked like [Saint George](https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C.....1.1.64.psy-ab..0.7.977...0i67k1.-XyUNel9ecc) there.

* Jaime sinking to the bottom of the river parallels his brother Tyrion doing the same [in S5E5](https://youtu.be/h_tqou8U0fY?t=5m11s). Unlike Tyrion, however, Jaime's fate ended on a cliffhanger. (I imagine, though, that the notably unarmored Bronn will rescue Jaime, just like Jorah rescued Tyrion.)


Oh God these bozos were talking about Jon and dany being attracted to each other in inside the episode

God help us

I mean. I don't think that's a D&D original... that's most likely some part of the GRRM endgame considering the name of the series.
Oh God these bozos were talking about Jon and dany being attracted to each other in inside the episode

God help us

You know that's going to happen. Book it. Maybe not in the books, but in the show? Aunt Dany will probably be hooking up with Nephew Jon by season's end at the rate things are going. At the very least I hope the whole incest angle that would bring gets brought up should that ever happen.


Kills Photobucket
Working out what Sansa's faces were supposed to convey is an after episode ritual.

To me it was her realizing she doesn't know any of her siblings anymore.

She laughs it off when Arya says she going to kill people, but when she sees that fight, she realizes not only could she do it, but she has killed people already. She is not the little sister she know.

Bran is a totally different person, and is being cryptic and withdrawn. But him talking about her wedding night, and knowing about Arya's list shows him that he is something different now, and she doesn't know what.

She never liked Jon to begin with, and it was only because she thought he was her last surviving family member that she was pleased to reunite with him after all she had been through. And now she's resentful of him, and it will only be worse once she realizes Jon isn't her brother.

I don't think Arya will care. She will still consider him a brother. Bran is too detached to care, but it seems he wants to let Jon know.

I think Littlefinger will try to get her to turn on Jon once she finds out, but she will refuse, and ultimately side with Jon. I don't think the Northern houses will care much either. They went to war for Lyanna, and I don't think learning the Son of Ned Stark is really the Son of Lyanna Stark will change things much.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Mistakes were made.

[record scratch]

[freeze frame]

yup thats me. you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation
1. I'm guessing only Drogon was there for budget reasons.

2. I'm guessing there has to be more significance to the cave. Did the Others drive both the Children and the first men all the way from the north to Dragonstone?

Mistakes were made.

RIP me, best thing

So...Jaime forgot battle strategies between S6 and S7? His army got caught up by surprise just like he advised the Freys during the Riverrun siege.

They were readyish. They just weren't ready for that. Bronn was like the only motherfucker on the field who had any ready, and he had like... 5% ready and it was basically just his balls. His gold, tho. His gold.

So is Arya just going to stroll up and murder the Night King and the rest of the White Walkers now that she has the Valyrian dagger?

God, actually, I hope so. That would be the greatest ending. Episodes of epic buildup, all this tension, so much drama, and then Arya just rolls in and stabs some fools and strolls away. *fade to black*


You know that's going to happen. Book it. Maybe not in the books, but in the show? Aunt Dany will probably be hooking up with Nephew Jon by season's end at the rate things are going. At the very least I hope the whole incest angle that would bring gets brought up should that ever happen.
Bet it happens this season, and first ep next season she's showing.


Also, what go Littlefinger so shook in the scene with Brann? Did he supply the ladder for the would be assassin or something?

It's a reference to Littlefinger's "Chaos is a ladder" monologue. It implies Bran knows exactly what Littlefinger has done and what he is trying to do.


You know, if Euron could build a thousand ships, you'd think Cersei could get at least a few dozen of those scorpions together. Mount them on the Red Keep walls so that a dragon can't be in position to attack one without being in the line of fire of some of the others, and you probably have a pretty successful defense.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Bend the knee. Also I have no idea what I'm doing, please tell me what to do. Phew, thanks. Now bend the knee.


You know, if Euron could build a thousand ships, you'd think Cersei could get at least a few dozen of those scorpions together. Mount them on the Red Keep walls so that a dragon can't be in position to attack one without being in the line of fire of some of the others, and you probably have a pretty successful defense.
Maybe the Iron Bank are going to come through on the scorpion front. Automatic scorpions, scorpions on ships, mass produced scorpions.


That whole battle was straight out of Civilization. Mongol horde vs. Romans style. The blood explosions as the soldiers boiled and popped was a nice touch.
Top tier writing.

I don't understand what they're doing with Dany exactly.

Basically she's kinda been spoiled in Essos. People immediately, more or less, bent the knee for her. But now she's in a place where people AREN'T bending the knee at her whims. And that probably makes her a little angry.


Bend the knee. Also I have no idea what I'm doing, please tell me what to do. Phew, thanks. Now bend the knee.

We need that food! *burns food*

Preview for Ep 5
I'm not a murderer, But I'll kill you!

Sadly Jon looks like hes thinking about bending his knee too. Gonna be so mad.


It was rad as heck to see the Dothraki in action but it did really kind of highlight that we don't have any Dothraki characters. When the Westerosi grouse about how the Dothraki are a ravenous horde of rapers and how dare Dani bring them here, it's hard not to agree with that assessment if we don't have any Dothraki ever like speak lines and be humans.

It's weird but Jorah was kind of our Greyworm-style "captain" for the Dothraki. He was in deep with understanding them and always stuck to "Khaleesi". Our connection to the Dothraki was real tenuous while Jorah was our best link but lose him and it's clear we don't have any anchor at all.
Can someone remind me whats the long term plan for the dothraki? Is dany going to resettle them in Westeros and hope everything goes fine ? Is she going to ship them back after the war? Does she even have a long term plan?
We need that food! *burns food*

Preview for Ep 5
I'm not a murderer, But I'll kill you!

I yelled
at the screen.

Sadly Jon looks like hes thinking about bending his knee too. Gonna be so mad.

But he should be upset with her because he said roasting men with dragons is bad ruling. For the moment anyway.

Sometimes anger leads to hate. Sometimes to boning.
Man, Littlefinger looks so out of his depth this season. Its almost cringeworthy how pathetic he looks.

Yeah, they have destroyed a really cool character. Just make kill him already, make him trip on th stairs or something, it obvious that they dont know what to do with his character.
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