Watch Black Sails, he's a major character in it. At this point, Black Sails is a more consistent and better show anyway.
absolutely. Black Sails wiped the floor with this show on a quality perspective since its second season until it ended.
a lot of the political machinations and scheming badasses that this was known for, but better written and performed.

It has a rocky start but seasons 2 and on Black Sails is a GREAT show.
Game of Thrones right now is season 5-tier, spectacle aside, maybe at its lowest point. Not having any source material to work with is hurting it big-time. The stuff set in motion by GRRM is beyond the grasp of D&D. I thought I could accept the show's post-ADWD story as a replacement, but I'm not sure I can't. You don't really need to be a book reader anyway to see how contrived and dumb it gets at points. The show's still entertaining thankfully.
gurm pls