Was just thinking through how monumentally dumb Cersei's strategy has been this season, if anything behaved as you expected it to.
1. Captures Ellaria, parades her through the streets, then leaves her to die.
Expected result: The Dornish army, deprived of any leadership to hold them to a strategic plan and motivated entirely by vengeance, marches north and starts doing as much damage as they can raiding the Stormlands.
Result in the show: The Dornish disappear.
2. Forfeits Casterly Rock to the Unsullied, in order to use the troops that would have defended it elsewhere. Have Euron burn their ships, cutting off their retreat.
Expected result: With a foothold in the completely undefended West, the Unsullied begin capturing every village and farm them can get their hands on, possibly raid directly on Lannisport. With their retreat and ability to resupply cut off, these raids probably become much more violent than they otherwise would be, since the Unsullied need to capture supplies from the people of the West for survival, rather than just trying to secure their submission.
Result in the show: The Unsullied begin walking across the entire continent to get back to Dragonstone, maybe? Doing absolutely no damage along the way, probably?
3. March the army that's not fighting the Unsullied to a fully defended Highgarden to take it.
Expected result: With the full Tyrell army at Highgarden, and without any plan to open the gates or otherwise infiltrate the castle, the majority of the Lannister army dies on the walls of Highgarden.
Result in the show: The Lannisters win an easy victory.
Expected result of all of this: Given that she's decimated her own army, and is manifestly failing to protect the lands of the two kingdoms that still follow her, lords begin abandoning her en masse, and her kingdom is reduced to the city limits of King's Landing, now deprived of any outside resources. She seems doomed.
Result of all of this in the show: Everything goes swimmingly and Cersei actually gains allies, until Dany starts burning things.
And the failure to respond to all of Cersei's errors pretty clearly lies with Tyrion. He's talking a lot about trying to restrain the dragons, but he's holding back Dany's conventional resources too, by refusing to attack anything that isn't an army or castle, even when Cersei opens herself up to obvious attack. This whole war is being treated like some sort of board game where the only thing that matters are castles and army units, instead of being an actual war where ceding footholds into territory has actual consequences.
Brans story has been terrible in the show. We have no sense of progression of his character yet the show expects us to care when Meera leaves him.
Hodor didn't die for this
Rewatched the Hodor scene earlier today. Damn it was good. We won't be getting anything like that again

an actually shocking character death where the viewer feels dismay for the character.
Disagree with this. Bran's progression is that he never really understood the sacrifices that were being asked of him, and the Three-Eyed Raven pretty clearly kept from him what was going to happen to him, and now Bran has pretty entirely lost himself to the mission that was foisted on him, that he took up trying to find some meaning in his life as a cripple. Meera's pretty much the saddest character in the story now, having lost everything and suffered through years of her life for a mission who's result she doesn't understand and that for all intents and purposes has killed her every friend.