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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


I know that much. But did the mark remove the magic that protected that tree? If yes, does it destroy any other magic? I thought this was the case and the Wall had similar magic.

But maybe it didn't destroy the tree's protective magic. Maybe it was a honing beacon and helped the Night King to find that tree. If that's true, can the NK still track Bran? Is Bran so important that he must die so the NK can win?

Or was the mark just important to get into the tree and serves no further purpose?

If we assume the 3ER knew about the mark and the barrier being disabled around the tree I don't think he would have sent Bran back to the Wall to disarm the spells on it. Or maybe he knew Bran had to go South regardless of the consequences.

Since not all magic is explained maybe Bran did remove the protection on the Wall, allowing the NK to burn through it and have the dead pass.

As a narrative set up is Bran dooming the whole continent for a single mistake really a satisfying outcome? He already lost Summer and Hodor due to his recklessness. If it was that important the 3ER should probably have given a head's up "yo Bran don't visit the Night King on the WeirNet, you will get a trojan that will DDoS Westeros"


What will be a bigger revelation to Jon:

1) He's half Targaryan and half Stark
2) He's the rightful king of Westeros
3) He's boning his aunt

He still gave up all rights to titles when he joined the Nights Watch. He can be declared King after his watch has ended, but not thru succession.
What was Dany's plan assuming she wins against the Others and Cersei with the Dothraki? Is she just going to let them stay in Westeros and do their barbarian thing or ship them back off to Essos? For the overall story I'm assuming theyre only function is to be cannon fodder against the Wights, so maybe she'll get lucky and they'll all die.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
What was Dany's plan assuming she wins against the Others and Cersei with the Dothraki? Is she just going to let them stay in Westeros and do their barbarian thing or ship them back off to Essos? For the overall story I'm assuming theyre only function is to be cannon fodder against the Wights, so maybe she'll get lucky and they'll all die.

i'm also not sure how the dothraki are useful in a snow storm.


Why does Bran find it so important for Jon to know about his heritage? Will it be relevant in the fight against the WW or is this another case of "Local boy ruins everything, 'sorry I was bored' - stupid Bran Stark"?


As a narrative set up is Bran dooming the whole continent for a single mistake really a satisfying outcome? He already lost Summer and Hodor due to his recklessness. If it was that important the 3ER should probably have given a head's up "yo Bran don't visit the Night King on the WeirNet, you will get a trojan that will DDoS Westeros"

Didn't Jon/Tyrion/Dany doom the continent for a single mistake? As far as we know, the NK couldn't cross the Wall without commandeering a dragon, right? Capturing a wight to get a truce with Cercei will lead directly to thousands and thousands of deaths.

I like when stupid mistakes are punished. I just thought Bran's mistake would have wider ramifications.


Didn't Jon/Tyrion/Dany doom the continent for a single mistake? As far as we know, the NK couldn't cross the Wall without commandeering a dragon, right? Capturing a wight to get a truce with Cercei will lead directly to thousands and thousands of deaths.

I like when stupid mistakes are punished. I just thought Bran's mistake would have wider ramifications.
bran's mistake got the children of the forest killed


Littlefinger was so hard done by in this show by the end. He's arguably the main human villain in the books, given he caused the events of the whole series so far and is still plotting, but for the show he's been an irrelevant side character for the past three seasons and went out like a chump in a minor subplot with baffling storytelling.

It's clear the writers had no clue how to handle his presence after book material ran out.


Littlefinger was so hard done by in this show by the end. He's arguably the main human villain in the books, given he caused the events of the whole series so far and is still plotting, but for the show he's been an irrelevant side character for the past three seasons and went out like a chump in a minor subplot with baffling storytelling.

It's clear the writers had no clue how to handle his presence after book material ran out.

Yeah. Ramsay took over as the main villain for two seasons.


bran's mistake got the children of the forest killed

I know. I'm not saying there wasn't serious pain. I just thought the mark would either A) Destroy more magical protections or B) Function as a honing beacon so the NK can always find Bran. I'm just surprised it's lone purpose might have been to find and/or enter the cave.

The love or attraction between Jon and Danny does not feel earned on this show, at all

The attraction sure does. Every dude wants to bed Dany and she digs scars.


Rodent Whores
Seeing as how Arya's change of direction to Winterfell went, would you have rather her stayed on her course for King's Landing?

Perhaps they could have done something like, have Arya get captured during her assassination attempt and then have her getting traded for Jamie in a prisoner exchange if Jamie were to have been captured after Field of Fire 2.0.

Or, perhaps Arya could have been doing a Joker-esque "I wanted to get captured" thing, and Jon screws it up by bargaining for her freedom.

Or maybe they could have played Naked Twister in the throne room. The Winterfell plot was dumb.


I feel like it was supposed to be Jorah creeping on Jon and Dany's sex scene but the actor got sick or something that week and they just shot it with Dinklage.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Yeah. Ramsay took over as the main villain for two seasons.

littlefinger "selling" sansa to the boltons has to be one of the most baffling things the show has done. i put selling in quotations because when you sell something, you're supposed to get something back. he got nothing except losing sansa to a rapist. unless someone thinks he somehow expected jon snow to rally the wildlings and march on winterfell in a losing battle so he could save the day.


Brandon went there first and was immediately arrested by Aerys who was already suspicious of a northern plot to rebel. Lyanna's "kidnapping" only served as a pretext for him to go to King's Landing, and knowing the truth probably wouldn't have changed anything. Then his dad Rickard went there to demand his release, and they were both executed by Aerys. At that point nothing else mattered. Whether Robert took up arms to support his best friend Ned who's father and brother were just murdered, or to "save" Lyanna from Rhaegar wouldn't really have changed the course of events.

Yeah, Lyanna's "kidnapping and rape" was a very small part of the start of that war. It's not even known if Brandon himself thought it was a kidnap and a rape. We just know he wanted to beat Rhaegar's ass after Rhaegar disappeared with Lyanna. He could've just been pissed off at his betrothed sister eloping with a married prince and "dishonoring" the family. Also consider how pissed he was at the Tourney at Harrenhall when Rhaegar presented Lyanna with the crown of beauty. Even Bob took that event in stride, feeling happy that someone recognized Lyanna as beautiful. So Brandon was always going to go to the Red Keep and challenge Rhaegar to a fight over his sister, consensual love or not. They didn't call him wild for nothing.

Regardless of all that, rebellion still popped off because Aerys murdered the warden of the North, that warden's heir, the then heir to the Vale (Jon Arryn's nephew), along with 200+ other Northmen. And not satisfied with that slaughter, he wanted to further murder the Lord of the Stormlands and the next Warden of the North. Lyanna barely factors anymore at the point where the rebellion officially started.

I feel like it was supposed to be Jorah creeping on Jon and Dany's sex scene but the actor got sick or something that week and they just shot it with Dinklage.

Yuck, do we really need to watch more scenes of punished Jorah Fedora?


Yeah.... I just don't feel the romance or love at all. It feels more like desperation to me.

It's a bit weird because the show has done romance decently before, between Robb and Talisa, and it was a show creation to boot.

Maybe it's just due to the rushed nature of the season. Or maybe there's just so much acting you can extract out of the two kunckleheads we got.


littlefinger "selling" sansa to the boltons has to be one of the most baffling things the show has done. i put selling in quotations because when you sell something, you're supposed to get something back. he got nothing except losing sansa to a rapist. unless someone thinks he somehow expected jon snow to rally the wildlings and march on winterfell in a losing battle so he could save the day.

I always took it as him putting a pawn in the North he could have somewhat control over. He fucked up because he didn't know what Ramsay was like. He tried to salvage it as best he could after that by saving the day but his downfall had already started.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I always took it as him putting a pawn in the North he could have somewhat control over. He fucked up because he didn't know what Ramsay was like. He tried to salvage it as best he could after that by saving the day but his downfall had already started.

the fact that littlefinger in the show genuinely does not seem to know what kind of a person ramsay was is also a complete mystery to me. i mean, littlefinger is one of the, if not the best informed character on the show, and ramsay openly mails bits of people he has flayed to folks. how could he not know?
the fact that littlefinger in the show genuinely does not seem to know what kind of a person ramsay was is also a complete mystery to me. i mean, littlefinger is one of the, if not the best informed character on the show, and ramsay openly mails bits of people he has flayed to folks. how could he not know?

Because LF knows people with time and tendency.

When he spent time in Kings Landing, he spent years creating his network, setting up his brothels to spy on others, and then doing his machinations in that way. Ramsay never went to these brothels, and never was a known quantity. LF only cared about Stark in the north, and obsessed with that.

When Ramsay stepped into the picture as a dominant force, at this point LF was cut off from his network. He didn't have brothels in the north, most certainly Ramsay didn't visit them. Not only that, but Ramsay kept to himself. Sure he mailed body parts, but really that could be seen as a threat and not as a creepy pasttime.

So he made the mistake of thinking Ramsay was a lord of growing power.

Just like how LF couldn't anticipate Brans power and Arya coming back, it's a simple matter of him not having a network up in place to the north. His network was and remained in Kings Landing. Without it, he was just blind.


the fact that littlefinger in the show genuinely does not seem to know what kind of a person ramsay was is also a complete mystery to me. i mean, littlefinger is one of the, if not the best informed character on the show, and ramsay openly mails bits of people he has flayed to folks. how could he not know?

Even if you ignore Ramsay you still have Roose who he should know how fucking ruthless and untrustworthy he is. I just don't think he cared about Sansa as much as people think especially when it came to achieving his goals.


the fact that littlefinger in the show genuinely does not seem to know what kind of a person ramsay was is also a complete mystery to me. i mean, littlefinger is one of the, if not the best informed character on the show, and ramsay openly mails bits of people he has flayed to folks. how could he not know?

To me its more than LF was a sociopath and if he sees an advantage to him regardless of how much he "loved" Sansa, he'll take it. Probably thought he could off Ramsay thus inherit not just Winterfell but secure the Dreadfort as well when he got Sansa back.. Probably didn't think much of a bastard.
They have the chemistry of two potatoes.




Just watched the episode. it was nice all around but somethings bothered me like:

How were the dead army supposed to cross the great wall without the dragon? i mean they were not planning to having a dragon, it was just a opportunity. The plan to bring a dead wight do Cersei was incredible stupid since it was obvious she could not be trusted, it felt like a forced way to give the dead army a dragon.

Another thing was Littlefinger end, he was one of the most intelligent person on the series, for all his fault he is the only reason Sansa and everyone had won winterfell, it felt kinda wrong for him to die like that.

Im also a bit lost at the Jon Snow revelation, was that man Daenerys brother? the one who is his father?


Can someone explain why Tyrion looked so glum on the boat after seeing Jon go into Dany's room? I told my girlfriend that it's probably because he's afraid of becoming irrelevant with Jon being around and that she'll listen to him less, but she's not biting. My girlfriend reckons Cersei and Tyrion might have agreed to something off-screen when their meeting cut to the next scene, but I'm 99% sure that the result was implied after the fact.
Just watched the episode. it was nice all around but somethings bothered me like:

How were the dead army supposed to cross the great wall without the dragon? i mean they were not planning to having a dragon, it was just a opportunity. The plan to bring a dead wight do Cersei was incredible stupid since it was obvious she could not be trusted, it felt like a forced way to give the dead army a dragon.

Another thing was Littlefinger end, he was one of the most intelligent person on the series, for all his fault he is the only reason Sansa and everyone had won winterfell, it felt kinda wrong for him to die like that.

Im also a bit lost at the Jon Snow revelation, was that man Daenerys brother? the one who is his father?

Correct to your last two questions


Can someone explain why Tyrion looked so glum on the boat after seeing Jon go into Dany's room? I told my girlfriend that it's probably because he's afraid of becoming irrelevant with Jon being around and that she'll listen to him less, but she's not biting. My girlfriend reckons Cersei and Tyrion might have agreed to something off-screen when their meeting cut to the next scene, but I'm 99% sure that the result was implied after the fact.

I wish that was Jorah, not Tyrion.
I always felt like LF was going to die at Sansa's command if not her own hands but I didn't expect him to go out like a bitch. Just imagined a shit eating grin on his face like I taught this girl too well...
Just watched the episode. it was nice all around but somethings bothered me like:

How were the dead army supposed to cross the great wall without the dragon? i mean they were not planning to having a dragon, it was just a opportunity. The plan to bring a dead wight do Cersei was incredible stupid since it was obvious she could not be trusted, it felt like a forced way to give the dead army a dragon.

Another thing was Littlefinger end, he was one of the most intelligent person on the series, for all his fault he is the only reason Sansa and everyone had won winterfell, it felt kinda wrong for him to die like that.

Im also a bit lost at the Jon Snow revelation, was that man Daenerys brother? the one who is his father?

Not the brother who died in S1, but another brother that we had not seen up until this point.
Tyrion jelly either cause Danny is starting to listen to Jon more than him, or he somehow secretly knows that Danny is Jon's aunt so he sees how wrong it is
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