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Until Dawn |OT| I know what you'll play this summer


It'll always select Josh as it has to for story purposes since he's not actually out to hurt anyone. But if you press the lever it's makes the setup pretty clever on the games part. The bubble before the lever is where it specifically tells you to select who you want to save. But they don't tell you what it means to move that lever. So i've seen one playthrough where someone wanted to save Josh and moved the lever toward Ashley thinking it'd make it go toward her and it changed to Josh. And of course if you move it toward Josh then it just goes straight to him. So either way it's setup to be a trick assuming you're trying to save Josh.

As far as I know there's no way to save it since it always stays behind. I'm guessing that the Stranger never really took it down to that part so it was unfamiliar with it and didn't want to follow Mike.

Not completely sure about the second one, but that's the impression I got and also remember reading somewhere.

1. You won't be able to choose Ashley, the blade goes to Josh always no matter what.

2. Was it a dog of a wolf. Well anyway you should be able to save the dog in the sanitarium. Not sure how though, but I also think it says something along those lines in the butterfly section menu. But as I said I'm not sure about that one.

Thank you both for answering my questions! Much appreciated.

Regarding my first question, I figured that was probably what happens. As for my second question..that really sucks if you can't do anything. :(
Just watching a video that looks at the voice actors and how the developers measured the jump-scares within the game. Really funny stuff to see how in-depth they go!

Those were really interesting to see. I actually found all the bonus materials fascinating. I loved how they named Hitchcock's Psycho and Kubrick's Shining as a source of inspiration. Those Wendigo stories were creepy and interesting too and gave some depth to the in game story.




Has some spoilers in it so only watch if you have finished.

They really nailed the look of each voice actor.

Those were really interesting to see. I actually found all the bonus materials fascinating. I loved how they named Hitchcock's Psycho and Kubrick's Shining as a source of inspiration. Those Wendigo stories were creepy and interesting too and gave some depth to the in game story.

Yeah. I also just noticed who the Director/Writer of the game plays in the game.
Well he's kinda hurting people anyway. Punching them in the face in the dark (You might fall hit your head and die), drugging them with a syringe (possibility of an overdose) or gassing them and what have you. Not forgetting the possibility that anyone could have killed him during all this if the chance arose. He's playing a dangerous game that's for sure. Who knows how far he would have gone during some of his episodes, but in my opinion that's what makes his character interesting and unpredictable. His personality changes in a matter of moments.

Major mid-game spoilers
Oh yeah, I didn't mean that he was completely harmless as he was doing many dangerous things in the process. The needle in particular was crazy, although the punch only occurs if you stab him, otherwise he'll just gas Ashley like he does with everyone else. I just meant that he wasn't actually trying to kill anyone, so that saw was always programmed to "kill" him.
Major mid-game spoilers
Oh yeah, I didn't mean that he was completely harmless as he was doing many dangerous things in the process. The needle in particular was crazy, although the punch only occurs if you stab him, otherwise he'll just gas Ashley like he does with everyone else. I just meant that he wasn't actually trying to kill anyone, so that saw was always programmed to "kill" him.

Yes of course I agree and that's how I understood your post. I remembered he punched Ashley and Chris the first time he captures them as well, but now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure. I'm not yet quite there on my second playthrough. Anyway I think Josh was maybe the most interesting and complex character of the whole game. Still maybe not my first choice of friend to spend a weekend in an isolated cabin resort.


Suppermassive i have some ideas for a sequel-



Loving this game so far.

Beginning spoilers

Were Hannah and Beth suppose to die?

The following sequence with Dr. Hill made it seem like it was just a test to prepare you? The Narrative of the story made it that way too.

I just watched that movie yesterday! Totally cheap and corny but I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
Yes of course I agree and that's how I understood your post. I remembered he punched Ashley and Chris the first time he captures them as well, but now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure. I'm not yet quite there on my second playthrough. Anyway I think Josh was maybe the most interesting and complex character of the whole game. Still maybe not my first choice of friend to spend a weekend in an isolated cabin resort.

Major mid-game spoilers
He definitely punches Chris the first time he catches him in the kitchen. What happens to Ashley during that sequences occur offscreen. We just see her yanked into the kitchen, but we don't know how she ends up unconscious (although gassing is likely). The second time they meet it can go two ways. If you don't have the scissors he'll just gas her. If you do and you stab him then he'll punch her.
Emily is the asian girl, right? Nah, she doesn't grow on you at all. You just end up hating her even more by the end of the game. I hated Matt at first, but later on he was eh. Didn't hate him or liked his character.
Speak for yourself. Emily is my fav.
Currently playing through this game (slowly) with 2 groups of 8 people. We pass the controller. So much fun.

I think I'll replay it solo but it's a really fun game to play this way. Very glad that I bought it at launch.


In the final room before you part ways with
Wolfie, you have a choice to run or to barricade the door. Barricading the door keeps Wolfie alive.

That's good to know. Whenever something like that happens in tv/movies I find it really depressing. It kind of took some of my enjoyment out of this game thinking the outcome couldn't be changed.


That's good to know. Whenever something like that happens in tv/movies I find it really depressing. It kind of took some of my enjoyment out of this game thinking the outcome couldn't be changed.

Should be written in the game box:
"You can save the doggie too!"

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm three interviews in, and, yeah, wow, this is super cool. this came out of nowhere for me.

Nuke Soda

I think this game has really gotten in my head. I pay more attention to small insignificant seeming actions I do in the real world wondering what the Butterfly Effect will unleash upon me lol.


Just finished my first playthrough.

My girlfriend and I took turns about once a chapter. Took us three nights. She's not typically into games much, but she loved this. The use of the camera during the cheap shot moments was amazing. We didn't care who lived or died, just that we were having fun and writing our own story.

Can't wait to play it again.


finally managed to get a couple of friends together and played the first chapters.
i think we found our new favourite couch-coop/competitive game!
i had everyone do the companion app character test before and there was constant trash talk and joking between all of us when we had to make decisions based on each character. had a great time and looking forward to the rest of it!
also, peter stormare is awesome in this!
I'm not generally a horror fan but I think the concept of this game is really interesting. I might give it a spin down the road.

One question, I know true to the timeworn horror trope, this game has parts where the female characters are getting chased around in their underwear, towels, etc. Does this happen to the male characters too?


I'm replaying the game where everyone dies. It's funny how some scenes play out so sloppily because the game doesn't have key characters in them.

For example (major spoilers),
in the scene where Mike decides to go get the key from Josh. The game assumes Emily is alive by then and that you either let Mike kill her or let her live which is why Ashley reacts crazily when she reads the info that you can't turn into a Wendigo. So in this playthrough Ashley still reads the book (how did they even get the guy's journal?) and still acts all hastily and so does Sam so for no reason they go after Mike. The game does react well when a character dies at a key moment like when Mike shoots Emily, but not very well when you let a character die through a QTE (Emily dying in the mines creates the sloppy scene above. Another example is if you let Matt die on the hill. Emily will still call out his name in the mines thinking he's alive. You could just say she's losing it but it was clearly intended for Matt to be alive at that point.

Also there are moments in the dialogue where clearly a character that is dead was supposed to speak but can't, yet it's still obvious that they were.

(major end game spoilers)
Also, Mike's plot armor is ridiculous. I had him fail the qte in the sanitarium and the game fades out. Sam goes into the sanitarium the same way she always does and when she opens the door Mike is there fighting the Wendigo even though he was never reached that area when I was playing as him.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Damn, this game has been amazing so far.

About halfway through and loving every minute of it.

Hayden Panettiere is my waifu. The whole purpose of my playthrough is to get her out alive and be the Final Girl. We'll see...


Just finished up my 2nd playthrough and noticed how seamless and humanlike the AI is. When you sometimes have to go from point A to B, there are times when the AI takes charge and moves on ahead. This is a far cry from AIs in games like Resident Evil 5 with Sheeva where all they do is follow you around like a robot which can break the immersion occassionally. I would like to see more games utilize this more.


So today is Until Dawn day around mine lol. Family is coming around exclusively to play this game together, and get fat on takeaway :p 8 of us will be playing the different characters. Have the PS Eye set up in the games room, and with just enough light that I can secretly capture the jump scare reactions!


So today is Until Dawn day around mine lol. Family is coming around exclusively to play this game together, and get fat on takeaway :p 8 of us will be playing the different characters. Have the PS Eye set up in the games room, and with just enough light that I can secretly capture the jump scare reactions!

It'll be so hilarious to watch them afterwards. Such a great feature.
Finally finished it. Not gonna lie. Losing a fair amount of my characters to "Don't Move" prompts kinda soured my experience towards the tail end. I suppose that's my fault for what I clearly have a hard time with, but I can't help feeling that way.

It wasn't a bad experience, tho.


I have a few questions. GameStop has a sale where you can sell your PlayStation 3 for 100 dollars off so I'm going to do it tonight. I bought the German steel book and it came with DLC. I know the game will play because the Playststion 4 is region free but I was told DLC wouldn't work. What is the best way to handle that? Create two accounts and make one the region of the game and my other America? Will the DLC transfer to my American account? I'd love someone to help me.
Finally finished it. Not gonna lie. Losing a fair amount of my characters to "Don't Move" prompts kinda soured my experience towards the tail end. I suppose that's my fault for what I clearly have a hard time with, but I can't help feeling that way.

It wasn't a bad experience, tho.

You know that you can watch the screen prompt and move the control slightly to counteract and drift?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
quick question: how long are the last 2 chapters of the game?

i beat chapter 8 last night and want to finish the game tonight before the long weekend. wanna know how much time i should set aside.


quick question: how long are the last 2 chapters of the game?

i beat chapter 8 last night and want to finish the game tonight before the long weekend. wanna know how much time i should set aside.

Depends on who you have left alive. 10 is pretty short though so you should be able to make it through tonight,.
quick question: how long are the last 2 chapters of the game?

i beat chapter 8 last night and want to finish the game tonight before the long weekend. wanna know how much time i should set aside.
I didn't time it or anything but it seemed like they were the two longest chapters in the game.


Damn, this game has been amazing so far.

About halfway through and loving every minute of it.

Hayden Panettiere is my waifu. The whole purpose of my playthrough is to get her out alive and be the Final Girl. We'll see...

Huh! I had no idea that was her... that's pretty cool!


Finally finished it. Not gonna lie. Losing a fair amount of my characters to "Don't Move" prompts kinda soured my experience towards the tail end. I suppose that's my fault for what I clearly have a hard time with, but I can't help feeling that way.

It wasn't a bad experience, tho.

Throughout the game, I had a playstyle to deal with this. I was resting my arms on my legs the whole game. Other than that, if the game let me know ahead of time that i was going to hide, i sat the controller down beforehand.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i love the 'dont move' bits in the game, really ties in a great horror trope into the gameplay

Depends on who you have left alive. 10 is pretty short though so you should be able to make it through tonight,.

i've lost Jessica & Josh thus far. pretty crazy that the game varies so wildly depending on who you have left.

I didn't time it or anything but it seemed like they were the two longest chapters in the game.

word, thanks

Huh! I had no idea that was her... that's pretty cool!

yeah dude

she's the best
You know that you can watch the screen prompt and move the control slightly to counteract and drift?
That shit was sensitive. I was too afraid to attempt to return to the center and over-correcting lol.
Throughout the game, I had a playstyle to deal with this. I was resting my arms on my legs the whole game. Other than that, if the game let me know ahead of time that i was going to hide, i sat the controller down beforehand.
Or I could do that. Why didn't I thinnk of that? Should probably just do that lol.
i love the 'dont move' bits in the game, really ties in a great horror trope into the gameplay
I do think it is an appropriate mechanic for a horror game, though. Even if I was garbage at it, heh.


I have never had a single issue with any don't move prompts. It is literally don't move the bar out of the outline not stay perfectly still. The whining about is is ridiculous tbh.


I have never had a single issue with any don't move prompts. It is literally don't move the bar out of the outline not stay perfectly still. The whining about is is ridiculous tbh.

Yeah, I thought they're always giving you a heads-up just in time for you to not mess it up, plus it's just for a few seconds every time anyway.


I don't get the complaints about those don't move sections either. I wish I can say that I had a stress/tense time doing it that I feel like the character in peril but they're relatively easy to do.

Tips: Legs crossed, put arms on top of it, don't move the controller = profits.


I have a few questions. GameStop has a sale where you can sell your PlayStation 3 for 100 dollars off so I'm going to do it tonight. I bought the German steel book and it came with DLC. I know the game will play because the Playststion 4 is region free but I was told DLC wouldn't work. What is the best way to handle that? Create two accounts and make one the region of the game and my other America? Will the DLC transfer to my American account? I'd love someone to help me.

Yep that one.

I'm not sure if the DLC transfers to the American account, but it's worth a try. I have an Asian copy and I'm using my American account. I still get patches through the American account, but if I wanted to redeem my DLC (which I haven't yet lol), I would need to do through the Asian account.
I don't get the complaints about those don't move sections either. I wish I can say that I had a stress/tense time doing it that I feel like the character in peril but they're relatively easy to do.

Tips: Legs crossed, put arms on top of it, don't move the controller = profits.

Yeah, this worked up until the last "Don't Move" w/ Sam. Don't Move wasn't really appropriate since apparently you're supposed to move it to stay in the blue.
Just want to say, if I didn't read this thread, I probably wouldn't have gotten the game and had such a great time


Really enjoyed collecting the clues and totems. Choices affecting conversations (subtle) and fate of some characters (drastic) are really fun. Everything seems to tie in pretty well.

It was really hard not to click on the spoilers around. Finally gotten
"A Symphony of Horror"
and I can't wait for the sequel and similar projects.


Yep that one.

I'm not sure if the DLC transfers to the American account, but it's worth a try. I have an Asian copy and I'm using my American account. I still get patches through the American account, but if I wanted to redeem my DLC (which I haven't yet lol), I would need to do through the Asian account.

Thank you very much! I'll try that and if the DLC transfers I'll let you know.


Thanks everyone for all the impressions! You guys have convinced me to get it. Just need to save up!

Yeah if the price drop is legit for next week at Best Buy I will buy it hands down without hesitation even though I don't have time to play it. I do think it is worth $60 after my brief rental with it.


It's been a mess trying to play through this with my wife. Every time we make a critical decision and she doesn't like the outcome, she wants to restart >_> My fault for selecting new game instead of chapter select I suppose >_<
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