Does Yggdra Union or Tales of Hearts R have a good story? I'm looking for a way to spend that 10$ credit from my delayed ZTD preorder and I was checking out the codes Amazon sells itself.
Does Yggdra Union or Tales of Hearts R have a good story? I'm looking for a way to spend that 10$ credit from my delayed ZTD preorder and I was checking out the codes Amazon sells itself.
I can't remember them doing anything spectacularly interesting storywise. Yggdra Union's story (not gameplay) is a typical Fire Emblem or FF-esque 'young royal and retainers on the run from evil empire'. Tales of Hearts goes for other well-worn cliches of ancient races and collecting the magic something-or-others.
Both pretty standard JRPG fare really- I enjoyed both very much but can't remember anything particularly good or awful about either story!
Yggdra Union uses a card-based system to fight on a grid, I play a lot of SRPGs and remember it more for doing something more unique with it's battle system. 'Union' refers to teaming up units with male-led units linking to formations diagonally and female ones horizontally or something like that. It's been a few years but I really liked it, it's abstract but good and quite tough in places.
Forgot that Riviera the Promised Land is an option. How's the story in that one?
Axiom Verge has sold well on Vita, looking into Chasm port:
Chasm runs on MonoGame, so it might hinge on that working well on Vita.
I wrote a lot about the game, from my first impressions post, a review going live tomorrow and a number of posts on the OT thread of the game explaining some of the games systems.
Will share a bit of what I wrote in the review of the game:
"Combat is an area of the game that shines the brightest, as it feels different per class. Each unit belongs to a specific class, with them having different abilities to contribute to the party. For example, your knight can use a move called Total Guard, which can defend your party as long as your shield holds up (has a meter) from attacks. Another example is your medic, as she can throw healing potions that restores 80% health for a long distance or you can slide a health pack on the ground that another unit can walk into for a smaller percentage of health restoration.........
.....Grand Kingdom is a very beautiful title, with it having a stylized 2D art design that extends to every aspect to the game. Its look mirrors titles like Dragons Crown or Odin Sphere in some respects and little details like animated background in menus, lip-syncing for cut-scenes, and little things like the loading screen animation do a lot to give the game a feeling of liveliness and heart......
.....Grand Kingdom is one of the years best JRPGs thanks to its strong core mechanics, great story, enjoyable blend of real time combat & strategy elements and an excessive amount of replay value."
The full review is much more in-depth but if you want to read more impressions on the game, give my first impressions article a read. I love the game and feel it does so much right
And no word about Fault Milestone One, The one that I actually kickstarted for vita.
Good to see Valkyrie Drive there. Let's hope a miracle happens.
Need dat Eng ver of Idolmaster
Gosh the results sucks... wtf. Tales of Innocence R localization please guys.
Good to see Valkyrie Drive there. Let's hope a miracle happens.
Best place to complain about Marvelous games is the XSEED forums. They listen. They seem to have dropped Vita exclusive game localization but it's possible that we can change their minds.
How is Flower on Vita?
Considering Takaki seems to want Valkyrie Drive to be a thing beyond the current game, the best solution would be to either look into having the game ported to PS4 or even have it on PC considering how well Shinovi Versus has been doing.
It still uses the gyro controls like the PS3 and PS4 versions but it controls great on Vita. The game also looks fantastic on the console, with colors popping out from the screen. Overall, it is a great version of a strong game.
That's it then I'm getting Flower and Thomas Was Alone with my credit. Thanks bud.
That's it then I'm getting Flower and Thomas Was Alone with my credit. Thanks bud.
I rarely go out of my way to beg companies for localizations but the one time I did I wrote XSEED an email asking for Luminous Arc, Valkyrie Drive and Tokyo Xanadu
NISA would be awesome if they localized their own damn games
but alas...
Shin Hayarigami?Don't think NISA is aware of most of their games. I'm still baffled at how long they waited to give us a VN when they had one of their own for years.
Shin Hayarigami?
This honestly seems like something that would do really well here, especially if you also put it on PC
I don't get it
Here's a Touhou Genso Wanderer trailer. The highlight of NISA's AX press conference. Gee, thanks.
How did the mobile game do?
From what I've been able to find, it did pretty well but Marvelous still decided to close it this month.
Announce Hero Must Die, NISA. Our patience is running out.
Not sure if reliable but there could be an english physical Release for Asia for the newest The Asterisk War game:
Check the replies.
A.W. : Phoenix Festa will be available for the PlayStation® Vita this 26th July 2016 across Southeast Asia
(Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia) game retail stores.
So I'm trying to play Persona 4 and right now it's just been A LOT of talking and no action. The gameplay has just been me pressing 'x'. Is it like this for most of the game?
The first few hours is a big story dump. You'll get to the gameplay soon.
A few hours? Ouch. I guess I'll persevere for now.