Lame sale this week. I got Lost Paradise, Super Meat Boy and Suikoden 2, at least.
I asked in the sale thread, but this is probably the better place to ask how is Super Meat Boy on the Vita?
Other than that and Super Time Force, yea not nearly as good as last week.
I asked in the sale thread, but this is probably the better place to ask how is Super Meat Boy on the Vita?
Other than that and Super Time Force, yea not nearly as good as last week.
It's a very interesting beginning, it shouldn't be that bad.
it plays great but the OST is not the same as the one everyone is used to on xbox 360 and pc/mac.
So I just listened to the original and new OSTs, and I don't the original is THAT great, or that the new one is THAT bad.
So I'm not sure what the fuss is about, but I think I'll be fine with it.
Im currently working on Odin Sphere
Going to grab Grand Kingdom after
Looking forward to CSH, Darkest Dungeon and Cold Steel 2 on the way
God I hope is true.
European sites are way slower at this in general, and this is the first one I've seen and it just went up today. It'll be up everywhere soon enoughI wonder why you can't pre-order Root Letter anywhere else for now.
I see no reason why shopto would mistakenly list a random JP game like this. The PQube thing fits as well.
EDIT: Shopto also has a super cheap Root Letter pre-order £22.85 = ~27 at todays exchange rate + shipping
I believe that as well. I meant that shopto listing PQube as publisher, just like they do with SK EV, makes it even more likely to be true.I'm more a fan of the idea that it's Marvelous Europe publishing and PQube are just distributing, but I guess we'll see.
European sites are way slower at this in general, and this is the first one I've seen and it just went up today. It'll be up everywhere soon enough
October 21st. But it's PQube, they move dates even more frequently than XSEEDWhat's the release date for it there?
October 21st. But it's PQube, they move dates even more frequently than XSEED
Uppers english trophy list have surfaced
Outside of Cold Steel 2, the RPGs I'm most looking forward to on the Vita this year are Cosmic Star Heroine and Darkest Dungeon, can't wait for those.My backlog:
Tales of Hearts R
Trails of Cold Steel
Odin Sphere L
Danganronpa 2
Steins Gate
Some PSP and PS1 games
Going to most likely add
Trails of Cold Steel 2
Danganronpa 3
Zero Time Dilemma
Exist Archive
Tokyo Xanadu
Steins Gate 0
I'm probably missing some games.
Play-Asia will be stocking English-Asian version of Asterisk War. Dat price though...
That price is laughable considering the quality of this game. Not sure what they were thinking by charging that much.
Okay I have a question. How is the story of FFX-2? Is it worth playing after X? I loved the ending of FFX and I'm a bit nervous to play the next one.
PQube ‏@PQubeGames 31m31 minutes ago
@xoMLGNOSCOPEox @Pellegri116 patience young padawans
This was in response to me and another guy asking wtf was up with the Shopto listing yesterday. So ya, I think we should be hearing something about Valkyrie Drive here shortly.
This was in response to me and another guy asking wtf was up with the Shopto listing yesterday. So ya, I think we should be hearing something about Valkyrie Drive here shortly.
still no net high @~@
still no net high @~@
That price is laughable considering the quality of this game. Not sure what they were thinking by charging that much.
They should just go all-out and spit about Net High and Uppers too.
Strike our hearts with full force.
Each of the series revolves around girls who have been infected with a mysterious virus known as the A Virus (Armed Virus). These girls are divided into two classes; Exters (エクスター Ekusutā?), who can transform into weapons when sexually aroused, and Liberators (リブレイター Ribureitā?), who have the power to wield an Exter's weapon form, known as Liberator Arms, through a process known as Drive. These girls are brought to separate islands, which each of the series is named after.
Also not sure if anyone cares, but I came around on Tokyo Xanadu. I still would have preferred PS4 but I'm going to day 1 this on Vita anyway. It would be dumb not to.
Only issue for me really would be if the PS4 version were day and date with the Vita one. I'm fine with getting the Vita version if PS4 is still TBA or months away, not so much when I know a far superior version is coming the same time and it makes me question why I went with the original.
I'm getting Xandu without any care for the PS4 version honestly :l.
What, a better frame rate and more content? Not that much of a big deal with the original was great/good as it was (reportedly), so very happy to play the Vita version next year anyway
Besides, I have a feeling its going to be a Grand Kingdom situation, where all the extra features/content releasing post launch will be added to the localized Vita version. The game too this long to come over, so if it is a late summer title, that should give them enough time to add-in the new content from the PS4 version into the Vita one.
Even if that isn't the case, it will be a later release (PS4 version), so we can play the Vita version first and the PS4 version far later in 2017 or early 2018.
Just happy that a game so many requested to come over, well, finally came over.
Besides, I have a feeling its going to be a Grand Kingdom situation, where all the extra features/content releasing post launch will be added to the localized Vita version. The game too this long to come over, so if it is a late summer title, that should give them enough time to add-in the new content from the PS4 version into the Vita one.