So it turns out the cheap Upscaler that people are bringing up... the Adam Koralik special...
May actually not even be upscaling RGB. It's probably upscaling composhit.
If that is the case, we should never speak of this box here again in the sense that its irrelevant to RGB and scaling done right.
We do got to find some other slightly cheap option to recommend people then. Even if I would never use it, not everyone is ready to go balls deep into old CRTs or an RGBmini. That was the place of that upscaller before.
Still have no idea how the Koralik video with it is so highly rated...
Also isn't that the same one that the gamesack guys showed in their video about rgb and retro stuff? They didn't go out of their way to claim it was as good or better then other options though.
Edit: Actually no, just checked, the one the gamesack guys showed off had component out, not hdmi. My bad.