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US/CAN Club Nintendo Thread: New and improved. Read the OP.


I've really only bought Smash (Wii U) over the last year, and I am getting the MM n3DS XL with the MM LE. Don't think I'll make platinum this year.

Edit: Didn't realize CN was ending. Bummer. My n3DS won't even give me coins.

Dammit, already forgot. Might use this opportunity to finally pick up Kirby: Triple Deluxe and ... I dunno. Something else I guess.

Edit: Maybe I'll horde VC games I missed, but wanted...

Check your "View To-Do List." Wonder if you missed the product registry survey?

Just checked. ALL of my Wii U VC games (Production Registration and Post Play Survey each) are there except Fire Emblem.
Yeah, with products after 1/20/2015 not containing codes, there is absolutely no way I'll hit platinum this year. Oh well.

Here's hoping the stuff they put up next month is actually good!


Can't say I'm not a little disappointed (the New 3DS + Nintendo's first party lineup would have gotten me loads of coins) but hey, I'll be ending with 500+ coins to spend and Platinum status, so I can't complain too much. Plus we finally get Flipnote Studio 3D, conveniently arriving around the time I'll be ditching my OG 3DS and its wonky touchscreen so I can actually use it!


Only have 1200 coins. Hopefully theres a gold nunchuck, only physical reward I ever wanted in the Club Nintendo program. I also wont reach platinum, need 255 coins. oh well


Hello everyone, I'm new to Club Nintendo (signed up for it late November when I got my 2DS) and hearing that this service is ending soon is sad :(.

I didn't use the service at all until very recently, but it offered many great free gifts and games, so it is a shame it is ending soon.

I have a question though; can you still earn coins through Wii VC games? I never registered them (didn't have a CN account when I used my Wii) and after I linked my CN account to my Wii, none of the VC games I got registered to my account (or the surveys that come with games never popped up).

If anyone can help me out with that, it would be greatly appreciated :D.


Hello everyone, I'm new to Club Nintendo (signed up for it late November when I got my 2DS) and hearing that this service is ending soon is sad :(.

I didn't use the service at all until very recently, but it offered many great free gifts and games, so it is a shame it is ending soon.

I have a question though; can you still earn coins through Wii VC games? I never registered them (didn't have a CN account when I used my Wii) and after I linked my CN account to my Wii, none of the VC games I got registered to my account (or the surveys that come with games never popped up).

If anyone can help me out with that, it would be greatly appreciated :D.

I think you only have so much time to register them and get some coins..

the most you get would be 20, 10 for a registration survey and some of them (not the wii ones) 10 coins for a post-play survey


Aw what a shame. Well hopefully this upcoming program will be even better.

I sitting right on the gold status mark, but I might not be able to get plat in time.:/


I think you only have so much time to register them and get some coins..

the most you get would be 20, 10 for a registration survey and some of them (not the wii ones) 10 coins for a post-play survey

That doesn't sound bad at all though; own a lot of VC games (at least 10 N64 games, a few NES/SNES games and a handful of WiiWare tittles). Only need 130 coins to reach platinum status, so if my games register on my account, they should be more then enough to reach that :).

Like I said, even after linking my CN account with my Wii.....no surveys or activation links have popped up on the 'To-Do List', so....I have no idea what to do regarding that :l.

Thank you for responding though :D.


Wow, I'm surprised they're getting rid of Club Nintendo. Well, actually, maybe I shouldn't be with how the rewards have been handled the past two years (especially the Gold/Platinum rewards). And how they've been hiding the CN codes on the inside of game covers...

I have 1,760 coins left to use and I hit Platinum awhile ago. I hope they have some good rewards in Feb. so I can use all the coins...


That doesn't sound bad at all though; own a lot of VC games (at least 10 N64 games, a few NES/SNES games and a handful of WiiWare tittles). Only need 130 coins to reach platinum status, so if my games register on my account, they should be more then enough to reach that :).

Like I said, even after linking my CN account with my Wii.....no surveys or activation links have popped up on the 'To-Do List', so....I have no idea what to do regarding that :l.

Thank you for responding though :D.

because you bough them more than a week ago, I suppose, that's why you are not getting the coins
That doesn't sound bad at all though; own a lot of VC games (at least 10 N64 games, a few NES/SNES games and a handful of WiiWare tittles). Only need 130 coins to reach platinum status, so if my games register on my account, they should be more then enough to reach that :).

Like I said, even after linking my CN account with my Wii.....no surveys or activation links have popped up on the 'To-Do List', so....I have no idea what to do regarding that :l.

Thank you for responding though :D.
Call Nintendo and ask? They should be able to help. Does not hurt to try.


30 coins from platinum. Do I earn 10 coin post play surveys on VC games that I upgrade from my Wii to Wii U? By upgrade I mean buy them again for $1 or $1.50. Thanks


because you bough them more than a week ago, I suppose, that's why you are not getting the coins

Oh, that makes sense; got a number of them YEARS ago (the last one I remember getting was Smash 64 in 2010 XD).

Thank you for the response's Wiibomb :). Hope you get a number of great stuff with what ever coins/stars you have left on your account :D.

It sucks that future releases will not offer coins (MM would have given me a lot of coins :D), but lets hope that Nintendo's future loyalty program is even better then CN :).

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Consecutively horrible rewards. I really should have jumped on Pilotwings (SNES) a few cycles ago. Had no idea it would get this bad.
Well, I reached Platinum and I ended up spending 700 coins on a shirt for a friend that didn't have enough to reach it.

I currently have almost 1000 coins to spend.

I have two accounts. One parent and one child account, both with different log ins. So, I'll probably end up with two copies of Flipnote Studios 3D. One for the 3DS XL (soon to be New 3DS XL) and one for the 2DS.

Okay! Bring me stuff in February!

I have a few hopes really.

1. I hope they make "Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition" available for CN members who didn't get it the first time. I already have it, so I don't need it.. but that would be cool.

2. Wouldn't a Club Nintendo exclusive Amiibo for Mewtwo be all sorts of fun?

3. I like physical rewards.
Hoping for the Mario 3D World OST and/or that black Wonderful 101 shirt next month.

Also, it seems like they may finally moving to the type of program Iwata hinted at in his 2014 Corporate Management Policy Briefing:

Iwata said:
On Wii U, we launched Nintendo Network IDs, which are abbreviated as NNIDs. This is the first step of our efforts to transform customer relationship management from device-based to account-based, namely, consumer-based, through which we aim to establish long-term relationships with individual consumers, unaffected by the lifespans of our systems. Our future platform will connect with our consumers based on accounts, not devices.

We will manage our relationships with our consumers through NNIDs in a uniform manner, and connecting with our consumers through NNIDs will precisely be our new definition of a Nintendo platform. In other words, our platform will not be bound to physical hardware and, instead, will be virtualized.

Iwata said:
Until now it has been taken for granted that software is offered to users at the same price regardless of how many titles they purchase in a year, be it one, five or even ten titles. Based on our account system, if we can offer flexible price points to consumers who meet certain conditions, we can create a situation where these consumers can enjoy our software at cheaper price points when they purchase more. Here, we do not need to limit the condition to the number of software titles they purchase. Inviting friends to start playing a particular software title is also an example of a possible condition. If we can achieve such a sales mechanism, we can expect to increase the number of players per title, and the players will play our games with more friends.

The key phrase here is " long-term relationships with individual consumers, unaffected by the lifespans of our systems". After the massive dropoff in the user base between the Wii and Wii U, Nintendo are probably working very hard to find ways to maintain a customer base between hardware revisions, and the new loyalty program will probably be a big part of this strategy. I'd expect the full details on the new program at E3.


I am not expecting new physical rewards; just old ones they've had stored in a warehouse somewhere.

I fully expect them to be gone in 30 minutes too. People have been hoarding points for so long and Nintendo obviously couldn't care less to produce enough. And you know the CN site will be overloaded for several ours.

I hope they at least give us an insane amount of game code options.

Am I the only one disgusted that they keep offering the best games in Wii form so people will spend an extra buck or two "upgrading" to WiiU? I know they've seen better days, but for crying out loud.


Man, I've been going through all my games looking for codes and this shit is tiring, lol. I forgot how tightly some of the DS game cases close. Why am I looking through DS games? Didn't they all expire? lol, I suppose it doesn't hurt to double check.

I also have to open a bunch of new games, which kinda sucks since I like to keep them sealed until I play them.
So, really, how am I supposed to get platinum status by March 31 when they're not allowing product registration for items released past... today?
yeah, seems like there will be "limited quantities" of some rewards...which i imagine means physical (why would there be limited amounts of digital rewards?)
we will add dozens of downloadable games and a limited quantity of exclusive reward items to the rewards catalog in February
So, really, how am I supposed to get platinum status by March 31 when they're not allowing product registration for items released past... today?
Buy retail games released before January 20th 2015


What the heck at my codes being stolen on Club Nintendo.

I tried registering both Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire today and both are coming up as invalid. I made tickets to Nintendo support so I hope they get back to me.

Edit: Nothing to see here, I'm an idiot who should try closing and reopening browsers.


yeah, seems like there will be "limited quantities" of some rewards...which i imagine means physical (why would there be limited amounts of digital rewards?)

Buy retail games released before January 20th 2015

Ughhhhhh they're gonna put up something Fire Emblem related and I'm gonna miss out, I just know it!


I just hope it's not useless stuff like XXL T-shirts or stickers. I'm actually tempted to pick up a few more cases, since those would be useful for sure. But what if the physical reward is something awesome like a green nunchuck or something?


I was just doing the survey for Mario 3D Land and encountered this question...


never seen this before... anyone know if there's a reason for it?
Buy retail games released before January 20th 2015

They essentially cut the registration year on new products in half, haven't released much product in the last six months TO register, don't allow registration of multiple copies of games and I, who have been platinum status since this program was invented, am now supposed to dig up some games from the past that I never bought to make up all those coins? ...Seems bizarre. ...Seems Nintendo.

Buying a whole stack of games just for coins is such a risky venture given that their last platinum prize was a digital game worth about $15.
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