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US/CAN Club Nintendo Thread: New and improved. Read the OP.


Tempted to get the Game & Watch Ball but it seems like a waste considering it's been available for 2 years now, and at the same price. Only physical reward that interests me though, and the game downloads have been crap for a while.


Awesome dkcr is the only game I'm really looking super forward too for the 3ds before july so I'm happy that it got seleveted for early intention to buy. I love animal crossing on gc but i don't want my time sucked dry so I have to pass on it. I reached platinum this past weekend so I'm sorta set. I'm gonna just stock up on coins in case something big and physical comes out that I want.

Also I second a metroid poster.
Or a dckr poster in that 2d black shadowy artsy style they have from the game.

Probably too late now but still a guy can dream.

Nope, Fire Emblem poster first.


Based on what I'll be getting between now and June, I'll either clear Platinum five times over this year or come within... 15 points of it.



Oh, my. Would be cashing in some more registrations, if need be. Kirby coin sold out fast? Ain't seen nothing, yet, if they put a LE FE item on the site. :lol


Please understand


Laughter is a powerful coping device :(

The OST and the Knights of Iris artbook are in stock at Amazon.co.jp ...

Both together with shipping and foreign fee surcharge from the credit card would be ~$105. That's how much I paid for the artbook alone back in December. :lol


I was so tempted to import one or the other. If it wasn't for that laundry list of games I need to somehow fund the purchases of this year, I surely would have.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm still torn on whether to register my Pikachu XL and Luigi's Mansion for the free game. On the one hand, I want Starfox. But on the other hand, I'd rather hold out for a different XL colour and I'm already Platinum for the year.


If you're the type of person to buy a Pikachu XL and the type of person who posts in this thread ask yourself one simple question:

Is there any remote chance you won't hit platinum next year with the current slate of games on top?


Come to think of it reaching platinum isn't too hard. Do they release any other items that we can buy aside from the gift item in July?

No. The only things you get for Platinum status are the prize, and occasionally, a randomly selected (from the Platinum members) invite to attend an event.



Come on Iwata your the new CEO, CLEAN UP Club Nintendo here in North America.

We need

  • Colored XL Bases
  • Mario Kart Trophies
  • Fire Emblem products!
All of the above, please... But especially the trophies. I know they're actually really small, but they're still freakin' cool looking!


Weird, Mega Man 4 is listed as being worth 5 registration coins. Can anyone confirm?

Edit: And not sure whether anyone mentioned that Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is up for intend-to-buy.


When I enter the code for Mario 64 Wii on the WiiU Store (off of Club Nintendo) it gives me an error that it's not being "distributed". You figure there's any chance I could sit on the code until there's a WiiU VC version and it'll work? Only grabbed it for that, not really interested in playing it on Wii VC. I don't have a Classic Controller anyways. Or will the code expire by then?

Edit: Apparently you only qualify for the 'upgrade' price if you transfer the licenses from your Wii to your WiiU, and if you redeem codes on Wii Mode on your WiiU you'll never be able to upgrade? Yeesh. Nintendo for you!
When I enter the code for Mario 64 Wii on the WiiU Store (off of Club Nintendo) it gives me an error that it's not being "distributed". You figure there's any chance I could sit on the code until there's a WiiU VC version and it'll work? Only grabbed it for that, not really interested in playing it on Wii VC.

Probably a slim chance since they are separate stores.


HNNNGGH need more 3DS game rewards next month...okay honestly i just need more 3D classics, bought every one of em except Urban Champions and i just wanna see more titles get that treatment


Ninty's strangely being generous on 3DS lately so who knows?

They could release a game with special edition packaging specifically for Club Nintendo. The possibilities are awesome but our dreams will be crushed by expectations so it's better to imagine getting more posters.
hi, guys. My son has coin codes from christmas. I already have a club nintendo account. I see that I can add him to mine as a family member, but won't that just mixup the coins? Is it better to add him as a seperate account?


hi, guys. My son has coin codes from christmas. I already have a club nintendo account. I see that I can add him to mine as a family member, but won't that just mixup the coins? Is it better to add him as a seperate account?

Well, the decision of whether to add to your family or make a new account depends on how much you register each year. If you need to combine the two coin pools to reach platinum, for example, then you may be better off using a family account. Or otherwise if you just want to have more coins at your disposal for expensive rewards.

If you always have more coins than you know what to do with, then you could make your son a separate account and possibly claim two platinum rewards in a year. Might require giving a different mailing address, though.


Sorry for bumping this and I realize this is for the US/CAN Club Nintendo but I just got a code for the Japanese Club Nintendo if anyone wants it (for buying a Japanese 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro). PM me if you want it!

EDIT: Aaaaaand gone!
Well, the decision of whether to add to your family or make a new account depends on how much you register each year. If you need to combine the two coin pools to reach platinum, for example, then you may be better off using a family account. Or otherwise if you just want to have more coins at your disposal for expensive rewards.

If you always have more coins than you know what to do with, then you could make your son a separate account and possibly claim two platinum rewards in a year. Might require giving a different mailing address, though.

I think I'll do a separate account. We always have a lot of coins, so I might as well split them with him so he has his own.


I was surprised my Wii U didn't come with a CN code slip but was relieved when I saw it on my to-do list today.

Now I have an odd 35 points left for Platinum! Thankfully I have 4 post-play surveys to do.

I really hope the platinum prize this year is something better than the deck of cards we got last year. That was really disappointing for my very first platinum prize.


I hope we get another good S/NES title in May. I love that all the Wii VC games they give out are essentially $1.00-1.50 WiiU VC games to me. :)


I have an incredibly strong feeling that we're going to be getting a Luigi hat platinum reward this year, in the same vein as the Mario hat from 2009. I'd love that.
so what happens after June 30th if you have Platinum and don't use your points?

do you lose them?

You can still use them to order regular rewards off the site, but if you register more points than what you need to hit Platinum, those extra points won't roll-over to be applied for hitting Platinum for the following year.

At least that's my understanding of it. (Someone feel free to correct me if I'm off.)


I have an incredibly strong feeling that we're going to be getting a Luigi hat platinum reward this year, in the same vein as the Mario hat from 2009. I'd love that.

Something Luigi themed seems likely but I'd like to at least see something a little more original.
Nope they roll over to the next year as long as the coins aren't 2 years old.

You can still use them to order regular rewards off the site, but if you register more points than what you need to hit Platinum, those extra points won't roll-over to be applied for hitting Platinum for the following year.

At least that's my understanding of it. (Someone feel free to correct me if I'm off.)

crap I have way too much with Wii U I hope there is something to spend on before the rollover at least I can drop it down to the limit and not over

I have no idea how old the rest of my points are but the Wii U is the major factor


Do the eshop games change at all? I have a decent amount of coins (bought a 3DS XL recently) and I'm trying to figure out what I should get.
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