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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Shame they're not carts full of Wildfire.
Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf

Republican voters don't like this bill, but voted for the people who like/are voting for this bill.

Imagine having any confidence the ones who survive to next year won't re-elect them


May contain jokes =>
Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker don't either, lol. God, I hate this party, and I hate this state. I need to move. I kind of hate this country anymore, I should probably just leave it, too.

Did you miss the part this morning where Corker laughed when asked if the House bill would make it through the Senate unchanged?
I saw this over on Reddit.

"Rape, postpartum depression, Cesarean sections, and surviving domestic violence are all considered preexisting conditions" under AHCA

This makes me sick and I'm not even American.


Quoting myself from another thread on this topic from a couple of weeks back.

If true, the OEP this year is going to be such a clusterfuck. As someone who works in health insurance IT, this is the time of year where insurance companies are trying to come up with rates to offer for on-Exchange plans. Those plan rating details (which are incredibly complex) need to be hashed out early enough in the year so they can be loaded into Federal/State Exchanges with enough time for the companies to verify everything has been loaded correctly.

If there is no clear guidance on what EHB's are even required at this point, or if they will change from state to state, issuers will potentially have to make massive actuarial changes to their plan data if their are regulatory changes. If Republicans try to make any of these changes effective this year, I am positive they will destroy Issuers ability to logically price any of their rates for 2018.

There are valid critiques about how the Democrats handled the ACA but the Republicans have proven themselves to be intellectually dishonest and destructive participants of crafting health insurance legislation.

...in addition to this, the whole concept of removing protection for pre-existing conditions in the 11th hour will also create a huge shock in the system. It may prove to make plans cheaper, but boy, the value and access to those plans will also plummet for high-risk pool individuals.

The fact that many (including myself, who works in the industry) haven't even had the time to really consume and synthesize this new iteration of AHCA really goes to show Republicans do not know or care what the impacts of this plan is other then the fact they are "doing something".

The deceptive process around how this legislation was passed is disgusting. There was so much crowing from the republicans on how "nontransparent" the process around crafting the ACA was, and too an extent it was justified. But, compared to how they have handled crafting the ACHA, by essentially bypassing time for public comment, debate and a CBO score, the Republicans proved themselves to be entirely two-faced on the matter. Maybe there can be an argument that taking a bunch of money out of the ACA and giving it back to the upper class will somehow lead to better health outcomes, but the Republicans sure as hell didn't try to make it, and it's because they can't.

I generally find myself taking a more moderate position compared to others on this board, but from my following of AHCA, everyone's worst suspicions on how the Republicans have handled health care seem to be entirely accurate. The senate is going to have quite a bit of work ahead of them, because I really believe there are going to be massive electoral repercussions from their base if this is signed into law as-is based on my understanding.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Mother fuckers are turning me into a 2nd ammendment supporter.

Don't do this - understand you may feel emotional or frustrated, but don't try to cloak yourself in a right, when you're stealthy, code word talking about killing people.


Celebrating seems weird considering that the House has repealed Obamacare numerous times already. Something like 50 plus times.

Funny enough, this will fail in the Senate just like ever other one.
Alexandra Jaffe‏

Cases upon cases of beer just rolled into the Capitol on a cart covered in a sheet. Spotted Bud Light peeking out from the sheet.

Eaaaaaaaat shit


Don't do this - understand you may feel emotional or frustrated, but don't try to cloak yourself in a right, when you're stealthy, code word talking about killing people.

Yeah, stick to killing people legally by becoming a politician or business owner.
"The final vote will be very close, but many Republicans were already in a celebratory mode in a morning meeting in the House basement. The theme song to "Rocky" played as members filed in."

Sick fucks.
If you walk out, you are counted as a no, right? The Dems should all just walk out in protest for the bill vote. I know they won't, but it'd be great optics.


"The final vote will be very close, but many Republicans were already in a celebratory mode in a morning meeting in the House basement. The theme song to "Rocky" played as members filed in."

Sick fucks.

Maybe we'll get lucky and this will end like the first Rocky.

Major Garrett‏Verified account

According to senior admin official I just spoke with WH whip count is 217 for #obamacarerepeal Magic number 216 for passage.


If you walk out, you are counted as a no, right? The Dems should all just walk out in protest for the bill vote. I know they won't, but it'd be great optics.

I don't think that's how it works. It will just get passed by 180-40 or something like that
All this outrage means nothing if it can't be changed into votes or protests, but other than the vote I have and will continue to give, I don't know what else I can do outside of donations.
So on top of trying to kill off the poorest among us, they celebrate by drinking Belgian beer :/ So American.

Well AB is only part of their conglomerate. Bud Light is still US made. And as well, them drinking Bud Light is a bit ironic considering AB-InBev are an extremely liberal company. They actually have a very generous company health care policy and pay their employees rather well.
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