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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN)
Plan is for house repubs to head to wh for victory event after this event per two gop sources

I believe the Third Reich also celebrated after marching people into ovens.
Dems need to vote against the Congressional Exemption IN CASE THE BILL DOES PASS.

--But they still need to collectively vote against the bill itself, so as to make no doubt that this is 100% a Republican bill, no matter how it pans out.


May contain jokes =>
They dont have to vote at all for starters. But they're also not voting to add that to the bill, they're voting to let the GOP remove it without rewriting the bill. It's a provision owned by the GOP on a bill owned by the GOP. Let them deal with it

This distinction makes absolutely zero difference when attack ads can still be run against them which say "Your congressman voted to exempt himself from the healthcare repeal." And it wouldn't be lying to say that.


Since it seems to be tradition at this point, I wonder which family member of mine will pointlessly and avoidably waste away from Republican interference with healthcare this time?

I mean, this is literally what they are asking and voting for, but it doesn't make their deaths any less upsetting. Fuck the GOP.


God I hope someone shifts and they lose this.

That would be epic, probably the end of Ryan as speaker.

Sadly I expect it to pass (by like 1 vote), then the CBO report will come out and detail out just how awful the bill they just voted for was. If anything ever comes out of the Senate it'll look nothing like this bill, so that will be some fun times. Hopefully this drags out into late 2018 and the house gets cleaned.


Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf

Does it matter when you can just claim fake news and the constituency believes you?


That would be epic, probably the end of Ryan as speaker.

Sadly I expect it to pass (by like 1 vote), then the CBO report will come out and detail out just how awful the bill they just voted for was. If anything ever comes out of the Senate it'll look nothing like this bill, so that will be some fun times. Hopefully this drags out into late 2018 and the house gets cleaned.

I'm okay with either one of these, actually. I like your outlook. :)
God I hope someone shifts and they lose this.

My bet is that there are enough people currently abstaining or voting No who would switch to a Yes vote if that happened. That shit is really common in votes like this. You've got people who are only voting No for optics, who really support it.


Never seen elected officials bask in joy of taking away people's healthcare.

I know politicians are greedy and evil, but never expected to see the day they are enjoying and plan to celebrate passing a bill that will kill people. Well, not in one of the most powerful countries in the world. In a third world country, that can be expected.


Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf

It doesn't matter what people like if they don't vote.
Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf

I don't think you realize what you're saying. This part is good. The Amendment takes out that Congressmen are exempt from the pre-exisiting condition stuff

EDIT: Unless you're talking about passing the bill in general? Then, the GOP are just evil shit and put party before country every time.


Strategically refusing to remove the exemption is only a good tactic if it accomplishes something; it doesn't really. Republicans will certainly have the votes for it, nobody's overall position on the bill itself is going to change if the exemption were left in. Literally the only thing a no vote would do is serve as fodder for future attack ads.

When he was listing vote timeframes, did he say they'd have 15 minutes to vote on this and then 5 minutes for subsequent votes? so 3x the time for an exemption vote as the actual health care bill itself?

"Congressman Joe didn't vote to strip out the corrupt provision we wrote" isn't really a winning attack line. The exemption already exists so you can't frame this as anyone voting to create the exemption. But again, they're not required to vote yea or nay. The benefit is not applying any sheen of bipartisanship to this process. Let the Republicans ram it through on their own

At any rate if they are all going to vote for this anyway why are they having a roll call vote instewd of unanimous consent/voice vote


Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf

They believe premiums will go down for most people (because people will be able to purchase cheap plans that cover literally nothing again) and that will propel them to victory in 2018 and 2020. They also probably realize that, well, there's not gonna be a third healthcare overhaul anytime soon, and even if there is then that'll just mean the foreseeable future is going to be each party repealing the other's healthcare system everytime power switches hands.
Why would they do this? Don't they realize that the vast majority of voters do not like this bill? I'm sure whatever pictures come from this event will get lots of play in the 2018 ads. So tone deaf


I imagine that video of the White House party will be released. It'll be a bunch of old white assholes dancing to "Celebration" over a bill that'll result in several million people losing coverage.


Just read in poligaf that somebody was spotted pushing a cart full of beer. They are going to have one hell of a party.
2018 is a long way away, and healthcare is complicated and confusing.

Voters won't punish them.

People keep saying this, and it's like you all totally missed what happened the first time this came up, and the reason it's been shelved more or less four different times.


2018 is a long way away, and healthcare is complicated and confusing.

Voters won't punish them.

It's 18 months and two days away from election day 2018. And this is only the first of a series of hurdles the bill has to pass (Senate amendments, Senate vote, House amendments of the amendments, House re-vote, possible Senate re-vote).
I understand this is terrible, but won't this hurt Republicans more than if Obamacare just died on its own?

A lot of the GOP members of the house got their seats on a wave of tea party support, with the promise of killing Obamacare. They're kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't at this point, most likely.


Does it matter when you can just claim fake news and the constituency believes you?

The dislike for this bill goes far beyond partisan lines. I think only like 17% approval in one poll. Rep voters may be ignorant but you fight against groups like the AARP at your own peril.

As a pharmacist myself, I will make it a goal of mine to educate every one of my patients how bad this bill is. I'm sure many medical and healthcare professionals feel the same way. The GOP won't be able to hide behind their BS forever.
my representive just announced NO. i'll take some solace in that my phone calls helped... i wonder if he was released to vote no, though. we'll see.
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