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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


I'm so sick of this shit...



Ugh, makes me hate the Republicans even more. Get some good beer! Support local breweries you monsters.

Edit: ok seriously, fuck Republicans. And fuck the voters who supported these assholes. I'm sorry for anyone who wasn't a Trump or Republican voter who is going to suffer but I hope it affects Trump and Republican voters the most.


Well AB is only part of their conglomerate. Bud Light is still US made. And as well, them drinking Bud Light is a bit ironic considering AB-InBev are an extremely liberal company. They actually have a very generous company health care policy and pay their employees rather well.

Wow, bro...just a joke. :p


Nah, regardless of that this will die eventually, the fact that it didn't die immediately is absolutely disgraceful and another reason this country has no business ever acting like the world's king.

I both agree and disagree. The fact that it didn't die is a disgrace. The fact that, in order to garner the necessary support to get it through the house, they had to essentially put provisions in that will with severely endanger the lives of millions of people is positively fucking revolting.


How one can watch this and not have their blood boil is beyond me. The crassness, the heartlessness, the smugness.

Disgusting human beings. Get well soon, America. You're gonna need it.


I know there's at least one Democrat from West Virginia who typically votes with the GOP.

EDIT : I'm thinking of Manchin. He's a Senator.

Manchin is voting against this. When Manchin, who lives im WV, is voting fucking against this, anyone who votes yes deserves to get their ass primaried. No excuses.
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