Couldn't disagree with you guys more. I think this is the time for me to leave here. This is getting ugly.
Couldn't disagree with you guys more. I think this is the time for me to leave here. This is getting ugly.
No, call anyway. Tell him again.Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
No. Even if blue states work against it this bill basically guts healthcare and tosses the entrails to rich billionaires. The healthcare market will explode and everyone's rates will go up.If something like this does pass is there any hope if you live in a strong blue state?
Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
Can they really pass this with a Senate majority? I thought the reconciliation thing was over?
What happens to pre existing condition people like me? (if it passes)
Of course Dave Reichert's mailbox is full. Gonna have to try again early tomorrow morning.
New Whip Count as of 6:11 PM (PST)
No wonder the GOP are feeling confident.
I think young people dont quite understand that politics is a substitute for war and its a rough game. You dont find nice people because the stakes are enormous, and people will do a lot of bad things to each other. Four hundred years ago, if we had a question on the succession of power, lots of people wouldve lost their lives. Instead, we essentially had a revolution in this country, and people didnt lose their lives because we use elections instead. Politics is a substitute for war, and therefore you have to be tough, unyielding, and uncompromising in battle. Thats why the Republicans generally, with the exception of the two Obama campaigns, have run campaigns better.
Call them anyways!Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
Glad I had my surgery in 2009, had a gallbladder removal. Then it was like 140k(don't even ask how I got that dismissed), it was a lot of work.
I bet if I had it done after this bill passing would probably be triple. :/
oh also while we're shitpiling on trump voters, let us not forget that by electing a climate change denier from a party of climate change deniers they're helping to literally destroy the world
Because they're in a trap of their own making.But if they have it in the budget saying they'll let it be and then go back on it like a week later and try to get rid of it why was it even approved in the budget in the first place?
I mean I get why they want to get rid of it, I just don't get why they're doing this again after they already agreed to leave it alone.
I'm on liver transplant rejection medication and multiple anti-depression and anxiety meds along with medicine for crohn's. If I didn't have health insurance I'd die or be in debt I could never repay by the end of the week.
Couldn't disagree with you guys more. I think this is the time for me to leave here. This is getting ugly.
The GOP's Obamacare repeal bill is detested by virtually all of the most powerful health care groups.
Couldn't disagree with you guys more. I think this is the time for me to leave here. This is getting ugly.
And what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
Squash that noise. No one is shitpiling for the sake of it, or exaggerating their responsibility. Let's be specific. Fuck every single one of them for voting against the health of Americans because they voted for the dude from apprentice. He ran on "Fuck over your neighbor, but you'll get your coal job back." And people voted for it. All the whole knowing he is literally a conman.
They have responsibility here. Just like protest votes, and bernies. It has consequences. Folks will die if this passes.
When you phrase it like that, you're going to get nothing but redknights changing the discussion to how their one racist aunt isn't racist but she voted for Trump and that she makes a mean fritopie.
They're trying to get people killed. The responses are pretty measured all things considered.
And what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
And what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
Huh. Why are they trying to pass this then? I'm guessing someone else is lining their pockets.
And this is the payoff for Obama getting them on board in the first place.And what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
This is them being taken over by their extremist ideologue know-nothing ignorant base.Huh. Why are they trying to pass this then? I'm guessing someone else is lining their pockets.
And yet it's going to pass the House most likelyAnd what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
Going against lobbyists
Going against healthcare groups
Going against AARP
Going against own constituents
Huh. Why are they trying to pass this then? I'm guessing someone else is lining their pockets.
Huh. Why are they trying to pass this then? I'm guessing someone else is lining their pockets.
Huh. Why are they trying to pass this then? I'm guessing someone else is lining their pockets.
Wow, my Rep, Chris Smith, who is a Republican, is voting 'No.' No need to call then. My Senators are Dems, so no worries here.
All for Trump. Its a big risk, I hope they get destroyed for it.
Reading the article it seems Insurance Companies are not part of your "ALL of them" group. Providers, hospitals, doctors certainly are.And what is more crazy is the GOP is going against the lobbyists too...ALL of them....
If something like this does pass is there any hope if you live in a strong blue state?
If something like this does pass is there any hope if you live in a strong blue state?