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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate

The thing is, Trump was being a whiny baby because of Obamacare being somewhat of a success and it being created by Obama. So he creates Trumpcare and calls Obamacare shit and repeals it with his own BS laws that give the middlefinger to pretty much everybody.

So in summary, Trump has a temper tantrum of his predecessors success and tries to replace it with his own version that may cause the death to thousands.


Id like to know more about all of this but it seems like its impossible to find anything that doesnt say this is the greatest thing ever or this is the worst thing ever.

Why do some people say obamacare was failing?
Why do some people say majority of people paid the pebalty vs enrolling in healthcare?
Why do some people say there were areas in the country where there was only one choice or no providers for healthcare in some areas of the country?
Why do some people say this will lead to x million people dying?
Why do some people say that this is cruel or wrong?

1. In a lot of states insurers are leaving the obamacare exchanges(all while making record profits). This accelerated when it became unclear whether or not the Obamacare Exchanges would still be around in a years time due to Trump's election.
2. This isn't true. There are some individuals who choose to pay to penalty so they can not have insurance. They are not the majority, the number of uninsured individuals is at an all time low.
3. This is due to 1, but 1 is also partially due to some republican governors.
4. CBO says 24 million more people will be left without insurance due to this bill(because it both gets rid of the exchanges and gets rid of the individual mandate while allowing pre-existing conditions to not be covered). Which will lead to them getting less healthcare. Which will lead to them dying.
5. There are so many things to list on this bill I don't even know where to begin. Like, here's one tidbit, insurance companies under this bill can get a waiver to create insurance plans that don't cover prescription drugs, hospitlization, maternal care, mental health... Anything really.
This makes no sense.
Pre-existing conditions. Did you read any of the bill or summaries of it?

Also you keep complaining about worthless attacks but I and others have actually backed up our talking points and haven't insulted you and you're conveniently ignoring those posts.


If you do not understand the question, then you have no damn excuse for all the hate you are deservedly getting.

I can only have my business because of Obamacare.


Just get a job, dummy.

Problem solved!

Oh, he's banned.

Maybe he'll find a job for you, friend.
Trying to find that tweet where it explains how they plan on "recovering costs" by "lowkey" hoping people die after this passes.

Help please?
Aw I wanted him to keep going on so we could get to the part about how patients, nurses and pharmaceutical workers know less than him about healthcare.

C'est la vie
I made the poor decision to engage in discussion with a conservative Trump supporter on Twitter. I remained respectful the whole time, but the dude was name-calling the entire time.

I can't even have normal discussions with the other side anymore.


Trying to find that tweet where it explains how they plan on "recovering costs" by "lowkey" hoping people die after this passes.

Help please?


Here you go.


I thought our conversation with the Nazi supporter was going good though

To be fair, I do sympathize with many precariats who went to Trump, largely because of ignorance.

Too bad that poster defended his ignorance as reason. Many were just baited with jobs restoration promises to a world "once was."


People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.

I want health care insurance but I couldn't afford AHCA. Couldn't get subsidies because my wife could carry me on her insurance but adding me doubled the cost. Asking me to then pay a penalty is ridiculous.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Anyone arguing that healthcare should be left to free market doesn't understand economics.

Healthcare insurance is inelastic and demand changes based on age, condition, etc.

Regulation is needed and is the cheapest, fairest, most efficient option.

The alternative is poor people die, middle class people go broke, and only the rich can afford treatment.


Anyone arguing that healthcare should be left to free market doesn't understand economics.

Healthcare insurance is inelastic and demand changes based on age, condition, etc.

Regulation is needed and is the cheapest, fairest, most efficient option.

The alternative is poor people die, middle class people go broke, and only the rich can afford treatment.

The free market, in real terms, is monied interests.

It is, in a very true sense, the same corrosive problems of ego, greed, and control people attack Communism and Socialism for. The only difference being is that you can see a man at the heart of what ruined both of those; the free market is an abstraction metastasized around its invisible walls, but those walls are never the "true" market.

Funny how reification works to see the outside model as bad and the inside model as just, in reference to a self.

When you commodify health, you are commodifying life and death. The market will only look for ways to make money first, and actual nourishment of life second. End of. In fact, you can say Capitalism intrinsically skews this way, as the world of the 21st century has learned.
The free market, in real terms, is monied interests.

It is, in a very true sense, the same corrosive problems of ego, greed, and control people attack Communism and Socialism for. The only difference being is that you can see a man at the heart of what ruined both of those; the free market is an abstraction metastasized around its invisible walls, but those walls are never the "true" market.

Funny how reification works to see the outside model as bad and the inside model as just, in reference to a self.

When you commodify health, you are commodifying life and death. The market will only look for ways to make money first, and actual nourishment of life second. End of. In fact, you can say Capitalism intrinsically skews this way, as the world of the 21st century has learned.
If the gilded age wasn't enough to prove to Americans that the "free market will regulate itself" is a laughable statement I don't know what will.

Then again I had someone in one of my college classes once bitch that we had to learn about history and say it won't help anyone ever and he was a Trump supporter so I mean, I doubt many of them know history beyond the very basics, let alone take lessons from it.


I hope their celebrations on it passing the House comes back at them real hard. Although it does kind of suck that the GOP can say "Dems in the Senate are obstructing repeal and replace."


So what changes would have to be made for it to fall under reconcilation since that's not expected with the current version?


If the gilded age wasn't enough to prove to Americans that the "free market will regulate itself" is a laughable statement I don't know what will.

Then again I had someone in one of my college classes once bitch that we had to learn about history and say it won't help anyone ever and he was a Trump supporter so I mean, I doubt many of them know history beyond the very basics, let alone take lessons from it.

People want pragmatism in this culture, and you can say that's a byproduct of neoliberal Capitalism, if we can pivot into that topic. People like Alan Watts and Albert Einstein warned of this where college would just become a jobs factory, where the goal was a paper that said you were a person of substance, where education was not about wonder but a goodie. People will only care about history in today's culture if there is money to be made from it, and this is a prime example of how our culture is one of commodification. It feeds deeply into the American myth that you are intrinsically faulty and need to "prove" yourself, because after all, that's how they get you to get all of the commodities that if you lack, you're a less than. The best, and only way to prove your worth, is having paper wealth, and everything in the way of that is the existential threat we're told to challenge.

This curation of a "disimagination machine" can be seen all over our culture. I mean, how quick have we normalized everything America lacks compared to other first world nations? That it's okay for 45,000 people to die from preventable health issues because they were unfortunate enough to be an American living in America? How quick we are to assume a school shooting is just another school day? To bring up the banned dude, look at how he normalized "what was" as just. People absorb profound filth, confuse it as food, and think doing so is a sign of wellness. There is no wellness to be adjusted to any of this.

We take a lot of shit, and I hope this cancerous health "care" bill is not another example. I imagine many suffer from enervation, especially Millennials, for I know I face that problem too, but eventually we must realize this shit's gotta go. I can only hope the GOP fuck up so bad they cause a precariat revolt, because that seems our best way out from this and various other issues that affect the lives of masses in America and much of the first world. The rise of neonationalism is also a rise in a precariat class, so this is a troubling social climate to be living in.


Removal of the changes that got the house freedom caucus on board. Or a rules change in the Senate.

Which changes got the house freedom caucus on board (a link to the info will be fine)?

It's not a sure thing, but McConnell seemed to shoot down the idea of ending the filibuster a couple days ago.
Which changes got the house freedom caucus on board (a link to the info will be fine)?

It's not a sure thing, but McConnell seemed to shoot down the idea of ending the filibuster a couple days ago.

They added a provision giving individual states the ability to remove pre-existing conditions and essential health benefits


This makes no sense.

I'm sorry for piling on Judas when they're banned but I hope that this post can serve as a reminder to those of you who are stupefied as to why people who would die or whose livelihood would be destroyed by this bill still support it, and to the extent, the party that is ok with them dying.




One of the biggest changes of the bill, and Judas, who has been defending said bill this entire thread, did not know about it.

Think about that.

Judas, if you're still lurking this thread, be a better person, and learn about the things that you defend so vehemently. You might be surprised as to what you find.


It's like you know insurance when ran for-profit will not insure someone who won't be profitable. The whole "game' of insurance is you want people to sign up who, in theory, will never claim on the insurance. If health insurance companies had their way they'd be able to drop you if you posted on Facebook that you had a cold.
Can somebody explain something to me?

Before Obamacare, wasn't there a huge issue with insurance companies charging ridiculous premiums for pre-existing conditions or not providing coverage at all?

If that's true, is there any basis for the Republican line of "We don't think our states will do that?"

I've only been keeping up with stuff for a year now so I don't know what it was like back then. It just seems like they are flat out lying. Is that an incorrect assessment?
I am curious what happens when republicans go after Medicare next.

I'm starting to feel like it wouldn't matter, people consistently vote against their own economic self interest. Then due to rhetoric and AM radio, news, etc. are convinced that it was either a different reality or someone else to blame for their situation.

Can somebody explain something to me?

Before Obamacare, wasn't there a huge issue with insurance companies charging ridiculous premiums for pre-existing conditions or not providing coverage at all?

If that's true, is there any basis for the Republican line of "We don't think our states will do that?"

I've only been keeping up with stuff for a year now so I don't know what it was like back then. It just seems like they are flat out lying. Is that an incorrect assessment?

Yes, straight up, my wife was denied coverage at her job because of a pre-existing condition. It was our 'fault', we were young, and couldn't really afford heathcare so we decided fuck it why are we paying $500 a month out of our combined $30kish in income. Went to the doctor, paid cash for a minimal examination, that went on her medical record and when we tried to get insurance they said no.

Its the same issue with shifting those people into high-risk pools, oh see technically we can say you are offered coverage. Oh you cannot afford it, well that sucks for you, but we did offer you coverage so we can check the box that says we cover pre-existing conditions in Trumpcare. They are selling this bye saying they are providing subsidies for those high-risk pools, problem is everyone is looking at the numbers and telling them they are short changing the pools by large amounts.

The original AHCA set aside $130 billion over 10 years for a state stability fund. That fund wasn't explicitly earmarked for high-risk pools, but they were among the functions for which the states could use the funding. Also, a new amendment from Rep. Fred Upton would add another $8 billion to this funding over five years.

Ryan and others have cited state iterations of high-risk pools as a model for the AHCA. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health policy think tank, however, these high-risk pools were woefully underfunded, prohibitively expensive, and few people signed up for them.

Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at Kaiser, said based on old experiences and the number of people with preexisting conditions, high-risk pools need a lot of money put toward them to be effective.

"Even under pretty conservative estimates, a minimally adequate high-risk pool could cost $25 billion per year nationwide," Levitt tweeted Wednesday.

Even an estimated from conservative analysts James C. Capretta and Tom Miller said that in order to operate functional high-risk pools in all 50 states, the federal government would need to provide $15 billion to $20 billion annually, leaving the AHCA short even with the proposed money from Upton's amendment.

A separate analysis from Emily Gee and Topher Spiro at the liberal Center for American Progress found that high-risk pools would need $327 billion over 10 years, leaving the AHCA well short under the current plan.



Can somebody explain something to me?

Before Obamacare, wasn't there a huge issue with insurance companies charging ridiculous premiums for pre-existing conditions or not providing coverage at all?

If that's true, is there any basis for the Republican line of "We don't think our states will do that?"

I've only been keeping up with stuff for a year now so I don't know what it was like back then. It just seems like they are flat out lying. Is that an incorrect assessment?

The fact that they know they can but say they don't think they will tells you all you need to know. If they cared, they'd make it impossible for the state to do that to you.
Nurse Anesthesia?

My wife is about to be a nurse anesthetist in the US. They make VERY good money. It's a very specialized field.

Unfortunately this position doesn't exist in Canada. If it did, we'd probably be considering moving to Canada. We already live in Minnesota, we're almost Canadian anyway :)
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