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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


This is my only account. How long I've been a member is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Don't fall back on grade school tactics. People CAN have differing opinions.

Yes, people can have differing opinions.

Look at the GOP. They believe healthcare is like furniture, that you as an organism are just a fucking commodification device.

It doesn't change the fact some differing opinions are fucking stupid, founded on unreason, and are predicated in violence. I'm giving you a pointer, here.


Ha ha ha ha oh fuck this country.


Watching the press conference where Donalds smug face is there praising them for passing this bill...


Should have saw the video of Democrats singing to Republicans "Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, hey hey hey, goodbye.

That was awesome.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Jimmy Kimmel: Surely nobody is callous and evil enough to think that a person should either die or go bankrupt for getting sick.

Republican Party: Hold our beer.
I'm not against people getting health care if they can't afford it, I'm against everyone being forced to get it.

You can't provide healthcare to people who can't afford it if you don't mandate everyone get on it. This is why the AHCA sucks and why people couldn't afford care before the ACA.

In short: your opinion is garbage and not founded on actual realities.

That's the thing, you have to pick one or the other. That's why this is such a controversial issue in the first place.
Its not actually controversial unless you don't actually believe everyone should have it. So ....


I'm not against people getting health care if they can't afford it, I'm against everyone being forced to get it.

How about having a system where healthcare isn't a choice and offered humanely?

Or are you one of those Ayn Rand high school armchair philosophers who think libertarianism is somehow plausible in the known universe?


Junior Member
What I keep wondering is "what's the mentality behind the people who voted this in?" I mean, I know it's about saving tax money. I guess everything else is just the "bootstraps" mentality.

Read this story on twitter today about a family whose kid has a pre-existing condition and all the shit they had to go through for the kid to not die. I wondered for a bit what the Republican response to this would be and concluded it was probably be something like "why didn't you sell your house or more of your stuff to pay for your kid's health?"

Read another story today about how this relates to abortion -- how making health care less affordable hurts pregnant women (plus pregnancy counting as a pre-existing condition). Most people I hear just say anti-choice people are anti-life or anti-child and how it's hypocrisy. I think the perspective of a lot of anti-choice people on this is the bootstraps ideology again. They want to stop the termination of pregnancies because they see a zygote as a full human life, but also would prefer mothers "pull themselves up by their bootstraps to take care of their kids or keep their legs closed."
I'm not against people getting health care if they can't afford it, I'm against everyone being forced to get it.
OK well here the option is "forcing" people to get it so everyone has basic coverage or stripping away millions of people's Healthcare who not only want it but literally need it to survive.


I hate the "repeal and replace" mindset. Repeal it? Yes. Replace? No. Go back to how it was.
And leave millions of Americans without health insurance? What the fuck is your problem?

We're not talking about a luxury here. We're talking about shit that keeps you alive.
This is my only account. How long I've been a member is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Don't fall back on grade school tactics. People CAN have differing opinions.
Joined in November, but only decided to start posting today in this thread.

Yep, it's a throwaway.


So, you have no solutions, but you favor not being forced to buy insurance?
People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.


Well there's your reason to rid the House of GOP in 2018, people. All those "they don't ACTUALLY want to vote for it.." peeps? Nah.
People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.
Not all jobs offer good health care plans, some don't even have Healthcare benefits at all.

And yeah, this bill is gonna fuck over people who can't work too so there goes another talking point.


I'm not against people getting health care if they can't afford it, I'm against everyone being forced to get it.

In a system with millions of uninsured everyone does pay, it might not be through a mandate, but you do pay.

It's one of the reasons why the US paid vastly more per capita than other advanced nations for healthcare even before the ACA.


What I keep wondering is "what's the mentality behind the people who voted this in?" I mean, I know it's about saving tax money. I guess everything else is just the "bootstraps" mentality.

Read this story on twitter today about a family whose kid has a pre-existing condition and all the shit they had to go through for the kid to not die. I wondered for a bit what the Republican response to this would be and concluded it was probably be something like "why didn't you sell your house or more of your stuff to pay for your kid's health?"

Read another story today about how this relates to abortion -- how making health care less affordable hurts pregnant women (plus pregnancy counting as a pre-existing condition). Most people I hear just say anti-choice people are anti-life or anti-child and how it's hypocrisy. I think the perspective of a lot of anti-choice people on this is the bootstraps ideology again. They want to stop the termination of pregnancies because they see a zygote as a full human life, but also would prefer mothers "pull themselves up by their bootstraps to take care of their kids or keep their legs closed."

Depends who you ask but:

Getting government out of people's lives
Getting Trump a "win"
Undoing something Obama did
Giving people options which will generate competition (not likely or a guarantee)
Keeping bullshit campaign promises
Maintaining appearances with the base's desire, even though it probably works against their best interests
People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.

As the goal posts shift into libertarian inanity


I want muh freedom. That's why I don't buy mandatory car insurance, or have a license to drive. Or go to jury duty. Nobody can tell me what to do.
"We want to give the people options when it comes to health care."

Options when it comes to what? I am sick, ergo I need to be healed.

What are the options? The super healing + package?

The fuck is this shit, commercialization of human suffering.


People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it.

That isn't how any system works.

If everyone isn't paying into it, you are automatically setting up a system where there will be willing participants who can't afford it.

Can't have it both ways. Either you want a system where poor people die or you don't.


People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.

So what's your basis for this

The Constitution doesn't mention healthcare, by the way, because it literally predates the entire concept of health care and even germ theory by a century.

Also, not all jobs come with healthcare.

Also, when you're on disability, your healthcare is not provided for you. Your Medi___ payments come out of your disability check even before it reaches your bank account. Making a barely sustainable help even more thin.


I'm pretty sure if you ask around a large number of politicians don't read the bills they vote on, their aides do and then they give a summary to the politician, pretty sure i read that somewhere. However, it is fucked up nonetheless.

No. I'm sure you're right. I just remember last night there were a bunch of reports that many in the GOP didn't even know what they were voting for aside from some promises of what was in it.

Even today. I think it was a reporter for MSNBC was asking GOP members as they were talking in if they read and it and they just walked passed.


People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.

LOL. Dude, you're fucking hilarious.

Let me ask you a question: who can get a fuckin' job when part-time gig economy work is the norm? You have to fend for your own benefits, which means for the precariat -- the majority of Americans -- benefits are a Google search to see what they could be, but something they'll likely never afford.

You are intellectually and critically deficient when it comes to the depths of the social issues we face, and it's appalling that there's a fucking swarm of people as inept on reality as you in this country.

loljobs as a response are always pigeon shit retorts when someone has no fucking substantive argument other than empty status quo platitudes. Let me guess, you also think poverty is an act of free will?


If only these corporations sold insurance to individuals outside of company-partnered avenues
So what do you do if you have a pre-existing condition that bumps the rate outside your pay grade?

Or what if you're looking for employment because, you know, you don't just magic up a job out of nowhere.
In a system with millions of uninsured everyone does pay, it might not be through a mandate, but you do pay.
The fundamental truth of it all.

We all pay for those emergency room visits because everybody needs and uses healthcare, its just we don't necessarily know when and how much it will cost when the time comes.

Thus the individual mandate, which is understandably unpopular, but necessary.
People shouldn't be forced to have health care if they (for whatever reason) don't want it. If you want your choice of care, get a job. Obviously people with disabilities and illnesses that prohibit labor are an exception, and deserve assistance.

Having a job will not save you in this situation, you will still pay more and can be dropped experience high premiums if you do get sick.

People with disabilities, that are raped, etc. will lose coverage under this.

Insurance only works as a thing because most people on it are healthy and cover those who aren't healthy. That's how the whole thing works, no way around it.

I shouldn't have to be forced to pay for dropping bombs, or covering the paycheck politicians I disagree with, but here we are.


LOL. Dude, you're fucking hilarious.

Let me ask you a question: who can get a fuckin' job when part-time gig economy work is the norm? You have to fend for your own benefits, which means for the precariat -- the majority of Americans -- benefits are a Google search to see what they could be, but something they'll likely never afford.

You are intellectually and critically deficient when it comes to the depths of the social issues we face, and it's appalling that there's a fucking swarm of people as inept on reality as you in this country.

loljobs as a response are always pigeon shit retorts when someone has no fucking substantive argument other than empty status quo platitudes. Let me guess, you also think poverty is an act of free will?
You've made several assumptions now. Each of your posts ended in "LEL LET ME GUESS YOU'RE [insert baseless assumption here]". You've made no points, only tried baiting me. Fuck off.
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